Meroe - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Méroé — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Sudan Meroe Pyramids 2001.JPG
16 ° 56 ′ 7 ″ N 33 ° 45 ′ 3 ″ E

Meroe is an ancient city located on the east bank of the Nile, in the north of Sudan, at about 200 km north-east of Khartoum. The site is home to more than 200 Nubian pyramids divided into three distinct groups. The site is registered at Unesco World Heritage.


To go

By car

Meroe is easily accessible from Khartoum by the road. All buses between Khartoum and Atbara and between Shendi and Atbara will pass the pyramids. Just ask to get off at Bajarawiya (small town adjacent to Meroe).

By plane

The nearest airport is at Shendi, at about 45 km at the South West. Shendi Airport does not have regular commercial flights, but charter flights can be arranged from Khartoum. But as Meroe is easily accessible from Khartoum by road, this means of transport is mainly intended for people in a hurry and / or with full pockets. If you are paying for a charter flight, you must have the pilot fly over Meroe, giving you panoramic aerial views that may justify the expense.


To see


To buy


Have a drink / Go out


  • 1 Meroe Tented Camp , Logo indicating a telephone number  249 011 487961 Logo indicating tariffs 95 $/120 $. – It is the only accommodation option near Meroe, a spectacular location to watch the sunset over the pyramids. The camp is comfortable, but useful ... they are "tents" after all. Each tent has electricity, a private veranda (view of the pyramids at sunrise and sunset!), Beds and some furniture. The toilets are in a concrete building behind the tents with one toilet assigned to each tent. The showers only have cold water. Food is available especially Italian cuisine thanks to the Italian owners. Locals stop occasionally to offer handicrafts and camel rides.

If you have your own tent, camping is permitted in the wilderness, except within 100 m of one of the pyramids. It is possible to find accommodation in one of the few villages located near the site, collectively called Bagrawiyah.


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