North Africa - Norte da África

O North is a region of Africa. Several countries in this region are influenced by Arab culture.


North African countries



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North Africa, as a region, is very different from countries to the south. The people and culture are Arab, the food is different and Islam is the dominant religion. Many organizations now group North Africa and the Middle East as MENA (Middle East and North Africa) because North Africa has so much more in common with countries like Syria or Jordan than countries like mali or Costa do Marfim.


The peoples of North Africa have seen many empires come and go, each bringing wars and contributions to local culture. Ancient Egypt was one of the longest-lived urban civilizations in the world, and Phoenicia, ancient Greece, and later the Roman Empire came to dominate the Mediterranean Sea. Arabs and Islam arrived in the 7th century and were displaced by the Ottoman Empire. The French colonial empire now included Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, and had the Suez Canal completed in 1869. During World War II in Africa, the Italians and later the Germans failed to conquer all of North Africa. After the war, the countries of North Africa became independent, with the exception of some coastal territories from (North African Spanish). North Africa was the scene of the Cold War with mostly authoritarian leaders. In 2010, the 'Arab Spring' it began as a series of public uprisings. From 2020 onwards, the result was mixed, with Tunisia adopting a democratic constitution and Libya trapped in civil war.


Arabic is undoubtedly the dominant language and the official language in all North African countries. However, Arabic dialects are mutually unintelligible, so there is no way a tourist who speaks standard Arabic would understand a Moroccan who speaks his dialect. However, Standard Arabic is always the official language and, with the exception of Western Sahara, almost all urban people are able to speak it.

French is the second best-known language in Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, due to much of the area's history as a French colony. In Libya and Egypt, English is the second dominant language (except among older Libyans, where Italian is more prevalent)

Many people in North Africa, especially in Algeria and Morocco, speak Berber as their first language.

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