Intangible Cultural Heritage in Bulgaria - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Patrimoine culturel immatériel en Bulgarie — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

This article lists the practices listed in UNESCO intangible cultural heritage in Bulgaria.


The country has five practices listed on the "representative list of intangible cultural heritage "From UNESCO and two to"register of best practices for safeguarding culture »

No practice is repeated on the "emergency backup list ».


Representative list

The Babi of Bistritsa, polyphony, archaic dances and ritual practices from the Shoplouk region 2008* Performing Arts
* social practices, rituals and festive events
The traditional polyphonic dances and songs of the Shoplouk region of Bulgaria are still performed today by a group of old women, the Bistritsa Babi. This tradition encompasses a crosstalk called shoppe polyphony, ancient forms of horo chain dance, and the ritual practice of Lazaruva, an initiation ceremony for young women.

Crosstalk is a specific type of polyphonic song in which one or two voices elaborate the melody consisting of izvikva ("cry / call") and bouchi krivo ("rumble"), while the others accompany them with a monotonous drone. , doubled or tripled to increase the power. Dressed in traditional costume, the dancers hold each other by the waist or belt to form a circle and perform light steps counterclockwise. Several variations, depending on the song and the ritual practice involved, are performed in this configuration.

The social function of polyphonic singing evolved in the twentieth century to the extent that it is now mainly performed on stage. However, the Bistritsa Babi are considered a major component of the region's cultural life, transmitting traditional expressions to new generations. These women are among the last representatives of traditional polyphony, and the village of Bistritsa is one of the last places in Bulgaria where this cultural expression has continued over the centuries.

The proximity to the capital Sofia, which offers many cultural attractions, is gradually distracting young people from local traditions. The rich repertoire has been reduced to the most popular songs and dances to be performed on stage.

Asian Festival 2017 in Sofia, Bulgaria 15.jpg
1 The Nestinarstvo, messages from the past: the panagyr of Saints Constantine and Helena in the village of Balgari 2009social practices, rituals and festive eventsThe Nestinarstvo rite of the fire dance is the culmination of the Panagyr ritual: festival in honor of the patron saints Constantine and Helena, it is held every year, on June 3 and 4, in the village of Balgari, located in the Mount Strandzha region in south-eastern Bulgaria. The purpose of the ritual is to guarantee the well-being and fertility of the villagers. In the morning, the solemn celebration of sacred rituals and ceremonies takes place, followed by a procession which accompanies, to the sound of the drum and the bagpipe, the bearers of the sacred icons representing the two saints to the source of sacred water which is outside the village. At the source, sacred water and candles, pledges of good health, are distributed to all the assembly present. The climax of the festival takes place in the evening, with a fire dance, deemed to be the highest form of worship of saints. Guided by the sacred drum, the assembly forms a silent circle around the incandescent embers, then the Nestinari, spiritual and material leaders serving as intermediaries through which the saints express their will, enter one after the other inside the circle. and begin to walk on the embers. Formerly practiced in around thirty neighboring Bulgarian and Greek villages, the Nestinarstvo ritual only survives today in the village of Balgari, where only a hundred inhabitants live. During the Panagyr, however, thousands of people gather there, joined in recent years by many Greeks who join in the ritual.Nestinar.bulgari.jpg
2 The tradition of carpet making in Tchiprovtsi 2014* know-how related to traditional craftsmanship
* knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
* social practices, rituals and festive events
* oral traditions and expressions
Kilimi are rugs hand-woven by the women of Cheprovtsi, in northeastern Bulgaria. Most of the houses in the city have a vertical manual loom, which the women use to make tapestries traditionally used as flooring. The weaver takes several warp threads with her left hand, crosses the weft thread in the warp and uses a small beater to tighten the weave. The men of the city usually take care of the production, processing and dyeing of the wool. Yarns dyed with natural pigments give rugs soft pastel tones, while chemical dyes give brighter hues. The rugs are renowned for their composition, ornamental patterns and colors. The making of rugs goes hand in hand with beliefs, verbal formulas and ritual practices. Weavers make prayers and wishes for success before starting a new carpet; they sing and tell stories as they work in the loom. The transmission process takes place from mother and grandmother to daughter and granddaughter, often during collective work on large rugs. Carpet weaving is deeply rooted in the social and cultural life of the population. The best-known forms of ornament are reproduced throughout the community and even represent the city’s coat of arms.Chiprovtsi-carpets.jpg
3 Surova, a popular festival in the Pernik region 2015* social practices, rituals and festive events *
* Performing Arts*
* knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
The popular surova festival in the Pernik region takes place every year on January 13 and 14 to celebrate the New Year according to the old calendar. The heart of the celebration is a popular masquerade ritual that takes place in villages across the region. On the first night, survakari masquerade groups of men, women and children donning specially prepared masks and costumes converge on the center of the village where they light fires and play with the audience. Some participants take on a special role, such as that of chief, newlyweds, priest and bear. Early the next morning, they gather and walk through the village, visiting houses where they ritually marry young couples while the bear ritual portends good health. Their hosts await their arrival with the usual meal and gifts. After the popular festival, the survakari groups distribute the gifts, often donating the funds raised to orphans and the most disadvantaged. The masquerade experience attracts young people and strengthens their self-esteem as keepers of tradition. Entire families are dedicated to collecting materials for masks and other attributes throughout the year, with adults teaching youth and children to make the masks and costumes.Surva 2019 139.jpg
Cultural practices associated with March 1st

Bulgaria shares this practice with North Macedonia, the Moldova and the Romania.

2017* social practices, rituals and festive events
* knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
* know-how related to traditional craftsmanship
* oral traditions and expressions
Cultural practices associated with consist of traditions that are passed down from ancient times to celebrate the beginning of spring. The main practice is to make, offer and wear a red and white cord which is then untied when the first flowering tree, the first swallow or the first stork appears. Some other local practices, such as cleansing actions in the Republic of Moldova, are also part of the larger spring celebration framework. The cord is considered to offer symbolic protection against dangers such as changeable weather. This practice guarantees individuals, groups and communities a safe passage from winter to spring. All members of the communities concerned participate, regardless of their age, and the practice promotes social cohesion, intergenerational exchanges and interactions with nature, while encouraging diversity and creativity. Informal education is the most frequent mode of transmission: in rural areas, young girls learn to make cords from older women, while in urban areas, apprentices learn from teachers and artisans as well. than through informal education. The Martenitsa / Martinka / Mărţişor workshops organized by ethnographic museums offer another opportunity for transmission. The communities concerned actively participate in the activities of inventory, research, documentation and promotion of the element, and many cultural projects focused on its safeguard are underway.Martenitsa 2012.jpg

Register of Best Safeguarding Practices

4 The folklore festival in Koprivshtitsa, a set of practices to present and transmit heritage 2016* social practices, rituals and festive events
* Performing Arts
* knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
* know-how related to traditional craftsmanship
* oral traditions and expressions
The initiative of the Koprivshtitsa folklore festival, which in August brings together thousands of Bulgarians of all ages and the diaspora who come to present and share their practices of intangible cultural heritage, in fields as varied as dance and storytelling, games or crafts, came from local musicians who highlighted the need to protect traditions threatened by factors such as urbanization and commodification. Organized by the Municipality of Koprivshtitsa with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Bulgarian National Television, Bulgarian National Radio, Institute of Ethnology and Folk Studies, Ethnographic Museum and Institute of he study of the arts and community centers, this festival raises awareness of the importance of safeguarding living heritage, promotes its presence in contemporary life, documents it in order to ensure its future continuity and encourages its transmission. Participants are chosen through selection procedures organized by the administrative districts of the country, which also identify new traditions. The performances are broadcast and documented by researchers who keep archives, for example at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies and the Ethnographic Museum. Since the first edition of the festival in 1965, nine more have been organized; that of 2010 attracted 18,000 participants and visitors from across the country and around the world. Many festival participants gain international recognition.13.V-Koprivshica.jpg
Bulgarian chitalishte (community cultural center), practical experience of preserving the vitality of intangible cultural heritage 2017The chitalishta (community cultural centers) are evenly distributed throughout the Bulgarian territory. They are established by the communities themselves and are open to everyone, regardless of age, gender, and political or religious views. The first chitalishta were established in 1856 and have since been recognized as fundamental organizational units of Bulgarian society. According to the Chitalishta Act of 1996, these are self-regulating non-governmental organizations. In accordance with this law, they carry out cultural and educational activities aimed at safeguarding the customs and traditions of the Bulgarian people, guaranteeing access to information, disseminating knowledge and familiarizing citizens with the values ​​and advances of science, arts and culture. The chitalishta are essential for the transmission of intangible cultural heritage in the country, and the elderly members play an important role, in encouraging young people to participate. The increasing number of chitalishta and participants in its activities, from all population groups and all age groups, testifies to the effectiveness of chitalishta. In order to publicize and popularize intangible cultural heritage, the chitalishta organize festivals, celebrations, gatherings, exhibitions and many other events. The creation of local centers responsible for documenting, archiving and imparting knowledge and skills is an innovative way of developing chitalishta.Pletena 5.jpg

Emergency backup list

Bulgaria does not have a practice on the emergency safeguard list.

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