Chełmy Landscape Park - Park Krajobrazowy Chełmy

General information

Creation date: 1992
Area: 15,990 ha.
Cover area: 12,470 ha
Administrative location:

  • Jawor County: Paszowice Commune, Męcinka
  • Złotoryja poviat: Złotoryja commune
  • Legnica County: Krotoszyce Commune and Jawor Commune and Town

Paths and trails

The Chełmy Landscape Park is an ideal area for hiking, cycling and skiing. The total number of routes is over 110 kilometers.

Educational and nature paths

  • "Wąwóz Myśliborski" - Myślibórz | length: 4.5 km
  • "Archaeological" | length: 4 km
  • "Las Świniec" - Muchów | length: 4.5 km
  • "W dolinie Błotnicy" - Męcinka - Bogaczów | length: 6 km
  • "In the footsteps of diggers" - Chełmiec - Raczyce | length: 5 km
  • "Hazel Syncline" - Hazel | length: 3.5 km
  • "Over the dike" - Grobla | length: 7.5 km

Tourist routes - hiking

  • Extinct Volcanoes Trail (yellow), Legnickie Pole - Jawor - Myślibórz - Pomocne - Ostrzyca - Złotoryja
  • Brzeżyna Trail (red), Złotoryja - Leszczyna - Chełmiec - Myślibórz - Grobla - Bolków
  • The Diggers Trail (blue), Leszczyna - Sichów - Górzec
  • Trail through the Nysa Mała Valley (green), Grobla - Siedmica - Wąwóz Siedmicki - Muchów

Tourist - bicycle routes

  • Around the Wąwóz Myśliborskie, Myślibórz - Myślinów - Jakuszowa - Kobylica - Myślibórz | length: 9 km
  • Scenic route, Stanisławów - Leszczyna | length: 4 km

Cultural values

The area of ​​the Park is very rich in monuments of material culture. You can find here numerous settlements, many medieval settlements, ramparts, monuments left by the Cistercians, as well as traces of mining exploitation.

The oldest traces of settlement in visible form - these are settlements referring to the course of the early medieval "Przesieka". In the edge zone of Pogórze with the center in Górzec. Medieval settlement is represented by post-Cistercian villages: Słup (1127), Chełmiec, Pogwizdów, Męcinka (1202), Pomocne, Muchów (1203), Sichów (1217). Palace in Męcinka

Village churches with gothic features have been preserved in Pogwizdów, Kondratów, Nowa Wieś Wielka, Chełmiec and Myślinów. The oldest mentions of mining date back to the beginning of the 16th century and refer to the copper ore mine in the vicinity of Chełmiec.

Mining activity also revived in the second half of the 18th century and at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The last mines were closed in the 20th century:

  • in 1974 the copper ore mine "Lena"
  • in 1999 a barite mine in Stanisławów.

The liquidation of these mines consisted in the removal of all above-ground and underground devices, and the entrances to the underground workings were secured.

Currently, only on the outskirts of the Park there are basalt quarries: "Męcinka", "Trupień", "Krzeniów" and "Winna Góra".


In order to protect the fauna, flora and inanimate nature, 4 reserves have been established in the Park:

The reserve "Wąwóz Myśliborski

  • area of ​​9.6 ha
  • floristic type
  • fern Common Tonguean
  • Old Paleozoic pillow lava flows
  • limited admission, only with a guide.

"Wąwóz Lipa" reserve

  • area of ​​101 ha
  • forest-geological type
  • broadleaved forests with rock vegetation communities
  • erratic boulders.

Reserve "Wąwóz Siedmicki"

  • area of ​​68 ha
  • floristic and geological type
  • meadow vegetation communities
  • pillow lava.

Reserve "Nad Groblą"

  • area 87.8 ha
  • forest-landscape type
  • Service of the service tree
  • pillow lava.


In terms of geology, the Park lies within the Kaczawa Metamorphic Complex and partly covers the North-Sudetic Basin. It is characterized by a varied geological structure. Metamorphic rocks represent the green areas with developed diabase structures and transformed marine sediments as sericite shales and phyllites, sometimes with graptolite fauna, which were formed as a result of the transformation of the products of submarine volcanism. Untreated formations - sedimentary rocks formed in the period from the Permian to the Upper Cretaceous. The full profile of cupriferous Zechstein in the vicinity of Leszczyna is interesting. Sedimentary rocks in the vicinity of Leszczyna

There are various relics of syncline volcanism from the Permian period in the form of rhyolite rocks, Swarna (389 m above sea level) and Jastrzębna (468 m above sea level). Numerous tertiary volcanic covers of basalt lava with a characteristic column exposure in Rataj, Czartowska Rock and Krzyżowa Góra constitute the main element of the contemporary landscape of the Park. The area has a centuries-old mining tradition related to the exploitation of metals (gold, iron, copper) and barite in the vicinity of Chełmec, Stanisławów and Leszczyna.

Worth seeing

While in the Park, it is worth visiting several places with preserved historic chapels and churches, and you can find traces left by the Cistercians.

  • Leszczyna - a former center of copper mining and metallurgy, the relics of which have been made available to the public by locating educational paths there. Old limestone kilns have been preserved there. You can see interesting outcrops of Zechstein copper-bearing rocks - a natural monument.
  • Sichów - a post-Cistercian village, in which you must see a Gothic church from the 14th century, a courtyard park with a specimen of the American tulip tree (4.6 m in circumference), and the exposition of basalt columns on Krzyżowa Góra (258 m above sea level).
  • Myślibórz - the Park's educational and sightseeing center. There was a nature reserve "Wąwóz Myśliborski" with the mountain "Rataj" (350 m above sea level).
  • Muchów - a forest village with a recreational value at the foot of the Muchowskie Hills with an educational path. There you can see a broad-leaved lime with a circumference of 760 cm - a natural monument.
  • Kondratów - a post-Cistercian village in the valley of the Wilcza stream, with a preserved medieval layout and historic churches.
  • Pogwizdów - a village on the "Cistercian trail" with an early Gothic church and a historic park.
  • Grobla - a village in the Nysa Mała valley, with a medieval church. There is a nature reserve "Nad Groblą" nearby.
  • Nowa Wieś Wielka - a village in the middle of the forest with a recreational value and a medieval church. There is a nature reserve "Wąwóz Lipa" nearby.
  • Męcinka - a post-Cistercian village with original buildings with chapels and a church with a rich baroque interior. Nearby there is a calvary on the Górzec hill, an adit of a closed iron ore mine and a forest colony of Bogaczów with a resting place.
  • Stanisławów - the highest village in the Park, from which we can admire a wonderful view of the green surroundings.


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