Paimio - Paimio


Paimio[1] is a city In Southwest Finland.


Before traveling to Paimio, the traveler needs to understand the various small cultural differences to avoid conflicts. In the local way, it is not about taking care of common things or not talking about the things of others. Talking about dog poop, lawn mowing times, and Vistantie shelters is part of everyday interaction, and a traveler who completely ignores these topics is often considered crooked.


In the heart of the city center, it is possible to walk along a beautiful, asphalted park corridor from the cemetery surrounding Paimio Church to a cemetery a short distance away. Park benches and rubbish bins have been planted along the way for the walker.


Paimio's culturally significant sights include the Paimio Electricity Museum. On Vistantie, next to the fire station, the idyllic 18th-century basement space hosts constantly changing exhibitions and sells ice cream cones of different flavors.


When moving to Paimio, it is recommended to enter into an electricity contract in order to be able to light up your apartment or use consumer electronics, for example. The state-owned company Fortum Corporation is responsible for non-competitive electricity transmission in the region.


It is also possible to buy travel tickets for buses in Paimio. Shake your hand when you see the multi-window, rather long vehicle and the happy customer service staff will tell you the price and terms of the service.


Ala-Vista is beautified by the locally favored Heimon Grilli, which has been criticized for the illogicality of the portions. For example, even a subscriber will be disappointed; spices are not included in the dose.


Second, the concentrations of coliforms in the Paimionjoki water remain only in the Ganges and in the tap water of Turku, and it is therefore not recommended to consume it.


There are currently two cafés in Paimio, as well as several other stores that engage in café activities, among other activities. This article only lists those cafes where you can get a little coffee for less than three euros.

Bars & pubs & nightclubs

There are currently two nightclubs in Paimio, the club's favorite Club Helmi on Vistantie and the dilapidated Restaurant Poimari on Pussitie.


Paimion Motel has been closed down and there is currently no operating accommodation in the city. The motel's 15 square meter apartments are for sale at a price of 30,000e each.

Price methods

The price level of both rental and owner-occupied housing is extremely high in relation to the city's situation and location, and it is not realistic for a real estate investor to expect an increase in value, on the contrary, as in 2012

Stay safe

The police carry out visible surveillance at Tammisilla ABC and Ajurintie liquid every day until 24:00. Due to the constant presence of the authorities, these slightly remote service stations are considered to be safer places than, for example, the downtown area.

Stay healthy

At Paimio Parantola, now the pulmonary disease unit of Turku University Central Hospital, a lung patient can enjoy a hospital complex embedded in an idyllic pine forest designed by Alvar Aalto.

Take contact

A longer-term visitor may want a Library Card from Paimio Library. However, before purchasing a card, you should contact your debt counselor and possibly quick loan companies, as the library's fines are the highest in Finland.

In matters related to winter maintenance, the noise of leaf blowers or the behavior of young people, please contact Kunnallislehti, tel. (02) 588 8650

Continue your journey

The train no longer leaves Paimio and the buses do not run at night. However, an immediate continuation of the journey is recommended, and even the nearest neighboring cities are only a three- to four-hour walk away.

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