Parco Nazionale del Pollino - Parco Nazionale del Pollino

The Parco Nazionale del Pollino (or Pollino National Park) is a national park in the south of Italy, it extends over 192,500 ha over areas in the regions Calabria and Basilicata.

North slope of Monte Pollino


The Parco Nazionale del Pollino extends over 192,500 ha and is therefore the largest national park in Italy, and at the same time one of the youngest, the park area was only eliminated in 1988 and was added to the list of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network in November 2015.

The national park area extends over two regions (88,600 ha in Basilicata and 103,900 hs in Calabria) and three provinces (Cosenza, Potenza and Matera), the park administration is based in Rotonda (CZ). Four nature reserves have been set up separately in the park area, the Rubbio nature park in the region Basilicata, and the natural parks of Gole del Raganello, Valle del Fiume Lao and Valle del Fiume Argentino in Calabria.


The national park was founded in 1988, in 1993/94 the administrative and technical organs were definitively established, in November 2015 the national park was added to the list of Unesco Global Geoparks.


The national park stretches between the coast of the Tyrrhenian and the Ionian seas, with forests and meadows the park territory rises gently from the north, in the south towards the Sibari plain it ends with steep rock breaks, which are criss-crossed by gorges.

From the highest peaks of the southern Apennines at over 2,200 m, you can see three seas at the same time, as well as the Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas, as well as the Adriatic; on the heights in hollows there is snow until the summer months.

Flora and fauna

Armored pine (Pinus heldreichii)

On the garrigue-like overgrown slopes there is a dense population of holm oaks, mastic trees, juniper, strawberry trees, oaks and maples up to a height of 800 m, in the steppe-like areas rock rose, thyme, germander

The flanks of the mountain ranges from 800 m up to the tree line are largely covered by extensive beech and chestnut forests, stone and downy oaks, oriental hornbeam, alder and maple species grow here; the higher zones are often treeless and are partly used as pastures. As a symbol for the Pollino National Park, the Armored pine or Lorico pine, this special type of pine, which can reach a height of 10 - 30 m, occurs in southern Europe in the Balkans, on the slopes of the Pindus and Olympus massifs in Greece and as an Ice Age relic in Calabria in the Pollino massif.

Several orchids, violets, gentians, bellflowers bloom on flowering plants in spring and tiger lilies in summer, while spice and medicinal plants include mint, thyme, lavender and hyssop.

In the southern Apennines, in addition to individual specimens of the Apennine wolf, there are also wild cats and the red deer and deer that have resettled here. The population of birds of prey is larger, there are still golden eagles, vultures, red kites, peregrine falcons, jackdaws and corvids.


In the national park there is a Mediterranean climate, especially in the coastal areas, on the hills the daytime temperatures are around 20-25 ° C even in summer and near the peaks it can be cool except in midsummer.

getting there

Map of Parco Nazionale del Pollino

The best way to get to the villages in the national park area is by private vehicle; the railway only runs along the outside of the park area, most places can be reached by buses, but the courses in the small towns rarely run.

From the north you can take the toll motorway A33 to Fisciano, from there you take the A2 through Campania, which is gaining height on a new line with tunnels. Between Symbol: ASLauria Nord and Symbol: ASFrascinetoCastrovillari the motorway crosses the national park area. The ex SS19which now becomes the provincial road SP19 was downgraded, runs along the motorway, but crosses the villages of Lagonegro - Lauria - Castelluccio - Laino Borgo - Mormanno - Laino Borgo bis Castrovillari.

The villages in the western park area can be reached from the coastal road SS18 (which runs south along the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea and has long been the main traffic axis between Naples and Reggio), to reach the heights of the national park they are usually winding and steep.

The north-eastern park areas can be reached via provincial roads leading from the SS653"Sinnica" go off, which go off Symbol: ASLauria-Nord through the Valsinni leads and with Policoro in the SS106, which flows into the Ionian coastal road.

The south-eastern park areas (Gole del Raganello) can be reached via provincial roads from the SS106"dell Ionio" out.

Fees / permits

The huge park area is accessible without admission fees.


In the 1925 km² of the national park area, the best way to move around is in a private vehicle, with your own car or in a rental car; the winding roads are often a challenge for motorcyclists. The provincial road network is wide and the standard of construction is different, the number of curves and Seprentinen can hardly be counted and thus a challenge for passengers who are prone to motion sickness; As a rule, the signposted roads are drivable, breaks at the edge of the road and depressions in the asphalt also occur, as well as gravel road sections and "eternal construction sites" in the lanes of the mountain regions.

The roads in the area are suitable for mountain bikes, but pose a challenge to your stamina due to the considerable heat in summer. You can hike anywhere in the park area, a network of hiking trails is being planned, the trails are increasingly being signposted and maintained.
As in the rest of Calabria and the Basilicata, a big problem is the lack of up-to-date maps. The Italian topographic maps of the Istituto Geographico Militare are often based on cartographic material from the 1950s, so that online maps from OSM and Google Maps often have to be used.

Tourist Attractions


Castello di Valsinni

The place 1 ValsinniValsinni in the travel guide Wikivoyage in another languageValsinni in the encyclopedia WikipediaValsinni in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsValsinni (Q52339) in the Wikidata database, until 1873 the place was still called Favale San Cataldo, with its 1,600 inhabitants lies on a hill and dominates the valley of the river Sinni.

2 Castello di ValsinniCastello di Valsinni in the encyclopedia WikipediaCastello di Valsinni in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsCastello di Valsinni (Q3662941) in the Wikidata database, the Feudal castle the Morra family was the scene of the tragic death of the poet Isabella Morra, who in the 16th century. had been murdered by her brothers because of an alleged relationship with a Spanish poet.


The place 3 Chiaromonte with almost 2,000 inhabitants is located at 800 m on an elevation above the river Sinni.

  • 4 Chiesa madre di San Giovanni Battista from the 11th / 12th Century was redesigned in 1790, in the right aisle the embalmed body of the beatified Giovanni di Caramola (formerly in the Abbey of Santa Maria del Sagittario).
  • the round one 5 Torre di Giura and the ruins of the 6 Torre della Spiga and remains of the old city wall.
  • the Castello di Chiaromonte and the collegiate church 7 Collegiata di San Tommaso Apostolo from the 11th / 12th Century, which was made accessible to the public again after restoration work in 2005, inside a multi-colored marble altar that comes from the former abbey of Santa Maria del Sagittario.
  • the ruins of the abbey 8 Santa Maria del Sagittario Abbey, a Cistercian monastery from the 12th century, that after the monastery secularization after 1806 was used by the population of the area for the extraction of building materials.

Valley of the Sinni River

  • the river Sinni rises on the eastern slope of the massif Massiccio del Sirino and leads westwards, the water is built in 1970/82 9 Lago di Monte Cotugno dammed up. In a wide river bed, which is only filled by the suddenly swelling masses of water after heavy rains, the Sinni flows further west to the confluence with the Ionian Sea.
  • the river flows into Francavilla Frido in the Sinni, in its upper reaches there are water mills that are worth seeing.
Monte Alpi

Monte Alpi

  • the massif of 10 Monte AlpiMonte Alpi in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMonte Alpi in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMonte Alpi (Q3861183) in the Wikidata database with the two tips Pizzo Falcone and Santa Croce (approx. 1900 m) lies north over the river valley of the Sinni. From the peaks you can look north into the Val d'Agri, east to the Ionian Sea, south to the heights of the Pollino massif and west to the Sirino massif, the Tyrrhenian coast and the peaks of the Cilento. The southernmost deposit of armored pine can be found on the slopes of Monte Alpi. The ascent is from the village Latronico coming here.
  • The places are well worth seeing Latronico and Castelsaraceno
  • in 11 Latronico became the parish church Basilica di Sant'Egidio Abate from the 16th century rebuilt after earthquake damage in 1837/57, it is much older Chiesa di San Nicola with its square tower, which stands in the center of the town with palazzi and winding streets.
They are typical of the opposing forces Calanchivalleys formed by erosion of the loamy soil which alternate with narrow ridges.
On the Colle dei Greci graves with grave goods from Greek times were found in Calda in the Grotto di Calda Stalactite formations and traces of settlement from the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, the 1 Terme Lucane, Calda.
  • in Castelsaraceno on the north slope is the 12 Chiesa Madre del Spirito Santo and the Palazzo Baronale worth seeing.

Bosco di Magnano

  • the extensive, partly untouched 13 Wooded area is west of 14 San Severino LucanoSan Severino Lucano in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSan Severino Lucano in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSan Severino Lucano (Q52666) in the Wikidata database.

Monte Pollino

  • the 15 Monte Pollino As the highest elevation of the massif of the same name, it reaches a height of 2248 m and forms the highest point on the border between the regions Basilicata and Calabria.
One way to climb Monte Pollino is from 16 Colle dell'Impiso, the path leads to the southeast over the plain of the 17 Piano del Vaquarro and follows the stream to the ice-cold spring 18 Sorgente di Spezzavumula. On the pastures of the Piano Gaudolino (here a refuge) the path leads south and branches off later, to the left / east you reach Monte Pollino, to the south you can reach the pre-summit of the 19 Monte Pollinello going on hiking. (a good 4 h ascent or 7-8 hours ascent and descent).
  • via access road from San Severino Lucano can be reached along the Frido river 20 Mezzana Salice with the watermill 21 Molino Iannarelli .
Further south you get to the park area with the 22 Rifugio Pino Loricato. The pilgrimage church is located here Madonna del Pollino, a footpath leads to a viewpoint over the valley of the Fiume Frido with a statue of the Madonna blessing the valley.
  • via an access road Terranova di Pollino can be walked to 23 Grande Porta del Pollino and the plateaus in the northeast 24 Piano del Pollino and continue to the Piano di Toscano, Monte Pollino can be seen from here in the southwest (but cannot be climbed directly).

San Severino Lucano

The place with about 2,000 inhabitants is located at 887 m east of the Fiume Frido, the Pollino massif rises in the south. San Severino Lucano was in the 19th century. a focus of brigands.

The one built around 1500 is worth seeing 25 Chiesa Madre Maria SS degli Angeli, the wooden statue of the Madonna del Pollino is kept here in the winter months, from the end of May to mid-September it is in 26 Madonna del Pollino , the little church on the rock ridge is at about 1540 m. Numerous pilgrims visit the Santuario for the festival of the patron saint on the first weekend in July.
  • those in the district of Cròpani-Sagittario are the ruins of the abbey 27 Santa Maria del Sagittario Abbey, a Cistercian monastery from the 12th century, that after the monastery secularization after 1806 was used by the population of the area for the extraction of building materials. From here the milk was conveyed in terracotta tubes down to the Sinnital in the Ventrile monastery, where it was processed into cheese.

Terranova di Pollino

The place with almost 1,300 inhabitants is located at 920 m above sea level, in the place is the 28 Chiesa Madre San Francesco da Paola from the 16th century, the 29 Cappella di Sant'Antonio is located at the upper end of the village and also dates from the 16th century.

  • the road to the west leads near the Pollino peaks:
the Timpa Falconara dominates the valley with the steeply sloping south face
the Timpa di Pietrasasso
a footpath leads past the 30 Lake Duglia and the 31 Lago Fondo up to Grande Porta del Pollino, to the north a footpath leads up to 32 Serra di Crispo.
the 33 Serra Dolcedorme lies to the south and is 2267 m above sea level. the highest point of the Pollino massif.
The basalt formations of the Timpe delle Murge.

San Lorenzo Bellizzi

The place 34 San Lorenzo Bellizzi lies on a plateau above the Raganello river valley, it developed around the castle of the feudal family of Bellizzi.

  • the Raganello river runs here in a wider valley, the Gole old del Raganello (Upper Raganello Gorge), only further downstream does it run in the deeply cut gorge Gola (basse) del Raganello (lower Raganello Gorge) between the massif of Monte Sellaro and the plateau of Civita.
  • the rock face of the 35 Timpa di San Lorenzo is opposite the village and the Raganello valley, 36 Timpa di Falconara is a little further north, it is climbed from the connecting road to Terranova di Pollino.
View from Monte Sellaro

Cerchiara di Calabria

The place Cerchiara di Calabria lies on a terrace above the Ionian Sea, it has 2,400 inhabitants; here are the 37 Chiesa di San Pietro Apostolo Worth seeing, on a rocky outcrop are the sparse ruins of a fort from the 13th century.

  • the Gola del Caldanello (with a via ferrata) separates the place from the massif of Monte Sellaro and the Panno Bianco, which is closer to the Cerchiara.
  • the 38 Monte Sellaro can be climbed without any problems more on this...From the summit there is a magnificent view from the Timpa di San Lorenzo over the Sibari plain with the Sila behind it and the Ionian Sea. The whole massif around Monte Sellaro stands as Parco della Cessuta under protection.
  • on the southern slope of Monte Sellaro 39 Santuario Santa Maria delle Armi from the 15th century, which is a destination of pilgrims because of an image of the Madonna engraved in stone, the view over the Ionian Sea is magnificent.
  • the Karst caves in the area of ​​the Santuario (the shaft Abisso del Bifurtowhich runs 683 m below the surface and the cave Serra del Gufo) can only be showered when accompanied by a speleologist.

Civita (Çifti)

Civita: Ponte Diavolo

The place 40 Civita was founded in 1467 by Albanians who had come to Calabria in the wake of the Albanian military leader Skanderbeg after Albania was taken by the Muslim troops of the Turkish sultan Belief form with masses according to the Byzantine rite and the culture preserved to this day, a local museum provides information about Albanian culture.

  • the 41 Chiesa Madre on the main square dates from the 17th century, it was provided with an iconostasis and icons and is reminiscent of the Orthodox churches, although the Italo-Albanian church belongs to the Roman Catholic Church.
  • of a Belvedere A footpath leads down to the 42 Ponte del Diavolo, the medieval bridge leads into the deeply cut gorge Gola (bassa) del Raganello over the Raganello river.


The town Castrovillari With 22,000 inhabitants it is the largest city in the area of ​​the Pollino National Park and is known as the "capital of Pollino", although it is located peripherally on the southern edge.

The city was built on a rocky promontory, this is where the old town is located. The 43 Basilica Minor San Giuliano and the 44 Protoconvento FrancescanoProtoconvento Francescano in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsProtoconvento Francescano (Q56258757) in the Wikidata database (Franciscan Convent) and the 45 Sanctuary of the Madonna del Castello the most important sights are on the southernmost foothills of the rocky promontory.
The 46 Aragonese CastleCastello Aragonese in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsAragonese Castle (Q28001058) in the Wikidata database guarded the entrance to the old town, from here the moves Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi as the most important promenade through the Neustadt, the 47 Chiesa San Francesco di Paola with the subsequent Palazzo della Città lie in the center.
  • above San Donato di Ninea becomes the summit of the 48 Cozzo del Pellegrino reached in the west.
  • a little road leads over Saracena to the plateau of the 49 Piano Novacco.

Morano Calabro

Morano Calabro: Castello

The city with 4,600 inhabitants is located on the upper reaches of the Coscile river on the slope of Monte Caramolo, the Pollino massif rises on the other side of the valley. Morano Calabro received the award as one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, the houses extend on a conical hill, on the top of which are the ruins of a Norman fortress. The place on Via Popilia was founded in Roman times, later it was the scene of the Battle of Petrafòcu, in which the inhabitants won a victory against the attacking Saracens.

  • the 50 Chiesa di San Bernardino da Siena is at the foot of the hill. The church was built as a typical image of a Franciscan monastery at the end of the 15th century. built in the Calabrian Gothic style. In addition to a wooden crucifix from the 15th century, the pulpit and choir stalls, the winged altar by the Venetian master Bartolomeo Vivarini from 1477 is the most important attraction; the polyptych has been stolen several times, but could be retrieved and restored. The 51 Capuchin Convention, built in 1590/1606, is also located in the lower town.
  • the 52 Collegiata di Santa Maria Maddalena was built in the area of ​​an older chapel and was given its current appearance in the Baroque style in 1737, the dome and bell tower were roofed with green majolica tiles in the 19th century.
  • the 53 Chiesa dei Apostoli Pietro e Paolo lies below the fort, it was in the 11th century. founded, largely rebuilt in the Middle Ages. Worth seeing are the four statues of the apostles Paul, Peter and Saint Catherine and Lucia made of Carrara marble, made by Pietro Bernini in the 16th century.
  • conquered on the hill are the ruins of the 54 Norman fortress, it was expanded repeatedly in the Middle Ages and was last bombed in 1806 in disputes with the Napoleonic army.


In 56 Acquaformosa, Firmoza in the Italian-Albanian dialect of Arbëreshë, is the abbey founded by the Cistercians in 1195 Abbazia di Santa Maria di Acquaformosa worth seeing.

In the years 1476/78, colonists from the Albanian armed forces led into the region by the Albanian military leader Skanderbeg settled here, and the Albanian Arbëresh culture was preserved.
In the 57 Chiesa S. Giovanni Battista, which was built around 1500 and decorated by Biagio Capparelli with interesting mosaics.
The origins of the Santuario 58 Santuario Santa Maria del Monte go on the 9./11. Century back, in the pilgrimage church located at 1400 m, a statue of the Madonna made of tuff is venerated.
the 59 Basilica della Madonna del Pettoruto lies at an altitude of 600 m on the slope of the Monte Montea above the valley of the river Rosa. Around 1600 a shepherd found an image of the Madonna engraved in the soft tuff stone by someone who had been innocently convicted of murder. The pilgrimage church is mainly visited by pilgrims in the first week of September.



The place Orsomarso with 1250 inhabitants is located in the southwest of the Pollino National Park on the valley of the Argentino river, a side valley leading to the Valle di Fiume Lao.

  • the parish church 60 San Giovanni Battista dates from the 17th century, a footpath leads up to the 61 clock tower, here a nice view over the place.
  • the 62 Chiesa di S. Maria di Mércuri is located west of Orsomarso on a cliff above the Lao river valley (accessible from the east). The single-nave construction has its roots in the 10th century. and is built by Basilian monks in the style of the Byzantine churches.
  • in the 63 Valle Fiume Argentino a gravel road leads into the valley of the Argentino, here a botanical garden and picnic areas have been created; Hiking trails lead to the heights of Castello Brancato.


Grotta del Romito

The place on the banks of the river Lao (which rises east in the Basilicata as Mercure) with its almost 750 inhabitants takes its name from its founder, the Greek monk Father Isidor (Παπάς Ισίδωρος).

  • the parish church 64 Chiesa di San Constantino from the 15th century (extended in the 18th century, font from the 14th century), lies under the ruins of the 65 Castello Svevo, the Stauffer fortress from the 11th / 13th centuries Century with a rectangular floor plan and a semicircular tower.
  • the 66 Santuario della Madonna di Costantinopoli, a pilgrimage church that nestles against the rocks of the Lao Gorge, dates back to the Middle Ages and was expanded after the plague epidemic in 1656. A bridge from 1904 replaced a medieval bridge and improves access from the site. Inside a fresco of the Madonna odigitria and a statue of the Madonna from the 17th century.
  • on a former Mule track, which led to Orsomarso, can from the 67 Bridge of the SP3 along the Lao River to be hiked. Rafting tours are also offered on the Lao.
  • north of Papasídero, a side road branches off from the SP3 towards Mormanno 68 Grotta del Romito from. In 1961, the rock drawing of an aurochs (Bos primigenius) was found in this grotto, and various skeletons were buried here, which suggests that it was used as a place of worship. Apparently, the Lao Valley was important as a trading route for obsidian in the Stone Age. Later the cave was used as accommodation by Greek monks in Byzantine times.

Laino Borgo / Laino Castello

View over Laino Borgo
Gerusalemme di Laino Borgo

The towns of Laino Castello and the lower town of Laino Borgo together have a population of around 2,500; they are located on the northern bank of the Lao River in the central park area, the motorway A2 leads past it to the west and crosses the river valley on a viaduct.
Laino Castello, Centro Storico: the old Laino Castello vecchio was relocated to a new location from 1960 due to the risk of landslides and was definitely evacuated after an earthquake in 1982 due to the risk of instabilities. In recent years there have been efforts to bring the ruins of the houses back to life, restoration work is being carried out and there are plans to use the buildings for national park purposes.

  • the place is dated 69 Towering over the castle hill, the ruins date from the Longobard period.
  • Next to it is the old one 70 Chiesa madre di San Teodoro in the former town center, the 71 Chiesa delle Vergini on the way to Laino Borgo.

Laino Borgo can be reached on foot via a footpath.

The modern one 72 Laino Castello is a modern test-tube town that emerged from the sixties to the eighties.

Laino Borgo: the lower town Laino Borgo extends on a plateau on the banks of the Lao, rafting tours are offered on the river.

  • 73 Santuario Santa Maria delle Capelle is a 16th century Pilgrimage chapel built by Domenico Longo after his return from a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the 16th century. around the chapel he built fifteen miniature chapels with replicas of the holy places in Israel.


The town with around 3,500 inhabitants is located on an elevation above the Valle del Mercure, with the river Mercure, in Roman times was resp. its surroundings the place Nerulum founded as a stage on the Via Popilia. At least in the Norman times it was mentioned in a document under its current name and remained under the rule of the Sanseverino family for a long time.

  • the ruins of the 74 Castello are at the highest point of the village, from here a beautiful view over the valley of the Mercure to the peaks of the Pollino.
  • the church at the foot of the castle hill 75 S. Maria del Rosario, the Via Principa Umberto leads down to the central 76 Piazza Vittorio Emanuele III with the Palazzo Amato. The 77 Chiesa Madre is immediately afterwards on Corso Garibaldi.
Parco Nazionale del Pollino, Complesso Monumentale Santa Maria Della Consolazione, 85048 Rotonda. Tel.: 39 0973 669335, Fax: 0973 669802, Email: . Open: Mon-Fri 8.30am-1pm / 2pm-4pm.


The city Viggianello with its approx. 3,000 inhabitants it was built on a rocky ridge above the valley of the river Mercure; Historians suggest that the Roman fort is located here Castrum Byanelli at the ancient Via Popilia has been. In 1079 the place was named Vineanellum mentioned, under the Normans in the 11th century. the Castello Normanno built, of the church of San Nicola di Bari in the fortress area only a few ruins remain.

  • the 78 Castello Normanno rises at the highest point of the place, where already in Roman and Byzantine times a fortress had secured the Via Popilia leading to the south. The castle was expanded under the Normans and Staufers, and Frederick II is said to have stayed in the castle.
  • the 79 Chiesa Madre Santa Caterina d'Alessandria originates from the Byzantine era, but was in the 17th century. largely remodeled that 80 Cappella dell'AssuntaCappella dell'Assunta (Q56460891) in the Wikidata database dates from the 15th century. Also the 81 Cappella di San SebastianoCappella di San Sebastiano (Q56460948) in the Wikidata database Originally dates from Byzantine times and received its current appearance in the 15th century.

The place is a good starting point for tours in the national park area:

  • the source is on the road in the direction of Rotonda 82 Sorgente del Mercure, the river Mercure comes out into the daylight in a karst spring pot, at Laino Borgo the river enters the Calabria region and sits down as a Lao 50 km in length to the confluence with the Tyrrhenian Sea, the valley through which it flows was called Riserva naturale Valle del Fiume Lao placed under additional protection.
  • a good overview of the Sibari plain emerges from Belvedere di Malvento from, from Vigianello you can reach the peaks Serra di Mauro and Monte Serra can be achieved.


  • Hiking trails are increasingly being marked throughout the park area.
  • especially on Fiume Lao inflatable rafting is offered.
  • Visit of the Feast of the Madonna del Pollino, which is celebrated on the first weekend in July in the Santuario of the Madonna del Pollino above San Severino Lucano.




Hotels and hostels




  • the way to a bathing trip to the coast of the Tyrrhenian or Ionian Sea is always relatively short.


  • Topographic maps of the Pollino area are available from the park administration at the info points
Parco Nazionale del Pollino, Carta turistica, Scala 1: 55,000, edizioni il coscile, Castrovillari
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