Kakadu National Park - Park Narodowy Kakadu

Road near Red Lily Lagoon

Kakadu National Park (eng. Kakadu National Park) - a national park located in the north Australiain the region Northern Territory. The park was established in 1981 and shortly after its founding it was entered on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It covers an area of ​​19804 square kilometers, which makes it the largest in the country (its area is comparable to that of Slovenia).


By plane

View from Nadap Lookout

The nearest airport is Darwin Airport (code: DRW), located next to the city Darwin, in the village of Eaton, 170 km west of the park. Access from the airport allows, among others Arnhem Highway (State Route 36).

By car

Several car roads lead to the park. One of them is the Arnhem Highway from the west, and the other is the Kakadu Highway (State Route 21), which runs from the south from Pine Creek.

Flora and fauna

The animal world in the Kakadu National Park is one of the richest in this part of Australia. It consists of over 1,700 species of plants, including numerous grasses and shrubs (mainly eucalyptus). The flood plains are mainly mangroves (mangroves, kapok trees), as well as water flowers (mainly water lilies, lotuses and Nymphoides crenata). The park also has its own endemics, e.g. Eucalyptus koolpinensis.

Rocks of Ubirr

The Kakadu fauna is a community of a huge number of species of organisms, including numerous reptiles (about 120 species), birds (280 species - including 1/3 are endemic), mammals (about 60 species - including kangaroos, dingo, spiky) and amphibians (about 25 species). There are over 10,000 species of insects and 51 species of freshwater fish.

If you want to admire the vastness of nature, it is worth going on a cruise on the South Alligator River and Yellow Water Billabong. Another interesting place is the Twim and Jim Jim waterfalls, where there are freshwater crocodiles (but do not be afraid of them because they are harmless to humans).


  • Warradjan Cultural Center - museum of Aboriginal culture
  • Cooind's Swamp
    Termite mounds along the Maguk Road
  • Aboriginal rock art on the Ubirr rocks
  • Mamukala Wetlands - marshes

Price list

The ticket price for a person over the age of 16 is AU $ 25 (about PLN 65). The ticket, as in most parks, is 24/7.

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