Northern Mariana Islands - Nördliche Marianen

The Northern Mariana Islands are a suburb of the United States in the Pacific Ocean.


The Northern Mariana Islands consist of the North Islands and the South Islands. The northern islands are all uninhabited today, only three of the southern islands are inhabited:

Other goals


The Marianas, which at that time also included the island that is independent today Guam were discovered by Ferdinand Magellan in 1521 and subsequently claimed by Spain.

After the defeat in the Spanish-American War of 1898, the Mariana Islands were divided: while the island of Guam came under the control of the United States, Spain sold the other islands (the northern Mariana Islands) to Germany; they became part of the German New Guinea colony. After World War I, Germany lost the colony and the islands were held in trust by Japan until the islands finally had to be given to the United States after World War II.

Economically, the island is almost entirely dependent on American development aid. In the past, the area was able to benefit from its special status as an outer area of ​​the United States because numerous protective laws such as the minimum wage or the prohibition of child labor did not apply here. The American entry regulations did not apply to these islands either, which is why numerous Chinese immigrants came to the island as cheap labor. Since 2009 all of these regulations have been removed and the islands have failed to develop a new source of income. There is very limited tourism mainly from South Korea.

getting there

Entry requirements

Since the Northern Mariana Islands are a suburb of the United States, their entry requirements also apply here, i.e. you have to register in the ESTA system and apply for an electronic visa there.

Citizens from 14 countries are exceptionally allowed to enter the Northern Mariana Islands for up to 45 days without the US entry formalities. According to the current status (2017), this includes not a German-speaking country. Citizens from German-speaking countries are therefore dependent on the ESTA system for the time being.

By plane

The only international airport is that 1 Saipan Airport. Direct connections exist mainly to Korea (Seoul-Incheon), China (Beijing, Shanghai) and Hong Kong. There are no connections from the USA to the Northern Mariana Islands.

By boat

There is currently no regular shipping to the Northern Mariana Islands.


There are flight connections between all three inhabited islands of the archipelago.


The official languages ​​of the archipelago are English, Chamorro and Carolinian. Usually you can get by with English without any problems.


  • Diving





Mainly large hotel chains are represented in the Northern Mariana Islands, the price level is correspondingly high. Cheap accommodation is very rare.

Learn and study

There is no higher education institution on the islands.


The labor market in the Northern Mariana Islands is considered to be very difficult, if one can get a work permit at all, because there has been a large surplus of labor (especially since 2009).

public holidays



Climate and travel time

The Northern Mariana Islands have a tropical climate with distinct rainy and dry seasons. The dry season runs from January to July, the rainy season from July to December. Typhoons can hit the islands but are rare.

Rules and respect

Post and Telecommunications

The Northern Mariana Islands are served by US Mail. Despite its very remote location, normal domestic rates apply to letters and parcels between the islands and the rest of the United States. However, this does not apply to private delivery services such as FedEx, UPS or DHL.

The islands have also been part of the NANP since 1997, so calls to the United States are also domestic calls.

Foreign missions

References to literature and maps

Web links

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