Tierra del Fuego National Park - Parque Nacional da Terra do Fogo

O Tierra del Fuego National Park is located in Argentina.


The Park is located 11 km west of the city of Ushuaia. Park office: calle San Martín 1395.


The park was created in 1960 and corresponds to the southernmost protected natural area in the country, with 63,000 hectares. It occupies a 6 km strip of the Beagle Channel, bordering the Chile.


The landscapes are quite varied, with rugged mountains, rivers running at the bottom of valleys and the sea. Two mountain ranges divide the park into valleys, some of which are difficult to access.

Flora and fauna


The vegetation is not very varied. The six species of trees in the park are known as canelo, hardwood, notro, nhire (noir), guindo and lenga, the most common, with its small, round and toothed leaves. On the trunks, many lichens are adhered, which are left hanging. The shrubs present in the region are caulker, michay and parrilha. In summer, several types of flowers open up: green, yellow and white orchids, yellow violets, white and yellow daisies, evergreens and the flamboyant edelweiss.


Among the native mammals are the guanaco and the red fox. The Canadian beaver, rabbit, gray fox and muskrat were introduced. There are still many species of birds and fish.


The average summer temperature is 9ºC, with very long days. In winter, the average is 1ºC, and the day lasts just over 7 hours. In autumn and spring, the weather is even more unstable than the rest of the year. Winds increase in intensity from August to January.

To arrive

You can arrive by car, taxi, or on excursions by vans or buses. Several companies offer a transport service, with different types of visits (with sections on foot or entirely by vehicle, for example).

Fees and Permissions

  • Argentines ARS$6
  • Foreigners ARS$20


On foot. Some trails and the road can be covered by bicycle. Buses and vans only arrive until the end of RN nº3.


  • high pampa : It is 5 km to a panoramic point overlooking the Beagle Channel; connects the Rio Pipo and Ensenada campsites through a forest of lengas and guindos. It starts at RN nº3, 3 km from the park entrance. Halfway there is an active castoreira. Degree of difficulty: medium.
  • coastal: Connects the Ensenada campsite to the Lapataia sector. Great for getting to know Tierra del Fuego's coastal features. Distance: 8 km. Degree of difficulty: medium. Time spent: 3h30.
  • HitoXXIV: Starts at the Lago Roca car park, bordering it. Distance: 5 km. Degree of difficulty: small.
  • Cerro Guanaco: Leave the Hito XXIV trail, on the right, and go up quickly after crossing the first stream. It allows climbing to Cerro Guanaco, with 970 m of altitude, from where you can see the Chilean islands of Hoste and Navarino. Halfway up, you reach a viewpoint from where you get a good view of Lake Roca and the Beagle Channel. Degree of difficulty: high. Time spent: 4h (2h30 to the lookout).
  • Island tour (Island tour): It starts as soon as you cross the Lapataia River, crossing part of the Cormoranes archipelago to the Verde Lagoon, in an enchanting landscape. Distance 600 m. Degree of difficulty: little.
  • Black Lagoon: Circular trail of 1 km, easy to walk. Crossing the Ovando river, on the right.
  • Lookout Tour: Passing the Ovando river, on the left. Allows an excellent view of Lapataia bay. It ends at the end of RN nº3, in the bay. Distance: 1.5 km. Easy.
  • Turbal ride: It starts a little ahead of the Mirador Walk. Distance: 1.5 km. Easy
  • Castoreira: Allows you to see dams made by beavers, in activity. Distance: 800 m. Easy


  • Monte Susana, 490 m (outside the park; on the way, on the left)
  • End of the World Station (outside the park; on the way, on the right, in front of Mount Susana)
  • Cerro Guanaco, 970 m
  • Cerro Bellavista
  • Cerro Condor
  • Lapataia Bay
  • Lago Roca, formed by the melting water of the glaciers, which gives it its characteristic color.



  • hiking
  • Camp
  • Sport Fishing (see seasons and licenses in the park administration)
  • Bird and beaver sighting
  • Canoeing


With the

If you're going to spend the day, bring some food and water. There is a bakery inside the park, which also sells food.

Drink it

Do not drink water from rivers or lakes without boiling for 5 minutes.


The only way to sleep in the park is camping.



  • Lake Roca: sanitary services, showers, grocery, confectionery and store
  • Las Bandurrias: only sanitary services
  • green lagoon: only sanitary services
  • Los Cauquenes: only sanitary services
  • Rio Pipo: without any service
  • ensenada: without any service

Rates: Argentineans: ARS$8; foreigners: ARS$12 (daily per person)

Attention: Boil water for 5 minutes to consume

In the field

Camping is only allowed in the camping areas, it is forbidden to light fire in any other location.


  • avoid going off the trails
  • Do not extract or eat mussels from the region, as they are contaminated by the red tide (algae), risking death
  • Keep in mind that in winter the day lasts only 7 hours and night temperatures are freezing
  • It is recommended to boil the water from Lake Roca and the Lapataia and Ovando rivers for 5 minutes.


  • Do not remove branches, twigs or flowers
  • don't molest the animals
  • Do not make inscriptions on rocks or trees
  • Do not extract mussels: danger of death
  • Do not light a fire: danger of forest fire
  • Hunting and carrying a weapon subject to severe penalties
  • It is forbidden to drive off the signposted trails
  • Maximum speed on the road: 40 km/h


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