Watarrka National Park - Parco nazionale di Watarrka

Watarrka National Park - Kings Canyon
King's Canyon: The park's main attraction
Area type
Federated state
Foundation year
Institutional website

The Watarrka National Park - Kings Canyon[1] is located in the Northern Territory, and more precisely in the Red Center ofAustralia, far from Alice Springs, from Uluru (Ayers Rock), away from the main attractions of central Australia.

To know

View of Kings Canyon

The popularity of this park continues to grow among the destinations visited in the center Australia, but the numbers are still small, especially compared to the immensity and spectacularity of this canyon, called Kings Canyon. We tend to exclude the visit of this site in favor of others, and in any case in consideration of the few days that you can have during a vacation. And this is a shame, because the canyon, also thanks to the variety of flora, is definitely worth the half day (preferably one) of detour.

The question arises, does the long journey pay off? Absolutely yes!

Geographical notes

The Watarrka National Park - Kings Canyon it is really far from everything and everyone. And perhaps the beauty also lies in this. With a 4WD the Canyon remains on the way between MacDonnell Ranges Western is Uluru (Ayers Rock) and the road can be winding, but still fascinating. With a 2WD there is only one gateway, where you can truly count the cars using the fingers of one hand, maybe two.

Flora and fauna

The approach to the park is similar to that of the Kata Tjuta National Park - Uluru, quite dry. Once you get there, you realize that the vegetation is actually quite different. Over the years, the small stream has created a microclimate in the valley and the gum-trees are the masters, building in some places an environment that recalls The Lord of the Rings, not so much in color but in the intertwining of the branches of these bright white / yellow plants. If you add the presence of small bonsai-style trees you will immediately understand how everything will take you by surprise.

Also in this case, if lucky, the presence of dingoes and other animals of the marsupial family can be found. In the stream many tadpoles and frogs. There is obviously no shortage of snakes to which you must always pay close attention. .

Microclimate of Kings Canyon

If you are lucky enough to arrive after a rain you will immediately notice how little water can suddenly wake the desert. Green wins over brown and red. Plants grow at an unthinkable speed. It is as if nature suddenly wants to exploit that little water to concentrate a year of life in a few days, maybe a week.

When to go

Heat and humidity are an important factor to consider visiting the Watarrka National Park - Kings Canyon. Interesting is the sign of the safe walking at the entrance of the canyon where the temperature expected during the day is indicated. It is not unusual to reach 40-45 degrees between November and March. Bring plenty of water with you, especially if you aspire to walk around the park (Kings Canyon Rim walk). From June to September the temperatures during the day are only very pleasant, around 20 degrees, perfect for visiting and walking the sites. Beware that nights can be very cold, even below zero. If you are camping, bring the right equipment for the night. In the other months the temperatures are more moderate


Human presence on this site dates back to over 10,000 years ago (some books report as far back as 20,000 years ago). Obviously there is talk of an Aboriginal presence who still resides here with the Luritja.

The white man approached this part of Australia once again at the end of the 19th century with the famous explorers of the time such as Ernest Giles and William Gosse, the same ones who explored for the first time Uluru (Ayers Rock) and Kata Tjuta (the Olgas). The name of the canyon and the river was then renamed inspired by Fielder Kings, friend of Giles; the perception of Kings (re) used to apostrophize the size and beauty of this park therefore finds no truth.

How to get

Signaling at the beginning of the valley with temperatures of the day

The nearest inhabited center is Alice Springs about 330 km with a 4WD, or about 500 km with a 2WD. Petrol stations are present along the route, approximately every 100 km. It is recommended to visit this canyon as part of a larger tour that also touches Uluru (Ayers Rock) from which it is about 300 km.

By car

Be prepared for long distances, water and always check the fuel level. It is not unusual to encounter even a single car in a 100 km journey. The petrol stations are located at a distance of 50-100 km, but it is better to stop in excess, than in default, avoiding running out of gas in the desert, with 40-50 degrees in the sun. Alice Springs at the petrol station Erldunda[2](2 hours); from here State 4, Lasseter Hway, will take you to the junction with Luritja Road. Pay attention that here you will have about 130 km without a petrol station. Obviously no traffic, only 2 years ago the speed limits were introduced today at 110 km. It is easy to pass this limit, given the absence of traffic and the road always straight, but it is not recommended as the police frequently install speed control lasers.

Detail of a rubber tree

If you have decided to rent a car a Alice Springs, make sure it has unlimited mileage. Besides the usual companies like Avis, Budget and Europcar, it is also recommended to check with Outback Auto Rentals [3], a local supplier, and AutoEurope [4], one of the rare operators that rent with unlimited mileage. Beware that they tend to invoice km over 100 / day, do write unlimited mileage on the contract, so as not to have any nasty surprises later (check your credit card anyway and get the phone number, in case you can at least call back).

Furthermore, car insurance does not normally cover if you travel off-road, even dirt, with a 2WD and if you travel at night, however not recommended due to the massive presence of animals on the roads. Before leaving, therefore, count the hours (at least 5 hours before sunset). Also remember that the Northern Territory it has a different time from other states.

By bus

Greyhound Australia [5] is the only official bus company that connects Alice Springs with Uluru (Ayers Rock) and then Kings Canyon. Check the possible combinations on the website.

Permits / Rates

Admission is free.

How to get around

Download a map [6] of the park. The car is the essential means of getting around the park even if you will find yourself using it essentially to get there and to go. The most interesting part is the Kings Canyon walking tour

What see

Beginning of the walk over in the Canyon (Rim Walk)
  • Kings Canyon. The walk along the canyon certainly takes time, 3-4 hours, but above all strength of mind, if done in the warm months. The first part of the journey, on the left of the car park, is the most complicated, a few hundred meters, but quite vertical. Past that, the rest is pretty easy, but it still depends on the temperature of the day. The view is exceptional and you will take it home as an unforgettable memory, especially from the point of view called Cotterill. If the heat makes you dizzy in the first kilometer, don't be the hero and go back, because the hottest spot is about in the middle of the journey.
  • Kings Creek. Follow the small stream for about a kilometer and a half, here you can explore the atypical vegetation of the place. The path takes you to a platform from which you will have an amphitheater view of the valley. The grandeur of the canyon will impress you. The walk is light and easy, even in high temperatures.

What to do

The main recreational activities are related to walking at the sites listed above. Other activities are organized by the Kings Canyon Resort [7] or from Kings Creek Station [8]. Here you can opt for a ride with a camel, or with a quad (four-wheeled motorcycle), or even with a helicopter. .


There are no particular shops for buying souvenirs. You can find a mini-market at Kings Creek Station.

Where to eat

River within the valley

There is not much choice for eating, drinking and sleeping. There is only one resort, the Kings Canyon Resort. Alternatively you can stay at the Kings Creek Station, about 35 km from the canyon, a show guaranteed at night with a starry sky that will make you pale.

  • Kings Creek Station, 61 (08) 8956 7474. Ecb copyright.svg5$-25$. In high season they also organize food, but it's not a rule so check. However, the shop offers barbeque packs that you can cook yourself, if you intend to sleep in this interesting station
  • Kings Canyon Resort, 61 1800 089 622. Ecb copyright.svg5$-130$. This resort has several options, depending on your wallet. The cheapest option is the Outback Barbeque (15 $ -30 $), So comes the George Gill Bar, with a typical pub cuisine. The Carmichael instead it offers a buffet for both breakfast ($ 25) and dinner ($ 50). Finally the Sounds of Firelight is an intimate and elegant dinner for a limited number (6 couples) in the desert (130 $) suitable for honeymooners. The Desert Oaks Cafe instead it is only open for lunch with sandwiches and snacks.

For drinking, the resort is the only option. You can also buy water at the station, but it is best to bring it from Alice Springs

Where stay

  • Kings Canyon Resort, 61 1800 089 622, 61 1800 089 622. Ecb copyright.svg26$-340$. The offer is vast and goes from the campsite to the deluxe room. Check on the site and make your choice.
  • Kings Creek Station, 61 (08) 8956 7474. Ecb copyright.svg14$-60$. Definitely the cheapest option in the area, and the night will amaze you, with the stars appearing to be a tenth of the distance you are used to; they illuminate so much that they hardly require a torch to walk. A unique experience in the desert, even on a low budget.


No problem with theft or crime, of course. Just beware of possible snakes even if very rare in the resort or at the station. If you are camping, remember to always close the tent, so as not to find surprises at night.

How to keep in touch


The signal for the mobile phone is rare and don't count on it much. Telstra remains the only operator able to cover most of the territory. If you plan to venture into 4WD for several days, especially off-the-beaten path tracks, consider renting a satellite phone.


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2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but also contains information on how to get there, on the main attractions or activities to be carried out and on tickets and access times.