Norberg - Norberg

Area code
Official website

Norberg is an urban area in Västmanland and central town in Norberg municipality.

Elsa Andersson's patisserie
Myrbergs car workshop, at Karlbergs hembygdsgård
Museum railway from Ängelsberg to Norberg in summer

To take with you to Norberg

To bring with you from Norberg

Facts about Norberg


The iron production in Norberg can be traced back to the 5th century, but the area has been populated since the Nordic Stone Age. The blast furnace plant at Lapphyttan, probably from the 11th to the 21st century (today under reconstruction elsewhere), shows the beginning of the mining community that emerged in Bergslagen. Already in the Middle Ages, there was a market place in Norberg where the miners in the surrounding areas gathered. The oldest preserved buildings in Norberg are gathered by the Norberg River, which flows through the town near Norberg's church with farms dating from the Middle Ages, while many current buildings are from the 18th century. The oldest parts of Norberg's church, including the arches, are from the 14th and 14th centuries. The interior was changed after a large fire in 1727. The church tower was rebuilt in 1904. In the cemetery there is also a bone chamber from the 18th century.

Despite an extensive fire in the middle of the 18th century, you can still see the original building pattern in central Norberg with sheds, laundry rooms and breweries along the river, while manor houses and residential buildings were some distance away.

The blast furnace's blast furnace was closed for good in 1981.

Norbergs was and still is today a church village in Norbergs parish and after the municipal reform of 1862 was part of Norbergs county municipality where Norbergs municipal community was established for the town 30 September 1889. In 1952 the county municipality was transformed with the municipal community into Norbergs köping where the investigation of the community's buildings only occupied a small part of köping municipality. . In 1971, köping in Norberg municipality amounted to Norberg as its central town.

The locals


  • The marsh mine

Getting to Norberg

By plane

By bus

Västmanland's local traffic[1] runs bus traffic to and from Norberg. Line 85 runs Norberg-Kärrgruvan, line 86 Norberg-Karbenning-Västerfärnebo-Sala and line 500 Köping-Skinnskatteberg-Fagersta-Norberg-Avesta/ Krylbo.

By train

A summer railway runs between Norberg and Ängelsberg in summer. Connection to the Bergslagspendeln can take place in Änelsberg.

With car

With bike

Relocation in Norberg

By bus

By train

With car

By taxi

With bike


Acceptable currencies

Traveler's checks

Charge card






Hostel and camping

Food and drinks


  • Elsa Andersson's patisserie

Pubs and bars

To see

  • New Lapphyttan
  • Karlbergs hembygdsgård, including about Ferdinand Boberg
  • Polhemsstånggången
  • Mining Museum

To do



The Engelbrekt race on skis






Problem solver


Other destinations around Norberg
  • Engelsberg Mill, World Heritage Site
  • Högfors mill, cabin ruin
Absolutely not to be missed