Intangible cultural heritage in Martinique - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Patrimoine culturel immatériel à la Martinique — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

This article lists the practices listed in UNESCO intangible cultural heritage to the Martinique.


French territory overseas, Martinique has no practice repeated on the "representative list of intangible cultural heritage »Or on the list of intangible heritage in need of urgent safeguarding of UNESCO.

A practice is included in the register of best practices for safeguarding culture ».

Register of Best Safeguarding Practices

The skiff of Martinique, from construction to navigation practices2020* Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
* Social practices, rituals and festive events
* Know-how related to traditional craftsmanship
Created several centuries ago, the Martinique skiff testifies to the importance of traditional boats in the history of the region. The skiff is a light and fast craft, with shallow draft and tapered shapes, capable of sailing with one or two sails. To balance it, teammates must stand outside the hull using long, loose poles. It requires great agility, a lot of physical commitment and perfect coordination. The shape of the skiff evolves according to the uses and the geographical spaces where it is used. Thus, the Martinique skiff used by fishermen is perfectly suited to the specific conditions of navigation along the coast of the island. During the 1950s and 1960s, other types of craft made of composite material and fitted with engines gradually replaced the traditional skiff. Faced with the threat of the disappearance of these boats, which bear witness to the history and society of the island, a spontaneous safeguard movement has taken place. The first safeguarding initiatives were carried out by the fishermen themselves, who organized races. The safeguarding program has grown steadily over the years, and is now supported by a large number of long-standing partnerships and associations. Several good practices have resulted from this. The main objectives of the safeguarding program are: to preserve the skills of the local marine carpenters; pass on navigation-related know-how; strengthen links between skiff practitioners and the local community; and create a federation capable of organizing big events.124 Tour des Yoles sporting activity.jpg
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