Dobrogea Mountains - Munții Dobrogei

Dobrogea Mountains represents a chain of the Balkan Mountains, located in Dobrogea, on the Romanian territory.

Geographical location

  • Coordinates: 45 ° 10′N 28 ° 18′E / 45.167, 28.345 ° 10′N 28 ° 18′E / 45.167, 28.3
  • Area 111 km²

The Dobrogea Mountains are the oldest mountains in Romania, the result of the Hercynian orogeny. The altitude varies in the park between 7 and 467 meters, the maximum altitude being reached in Țuțuiatul Peak. The northernmost point is near Galati, in the place called "Pinteacul Bugeacului", and the southernmost point is near the locality Limanu, Constanța (where the Limanu cave is located.

The Dobrogea Mountains are divided into:

  • North Dobrogea Plateau
  • The plateau of South Dobrogea
    • high coastal area
    • The Medgidia plateau
    • The Black Voda Plateau
    • The Oltina plateau

Climate it is manifested by a temperate regime with pronounced continentalism, with the summers being dry, and the winters being cold and lacking in humidity.

To know

The geographical position and climate of these mountains has determined a unique ecosystem in Europe:

  • Over 1770 plant species;
  • 181 species of birds;
  • 47 species of mammals;
  • 1436 species of insects, of which over 900 species of butterflies;
  • 11 species of reptiles;
  • 7 species of amphibians.

External links

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