Packing list - Pakkauslista

This article is tourism topic.


Even the most experienced travelers almost always forget something. Packing list help pack all your important items, and before you leave you can go through it item by item checking that everything is included.

You should keep the packing list for your next trip. Add to it the things you found you needed on the go and remove the things you took with you but never used. A packing list can also be helpful if you plan to seek compensation from an insurance company if any bag is lost.

This article will give you some tips on what to pack for your trip.

Get started

Understand your destinationto understand what you might need along the way and what you probably won’t need. For example, is it worth packing an umbrella, is some type of headgear enough, or should you buy an umbrella on site?

Are you going shopping? If you plan to, pack an extra, smaller bag that you can use as a carry-on bag on the way back and where you can empty the contents of the actual bag, which you can put in your purchases.

Money is easy to change into clothes at the destination. The old rule goes: plan first how much goods and money you need, then halve quantity of goods and doubles amount.

If you’re traveling in the wilderness, visit a batch supply store before your trip and make sure you have everything you need.

Remember luggage size and weight restrictions . This is not such a big problem when you travel by train, bus or boat but they also sometimes cost extra. If instead you fly and you are “overweight” you may have to pay a pretty hard price for it; so check the size and weight restrictions on the airline's website before departure.

If you are traveling to the wilderness or are planning to visit several places a good idea is to exercise smaller bags or plastic bags of different colors which you then end up packing in a big bag. This keeps the goods in better order and dry, and if some clothes start to smell, the smell doesn’t spread as easily to other clothes.


Tickets and itinerary

If you travel by plane, train, etc., don’t forget tickets.

Print travel plans, hotel reservations, etc. on paper, and the benefits themselves and some border authorities may ask for them in some countries.

Identity cards

When traveling abroad you need passin, identity card or, in some cases, pre-purchased visa. It is also a good idea to pack a couple of passport photos if you need more visas along the way.

A young person who intends to go to bars or nightclubs should bring a driver's license or ID card as there is no need to carry a passport with them in nightlife where it can be lost.

In many countries, border authorities are interested in where you plan to stay. Keep a copy of your hotel reservation with you, or if you are staying with an acquaintance or relative, their name, address and telephone number, and let them know your outcome in advance. Otherwise, you may not be able to enter the ground. Business travelers also need invitation letter.

If you enter the country with a visa that prohibits work, area pack a CV or tools, for example.

If you are traveling with a child, you may need papers that you are indeed the child’s guardian. If only one parent is traveling, and especially if your child has a different last name, authorities may suspect that you are abducting another child. In this case, a power of attorney written by the other parent may become necessary.

It is a good idea to bring different membership cards.

And finally: it’s a good idea to bring copies of all your documents with you just in case, and leave still other copies at home with some guy.

For entertainment

For long waits and trips, it's a good idea to bring:

  • Music or audiobooks with an mp3 player.
  • Books; however, the books are relatively heavy on the long run. Books can be exchanged with other travelers.
  • Electronic games or playing cards.


If you are traveling by car, in addition to your regular driver's license, some countries require it international driving license which can be purchased from the Automobile Association. In the most exotic countries, a Carnet de Passage is also required in order for the car to be imported.

You should include travel guides for your trip - such as printed pages about Wikiversity and service providers' schedules and price lists. Alternatively, you can take a laptop or a mobile phone with internet access for the trip.

If you are going to the wilderness you should take it with you compass or GPS receiver. Travelers to other continents should know that compasses are calibrated for the area where they are sold and, for example, a compass purchased in Finland in Australia will throw some.

Small flashlight can be useful.


If you do not speak the local language you should check out before you travel travel dictionaries and learn the basics. Locals are often pleasantly surprised if you know how to greet and thank them in their own language.


On the go as you go you need money; For more information on payment instruments, see the article monetary.

In some countries talent are more important than money. If you visit an acquaintance living abroad, it is often appropriate to bring a small gift.

When packing, always leave room for shopping and bring an extra bag. Otherwise, it can be tricky to get all the goods back with you.


Of course, what clothes you pack depends on where you are going. If possible, it is worth packing such claims that can be used in many different situations.

For a trip lasting several weeks, you may want to consider washing clothes or buying new clothes on site instead of carrying clothes with you in your bags. swimsuit however, it is recommended if you find on site that the hotel has a swimming pool.

Boots are large and awkward to pack. For the trip, you should take shoes that can walk even long distances, regardless of whether you are going for a hike or a city trip. Pull your shoes on as you leave to save space in your suitcases. Lightweight beach / slippers are often a good place to bring, although in Mediterranean countries, for example, they can be bought cheaply and effortlessly on the street.

It’s annoying to notice at a destination that you’ve packed too much stuff or that you’ve forgotten something important. Plan ahead for what you plan to pack with you instead of packing in a panic on the last night before you leave.

Traveling without extra clothing

Sometimes it is cheapest and most practical to buy the necessary clothes on the spot on the way. Put on old clothes that you can afford to throw away and buy new clothes at your destination. Admittedly, you could get into the binoculars ’binoculars if you don’t have any luggage.

Stay safe

  • Money belt or passport pockets are quite good to keep on the go, pickpockets are everywhere.
  • For air travel worth taking belt and buckle around the suitcase, to ensure that the suitcase does not open - bag handlers are not always careful when loading or unloading. If you are traveling to the USA, for example, make sure that the lock is a model for which the TSA has public keys [1]; if your bag looks suspicious they will open it even by force.

The bag should be kept in mind when traveling, as there is always a risk that a thief will "find" it, for example if you go to the toilet and leave the bag outside the door. At airports, the bag should never be left "alone", it can even be thought of as a bomb and you can access the interrogation room of the airport police.

For safety, you should keep it with you Consulate of Finland or the EU address and telephone information and address and telephone information for acquaintances living in the home country.

Most tourists do not voluntarily leave for countries where there is war or other conflict. However, if you need to travel there, check the information in advance in the newsletters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and local authorities and organizations. war zones.

Stay healthy

If you have travel insurance you must include a detailed description of what your insurance covers and the contact information of the insurance company.

If you live in a hotel, you will usually find towels, soap and shampoo in your room. You can bring your own toothbrush, deodorant, razors and tampons on the trip or buy them on site (although if you are traveling to third world countries or going to the wilderness, you should buy the goods before the trip for safety reasons). In some countries there are no public toilets toilet paper, but everyone carries what they need.

Liquid bottles filled with hand luggage larger than 100 ml (3.4 fl. Oz.) Shall not be carried in airplanes. [2]. Cosmetics, etc. are worth putting in hold bags, and if you absolutely need something during the flight, they can be purchased in “travel-size” size at airport stores. Also, consider whether it is worth buying the liquids and gels you need on site.

A small bottle handbags can be a good example food poisoning or in connection with another disease. If you are going to be a lot outdoors you should pack along as well sunglasses, sunscreen, lip balm etc. Insecticide is a good pack especially for trips to tropical countries where insect stings can be serious consequences. Small first aid kit may become necessary - small wounds can happen anywhere.

In some countries even for a larger first aid kit may have use. If you know of a travel doctor or other medical professional, ask them for advice.

If you use something regular medicines, take them with you enough for the trip. Keep the medicines in the original packaging and at least bring a copy of the prescriptions or prescriptions as original so that you can find out to the customs / border authorities what pills you are carrying in your bag. Remember that medicines sold in Finland are not always legal all over the world. Some medicines, such as Aspirin, are usually also available on-site. If you have any allergies or permanent illnesses, keep information about them with you, for example in your wallet. You can also take a prescription for glasses if your eyewear is lost or broken on the way.

If you go to tropical countries, also read the article tropical diseases.

See and Do

For a trip like a trip you should take camera, as well as enough storage space and batteries. Camera charger mixed adapter it is also worth bringing along. Make sure before you travel that they can be used in the destination country.

In addition, if you are planning to play sports on the go, you can pack golf clubs, skis, diving equipment or similar.

An alternative is to rent equipment on site. There are additional fees for renting equipment and in the worst case, the size of the diving suit, for example, that is suitable for you cannot be found in the rental shop. However, if you bring your own equipment you may have to pay extra for them on the plane and there is always the possibility that your expensive equipment will be broken or lost during transport.

Eat and Drink

Traveling is often associated with waiting at airports, ship terminals, train stations, etc. Pack a little water and something snack for these moments.They cost quite a lot in the above places. It is not allowed to bring filled bottles over 100 ml into the aircraft, but you can always bring an empty bottle through a security check and then fill it with water.

If you are going on a hiking trip or other place where there is a long way to shop, you should also pack food, drink and cooking utensils.


  • Flashlight - for power failures and if you move outdoors in the dark.
  • Energy bars - nature walks
  • Toilet paper
  • Batteries- batteries sold in some countries are counterfeit and / or inefficient.
  • Mosquito repellent and sunscreen
  • Pain cream
  • Earplugs and eye protection when trying to sleep in an uncomfortable environment such as an airplane.
  • Alarm clock to back up your mobile phone's alarm clock function - especially if you have an early flight or train.

Take contact

Mobile phone is almost self-evident when traveling, but if you’re going outside of Europe you should check in advance if your cell phone works in your destination country. For example, in the United States and Canada, the GSM network operates on a different frequency than in Europe. countries quad band phone. In South Korea and Japan, for example, there is no GSM network at all, of course the phone can be taken as a camera or a clock device. If you have a 3G phone, it may work. Charger included, and as needed adapter! You should also take an ipod or MP3 player if the trips are long.

Laptop that is, a laptop can be good on the go; many hotels have wireless internet access so you can check timetables, prices and maps as you need them. You can also save Wikibooks articles and other information to your computer if you suspect that you cannot access the Internet. Admittedly, if you have a laptop included it’s worth keeping an eye on otherwise someone may “find” it. In countries where not everyone has internet access at home, internet cafes are common. However, the machine of an internet café in a developing country is the last place where you should log in to online banking, for example.