Intangible cultural heritage in Reunion Island - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Patrimoine culturel immatériel à La Réunion — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

This article lists the practices listed in UNESCO intangible cultural heritage To The meeting.


French territory overseas, Reunion has a practice taken up on the "representative list of intangible cultural heritage From UNESCO.

No additional practice is included in the "register of best practices for safeguarding culture "Or on the"emergency backup list ».

Representative list

1 The Maloya 2009performing artMaloya is at the same time a form of music, a song and a dance specific to theReunion Island. Mixed from the start, maloya was created by slaves of Malagasy and African origin in the sugar plantations, before spreading to the entire population of the island. Formerly a dialogue between a soloist and a choir accompanied by percussion, today maloya takes more and more varied forms, in terms of texts as well as instruments (introduction of djembes, synthesizers, drums, etc.). Sung and danced on stage by professional or semi-professional artists, it mixes with rock, reggae or jazz, and inspires poetry and slam. Formerly dedicated to the cult of ancestors in a ritual setting, the maloya has gradually become a song of laments and demands for slaves and, for the past thirty years, a music representative of the Reunionese identity. All cultural, political and social events on the island are accompanied by maloya, which has thus been transformed into a vector of political demands. Today, it owes its vitality to some 300 groups identified, including some world-famous artists, and to specialized musical education at the Conservatoire de la Réunion. A factor of national identity, illustration of cultural crossbreeding processes, bearer of values ​​and a model of integration, Maloya is weakened by sociological changes as well as by the disappearance of its great figures and of ancestor worship.Maloya03.jpg
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