Mynämäki - Mynämäki

Mynämäki train station

Mynämäki[1] is a municipality In Southwest Finland. There are 7,836 inhabitants (May 31, 2017). The municipality's central station is located next to the Turku-Pori highway (highway 8).






  • Mynämäki Church (Church of St. Laurus), Kirkkokatu 3. Finland's second largest medieval greystone church. Located in the center of Mynämäki.
  • Church of the MildKirkkotie 104. Gray stone church located in the center of Mietoinen.
  • Church of KareliaKarjalankyläntie 58. A wooden church located in Karelia.
  • Memorial statue of Antti Lizelius. Located in the heart of Mynämäki, next to the church.
  • The boundary stone of KuhankuonoP Geography 3 b.png. Border laundry for seven municipalities in Kurjenrahka National Park.
  • Marekivi. A special stone in the center of Mynämäki in front of the town hall (Keskuskatu).


  • Kurjenrahka National ParkP Geography 3 b.png. Part of the national park is on the side of Mynämäki municipality. The center of Mynämäki is about a 45-minute drive from the national park’s main car park.
  • Mietoistenlahti bird water areaP Geography 3 b.png. Mietoistenlahti is one of the most valuable bird waters in Finland. There are bird towers and trails in the area.



  • K-Supermarket MynämäkiP Geography 3 b.pngKeskuskatu 27, 358-207669780. Mon-Sat 07: 00-21: 00, Sun 10: 00-21: 00. Located in the center of Mynämäki.
  • Pyhe village shopP Geography 3 b.pngPyhäntie 3. Mon-Fri 8: 00-20: 00, Sat-Sun 10: 00-20: 00. Located along Kustavintie in Pyhe, Mietois.
  • S-Market MynämäkiP Geography 3 b.pngValtakatu 1. Mon-Sat 07: 00-21: 00, Sun 10: 00-21: 00. Located in the center of Mynämäki, next to Highway 8.


  • Restaurant Henry'sP Geography 3 b.png.
  • Restaurant OscarP Geography 3 b.pngAgency route 1, 358-2-4328595. Kebab pizzeria in the center of Mynämäki.
  • Rim ThangP Geography 3 b.pngSaarentie 428, 358-400-199350. Thai restaurant on Kustavintie in Pyhe, Mietois. lunch buffet € 8.90.
  • Tuomas' RoomP Geography 3 b.pngValtakatu 2, 358-400-365338, e-mail: . Mon-Fri 5: 30-18: 00, Sat: 8: 00-16: 00. Café-lunch restaurant-bakery shop near the Turku-Pori highway. Lunch buffet € 9.20.



  • Pub CornerP Geography 3 b.pngKeskuskatu 24, 358-40-2189743. Mon-Fri 8: 30-20: 00, Sat 9: 00-20: 00. Cafe in the center of Mynämäki.
  • Tuomas' RoomP Geography 3 b.pngValtakatu 2, 358-400-365338, e-mail: . Mon-Fri 5:30 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat 8 a.m.-4 p.m.. Café-lunch restaurant-bakery shop near the Turku-Pori highway.

Bars & pubs





Price methods

Stay safe

Stay healthy

  • Mynämäki PharmacyP Geography 3 b.pngKeskuskatu 13 B 3, 358-2-4338100, e-mail: .
  • Mynämäki Health CenterKuivelantie 10. about 700 meters from the center of Mynämäki
  • Mild Health CenterKirkkotie 98.

Take contact

Continue your journey

  • Rauma by car or bus. The drive takes about 50 minutes. By bus, the journey takes about an hour.
  • Archipelago ring road along.P Geography 3 b.png. Tourist road by bike or car. The route passes through the Mild.
  • To Turku by car or bus. The drive takes about 30 minutes. By bus, the journey takes about 35-50 minutes.
  • To Vaskijärvi Nature ParkP Geography 3 b.png. Located in Yläne.
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