Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Park - Parco nazionale di Gobi Gurvan Saikhan

Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Park
Говь гурван сайхан байгалийн цогцолбор газар
Khongor Dunes
Area type
Foundation year
Khongoryn Els Dunes
Flora of the Park

The Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Park is a protected area located south of the Mongolia.

Travel Notice!ATTENTION: Some of the contents shown could generate dangerous situations or damage. The information is for illustrative purposes only, not exhortative or didactic. Use of Wikivoyage is at your own risk: read the warnings.

To know

Geographical notes

The park, the largest in Mongolia, is located at the northern end of the Gobi desert; has rocky and sandy desert areas between them: the most famous are the Khongor dunes. There we can see many rock formations, dried up basins, salt water rivers, springs and oases.

Flora and fauna

Over 620 plant species endemic to Central Asia grow there. The park is also home to many animals: Mongolian gazelles, goiterate gazelles, onagers, Siberian ibexes, mouflons, argalis, wild goats and the discreet snow leopard. In total, 52 mammal species are registered in this area, of which eight are protected species.


Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Park (Three beauties) is named after the Gurvan Saikhan Mountains and is located west of the city of Dalanzadgad. The park was protected in 1965 by the East Saikhan Mountain Yolyn-Am. It encompasses 27 million hectares of land, 2,400-2,600 meters above sea level.

In the park and north of it, there are dinosaur cemeteries, estimated to be 80 million years old. The most famous is located in a place called Bajandzag.

Oasis of Zulganai.

How to get

The park is easily accessible from Dalanzadgad, the capital of the province.

By plane

Airport of Ulaanbaatar.

Rock formations

Permits / Rates

Entrance fees to national parks and protected areas are 3000 ₮ or US $ 3 for one person. It is paid once when you enter. The ticket for the Yol Canyon museums costs 1000 ₮.

How to get around

Travel Notice!ATTENTION: Don't venture into these areas without experienced drivers.

The only option for getting around is with a rented jeep.

If you stay with local families (not tourist ger camps), the prices seem to be pretty much standardized:

  • bed in a shared room: 5,000 ₮ (tögrög)
  • food: 3,500 ₮
  • camel ride (1 hour): 5,000 ₮
  • guide (1 hour): 5,000 ₮

What see

Sand dunes.
  • 1 The Yolyn Am (Vulture Valley). In the northeastern part of Mount Zuun Saikhan. This area has been the main tourist attraction for many decades. Very wide at the entrance, it gradually narrows into a notable gorge. A two or three kilometer long spring winds through the gorge and in July freezing in a thick corridor of ice that stretches for a considerable distance.
  • The Dungeneegyn Am. It is located in the southwestern part of Zuunsaikhan and Bayandalai soum or county. The length of the area is 12 km. There are cliffs, canyons, caves and rivers. Tourists can see mountain sheep and mountain goats.
  • Yol Canyon.
  • Khongor sand dunes. Also known as "singing dunes", they are up to 800m high, 20km wide and about 100km long, and bordered by lush vegetation backed by a small Khongor River, fed by underground springs from the surrounding mountains.
  • 2 Bayanzag (Red Flamming Cliffs).
  • Khongoryn Eels (Singing Sand Dunes).
  • Khermen Tsav.
  • Energy Center.

What to do

Camels in the park
  • Camel rides, horseback riding, dune climbing, hiking in the Yol canyon.


Some souvenir shops are in front of the museums and the monastery.

Where to eat

Where stay

A yurt
  • 1 Gobi, Umnugobi Aimag - Dalanzadgad, 976 91109109. Ecb copyright.svgUS $ 10. Nomad camp.


How to keep in touch



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