Mondragó Natural Park - Parc natural de Mondragó

Mondragó Natural Park
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The nature reserve Mondragó Natural Park is located in the southeast of the Balearic Island Mallorca. The distance after Palma de Mallorca is about 60 kilometers.



Mondragó Natural Park

The one after the Cala Mondragó, a bay with several small sub-bays Mondragó Natural Park is located on the east coast of Mallorca between the coastal towns Portopetro in the northeast and Cala Figuera in the south. The small town lies to the west of the park boundary in the interior of the island, about 2.5 kilometers away Santanyí, to whose municipal area the nature park belongs. The protected area includes the beaches Caló des Borgit, ses Fonts de n’Alís (also Mondragó called) and s’Amarador with the dunes, wetlands and cliffs behind them, as well as the agricultural areas, forests and low hills of the area.

The highest point in the nature park is 57 meters above sea level.[1]


The 765.69 hectare nature park[2] was created on the basis of an initiative of the environmental organization Grup Balear d’Ornitologia i Defensa de la Naturalesa (Grup d'Ornitologia Balear) by Decree 85/1992 of the Government of the Balearic Islands (Govern de les Illes Balears) of November 18, 1992 placed under protection in December 1992. It is considered a natural area of ​​special interest (Àrea natural d'especial interès / ANEI) according to Law 1/1991 of the Balearic Parliament and since 1995 as a special bird protection zone (Zona de Especial Interés para la Avifauna / ZEPA) according to Directive 79/409 / EEC on the Conservation of Wild Birds of the European Commission.[3][4]

getting there

Mondragó Natural Park

The Parc natural de Mondragó can be reached once on the road from Santanyí to s’Alqueria Blanca and then in the direction of Portopetro to the northern parking lot and access at ses Fonts de n’Alís, on the other hand via a local road from Santanyí to Cala Figuera to the southern parking lot and access to s'Amarador. In addition to the specified public access roads, there are several smaller roads and paths into the protected area.

Tourist Attractions

There is an information center at the northern parking lot, which is open every day (except December 25th and 31st) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There you can get an information sheet with a plan in five languages. Pre-arranged tours of the park are offered from there.


Several hiking and cycling trails lead through the nature park.

There are five short (circular) hiking trails (20-30 minutes) in the park:

  • Mirador (lookout point) and Estany (wetland) de ses Fonts de n’Alís
  • Sa Guardiá d'en Garrot (forest)
  • S'Hort d'en Metge (agriculture and forest) with Can Biga and Safareig i sinia (ethnological building structures)
  • Estany de s'Amarador (wetland) with a cistern and barraca de curucull (stable, shepherd's hut)
  • Punta de ses Gatoves (forest, viewing platform)


Within the nature park there are also some hotel bars and a restaurant that were built there before the park was established and are therefore protected as a grandfather.


Within the nature park there are also some hotels, guesthouses and private houses that were built there before the park was established and are therefore protected.

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