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Postal code
38 ° 6 ′ 56 ″ N 13 ° 21 ′ 41 ″ E
Official site

Palermo is the regional capital of Sicily.


Palermo is a city of 700,000 inhabitants ; yet the traveler could imagine himself in the heart of a metropolis of several million inhabitants so much the omnipresent noise, the infernal traffic and the moist heat reinforce the sensation of urban chaos. In short, you have to be in good shape to walk around Palermo (let's not even talk about driving). The distances to the center are reasonable (1,5 km from the station (Stazione Centrale, in the south) to piazza Castelnuovo (in the north). We can also try the bus. Important lines pass in front of the Stazione or at the intersection Via Emmanuele Corso / Via Maqueda (Piazza Pretoria).


Precipitation diagram in mm
Temperature diagram in ° C
Temp. max. annual mean in ° C
Temp. min. annual mean in ° C
Annual precipitation in mm
Legend: Temp. maxi and mini in ° CPrecipitation in mm

To go

By plane

Arrival at Punta Raisi airport (40 km of Palermo) is magnificent: a huge rock plunges directly into an emerald sea and the airport stands at the border between the two. To reach Palermo, it is possible to rent a car or take the coach (departure from the arrivals terminal, price of the trip: 6,1  in December 2012). There is also a train at the departures terminal (every half hour, commute 30 min avoiding traffic jams) but which has been under construction since October 2010 and temporarily no longer serves the Stazione Centrale.

Alternatively, Birgi Airport located in Trapani is the main airport low cost from the island. Bus Terravision allow travel from Birgi airport to Palermo city center.

If you choose to travel by car, it is better to park far from the center.


As in many large cities, traffic is often heavy and traffic jams are frequent. We are in Italy, so we must add the swarms of mopeds slaloming between cars. All punctuated by incessant blasts of the horn and barely visible pedestrian crossings. Finally, we are in southern Italy, and the vision of the highway code is a bit "special": red lights not always respected, overtaking despite the white lines, etc ...

This unflattering picture is however greatly compensated by the fact that Palermitans do not have such aggressive behavior: the horn is mainly used to warn the other of his presence (and not to summon him to release or leave the passage) and even scooters stop easily to allow pedestrians to cross. A certain respect for the other is therefore perceptible, even if caution is obviously required.

Watch out for Via Roma, which is regularly cut off from traffic (especially on Sunday afternoons).

To see

Palazzo dei Normanni

Unfortunately, the pleasure of the visit is often spoiled by the traffic (absent or narrow sidewalks) even if there are also many small quieter alleys.

  • A stroll in the historic center is essential: the intersection of Corso Vittorio Emmanuele and Via Maqueda, is a good starting point (this place is called the Quattro Canti). Right next to it we find the Piazza Pretoria and the Fontana delle Vergogne (which, after long restoration works, is finally visible in all its glory). From there, you can easily reach the Palazzo dei Normanni and its Palatine Chapel (beware of the world: you queue up quickly!), Going up Corso Vittorio Emmanuele, and passing in front of the cathedral.
  • Some churches to see also: San Giovanni degli Eremiti (next to the Palazzo dei Normanni), San Domenico (beautiful facade in a pretty square) and, just behind, the two Oratorio del Rosario (that of Santa Cita and that of San Domenico) with their white stucco decorations.
  • Where to take a nap? Crucial subject if it is for the traveler in camping or itinerant, the parks of Palermo are unfortunately not provided with lawns and the few rare shaded benches are taken by storm. Exception: piazza Magione where a large lawn welcomes, during the day, the neighborhood children and, in the evening, the young people of the city who meet there to have a drink and chat under the stars. Another possible location is Villa Giulia, which is actually a public park.

List of museums:

More visits:

To buy

  • The "Pizzo free" traders are a group of traders who refuse to pay the mafia racketeering. The population and the tourists support them by going to buy in their stores to be sure not to finance the mafia. The list can be found here.



Manage the day-to-day


Business hours

Palermo, like the rest of Sicily, is a place where the temperature remains relatively high, with obviously its peaks in summer around 35 ° C. Moreover, almost all shops close between 13 h and 3 p.m., not recommended for going out for a walk in summer. As in France, most shops close on Sundays, as well as many restaurants.

Note that churches also operate under the same regime.

Museums and galleries opening hours

Museums, galleries and other places to visit (Palaces, Catacombs, ...) of Palermo are closed on Mondays.


  • Isola delle femmine
  • Monreale (take bus 389 in Piazza Independenza)
  • Cefalu (about 45 min by train from the central station) One of the most beautiful towns in Italy
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Complete list of other articles in the region: Sicily