Nha Trang - Nha Trang

Nha Trang is a city in the Vietnamese province Khanh Hòa and a popular destination for tourists

Nha Trang
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getting there

Ho Chi Minh City450 km
Panorma: Panorama of the Cai river

By plane

The 1 Cam Ranh International AirportCam Ranh International Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCam Ranh International Airport in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryCam Ranh International Airport (Q25226) in the Wikidata database(IATA: CXR) is about 40 km south.

By train

By bus

In the street

By boat

Cruise ships often dock a little south in the port of 2 Cầu Đá or they anchor here and bring their passengers ashore by tender boat.


Map of Nha Trang

Tourist Attractions

Floating baskets.
  • 1  Cham towers. Po Nagar. On a hill (after the bridge on the left) when you come from the city you will find the Cham towers. The buildings from the 12th century have been preserved as if they were only a few decades old. The stones were stacked on top of each other without mortar. First of all you are impressed by the pillared hall (see picture) at the foot of the hill. Sanskrit inscriptions can still be found on some walls. There is a great view back over the port of Nha Trang and the mouth of the Cai River.
  • Nha Trang. Nha Trang is also called the Nice of Vietnam. The beach is about 4 km long. There are many stalls lined up along the promenade where locals sell souvenirs. It pays to compare and haggle. And not everything that is offered as real is also real (e.g. pearls, which are also advertised en masse made of plastic). Unfortunately, many modern hotel boxes are pulled up (see picture) which threatens to dampen the charm considerably. To the north is the cape Hon Chong, which is worth visiting because of its large rock formations. On the way there you can see the round ones floating basketsthat fishermen use as dinghies.



Cape Hon Chong.

There are many stalls selling souvenirs on the promenade. Among other things, pearls (real and fake and those made of plastic), salad servers and water buffalo horn (nice to look at, but useless because it doesn't tolerate the vinegar and heat anyway).



  • Jungle Beach (64 kilometers from Nha Trang, 15 miles from Highway 1). - However, this backpacker alternative is 1 hour's drive from Nha Trang and therefore not recommended for just 1 night. There are 3 rooms in a longhouse and 10 rather simple huts with mattresses, blankets, pillows, mosquito nets and fans.





Panorma: Cham towers Po Nagar





Practical advice


Islands: There are a number of islands in front of Na Trang

  • 2  Monkey Island
  • 3  Hòn Chồng Island
  • Hòn Tằm Iceland
  • Hon Mun Island
  • 4  Hòn Con Sẻ Tre Island
  • Hòn Ông Iceland
  • Đảo Yến Island. (Swallow Island).
  • Hon Tre Island
  • Hòn Bà Island


Web links

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