Parks - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Parcs — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit


One Park is generally a protective suit for nature or for animals.

Types of park

  • The leisure and amusement parks were created for the entertainment of young and old.
  • The landscaped or floral parks are large gardens for organized plantings.
  • The National parks are created for the protection of nature, a site and animals, on a national scale.
  • The regional parks are created for the protection of nature, a site and animals, on a regional scale. Depending on the local administrative divisions, they may have different names.
  • The animal parks are created for the protection and sharing of knowledge of animals on surfaces in line with their needs.
  • The zoological parks are created for the sharing of knowledge of animals on surfaces in line with the environment of the place.

Lists by continent

National parks

Animal and zoological parks

Leisure and amusement parks

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Articles related to the theme: Parks