Musṭurud - Musṭurud

Musṭurud ·مسطرد
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Musturud (also Mostorod, Arabic:مسطرد‎, Musṭurud) is a small industrial town in the northeast of Cairo in the governorate el-Qalyūbīya with 106,280 inhabitants (2006).[1] The Church of St. Virgo that runs along the Escape route of St. family and is an important pilgrimage destination every year in August.


Map of Musṭurud

The city of Musṭurud is located about 3 kilometers northwest of the Cairo district el-Maṭarīya and northeast of the city Schubrā el-Cheima in the south of the Cairo ring road and about 10 kilometers north of Cairo city center. The cityscape is mainly shaped by various companies such as oil refineries, steel processing companies, textile and electronics manufacturers.

The city is bordered by the Ismailiya Canal (Arabic:ترعة الإسماعيلية‎, Turʿat al-Ismāʿīlīya) intersected.

The place was the station of St. Family on their return journey to Palestine. Here they found refuge in a cave, and the water from the nearby well was used for drinking, washing and bathing. The place gets occasional too el-Maḥamma (Arabic:المحمة‎, „the bathroom") called.

getting there

The easiest way to get there by car or taxi is via the Cairo ring road. There is a separate branch for the city 1 Branch to Musturud(30 ° 9 '48 "N.31 ° 18 ′ 13 ″ E) to the south.

The city is not connected to the Cairo subway network. The closest stations would be 2 El-Matariya, 3 Ain Shams or 4 Ezbet El-Nakhl on line 1 to el-Marg about 3 kilometers east of Musturud.

Tourist Attractions

North side of the Church of St. Virgin
Inside the Church of St. Virgin
Stairs to the cave chapel
St. family
Water from the holy well

The main attraction is of course the 1 Church of St. Virgin Mary(30 ° 8 ′ 22 ″ N.31 ° 17 ′ 29 ″ E), Arabic:كنيسة السيدة العذراء مريم‎, Kanīsat as-Saiyida al-ʿAḏrāʾ Maryam, Tel .: 20 (0) 2 4220 1530, (0) 2 4223 1372), which is located on the west side of the Ismailiya Canal (about 250 meters to the north there is a bridge over the canal). The bell tower in the north-east of the site, which was only built in 1961, leads to the entrance of the church, which is located on its north side.

The church has three aisles, in the east are the three heicals (sanctuaries) for John the Baptist (north, left), for St. Virgin (center) and St. Georg (right). The hot spots are separated from the community room by a wooden screen wall with inlaid work. The upper part of the icon wall is filled with various icons. The screen walls in the aisles are older than those in the middle and are said to date from the Middle Ages. On the south wall of the church there are other icons such as St. Virgin saint Dimiana, the Assumption, the Martyrdom of St. Peter, the stoning of St. Stephen and the raising of Lazarus.

On the inner north side of the church, two opposite stairs - in the east and in the west - lead to a small cave sanctuary, which is decorated with an icon of St. Virgin and candles is decorated. This cave was used by St. Family as shelter during their return journey to the Holy Land.

To the east of this cave is the well from which St. Family got the water for drinking and washing. According to tradition, it was created by Jesus himself. The well water can be taken from the taps on the side.

The modern church was built directly above the cave. The first documented new building of a church for St. Jungfrau was created here in 1185 at the time of the Patriarch Markus III. It is assumed, however, that there were previous buildings at this point since 374 (year 91 AM of the Coptic calendar).

The church is crowned with a dome over the holy of holies and in the central nave, on each of which there is a cross.

Immediately to the east of the church is the 2 great mosque(30 ° 8 ′ 21 ″ N.31 ° 17 ′ 30 ″ E), Arabic:المسجد الكبير‎, al-Masǧid al-Kabīr, from Musturud.


On the occasion of the return of the Assumption, a mulid (festival) takes place every year from August 7th to 22nd, to which several hundred thousand pilgrims arrive. Other special services will take place on the 24th Baschans / Paschons (June 1st) on the occasion of the arrival of St. Family in Egypt and on the 8th Ba'ūna / Paoni (June 15) on the occasion of the consecration of the church in 91 AM of the Coptic calendar (374 AD).


Restaurants are usually found in Cairo.


Numerous accommodations are located in the neighboring town Cairo.


Of course there are excursions to Cairo at. The Jungfrauenbaum and the Obelisk Sesostris ’I. in are relatively close el-Maṭarīya and the summer palace of Muḥammad ʿAlī in Schubrā el-Cheima.


  • Meinardus, Otto F. A.: Christian Egypt, ancient and modern. Cairo: American University at Cairo Press, 1977 (2nd edition), ISBN 978-977-201-496-5 , P. 253 f.

Web links

  • Coptic Synaxarium (Martyrologium) for 8. Ba'ūna (Coptic Orthodox Church Network)

Individual evidence

  1. Population according to the 2006 Egyptian census, Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, accessed December 15, 2014.
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