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This article lists the sites registered with World Heritage to Vietnam.


the Vietnam ratify the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage on . The first protected sites were inscribed in 1993.

the Vietnam has 8 sites registered with World Heritage, 5 cultural, 2 natural and 1 mixed.

The country has also submitted 7 sites to the tentative list.


Citadel of the Ho Dynasty Cultural(ii) (iv)The 14th-century Ho Dynasty Citadel, built according to the principles of feng shui, testifies to the flourishing of Neo-Confucianism in Vietnam at the end of the 14th century and its spread to other parts ofFar east. By virtue of these principles, it is located in a landscape of great scenic beauty on an axis connecting the Tuong Son and Don Son mountains in a plain between the Ma and Buoi rivers. The Citadel buildings represent an outstanding example of a new style of imperial city in Southeast Asia. 
Group of monuments of Huê Cultural(iv)Established as the capital of unified Viet Nam in 1802, the city of Huê was not only the political center but also the cultural and religious center under the Nguyên dynasty, until 1945. The Perfume River meanders through the capital city, the Imperial City, the Forbidden Purple City and the Inner City, adding the beauty of nature to this unique feudal capital. 
Mi-sön shrine Cultural(ii) (iii)From the 4th to the 13th century, the coast of contemporary Viet Nam hosted a unique culture, associated by its spiritual roots with Indian Hinduism. This relationship is illustrated by the remains of a series of impressive tower-sanctuaries, in the heart of a remarkable site which was for almost all of its existence the religious and political capital of the kingdom of Champâ. 
Central sector of the imperial city of Thang Long-Hanoi Cultural(ii) (iii) (vi)The imperial city of Thang Long, built in the 11th century by the Viêt Ly dynasty, embodies the independence of Dai Viêt. It was built on the remains of a Chinese citadel dating back to the 7th century, in the drained lands of the Red River Delta in Hanoi. It was the site of regional political power continuously for nearly thirteen centuries. The buildings of the imperial city and the remains of the archaeological zone 18 Hoang Diêu express an original culture of South-East Asia specific to the lower valley of the Red River, at the intersection of influences from China, in the north, and the ancient kingdom of Champa to the south. 
1 Hoi An Old Town Cultural(ii) (v)Hoi An is an exceptionally well-preserved example of a city that was a trading port in Southeast Asia from the 15th to the 19th century. Its buildings and the layout of its streets reflect the indigenous traditions as well as the foreign influences, which gave rise to this unique vestige. 
Ha-Long Bay Natural(vii) (viii)Ha-Long Bay in the Gulf of Tonkin has around 1,600 islands and islets that create a spectacular seascape of limestone pillars. Due to the vertiginous relief, most of the islands are uninhabited and undisturbed by humans. The exceptional aesthetic values ​​of this site are complemented by its great biological interest. 
2 Phong Nha National Park - Ke Bang Natural(viii) (ix) (x)Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, inscribed in 2003 on the World Heritage List, covered 85,754 ha. With this extension, it now reaches an area of ​​126,236 ha (an increase of 46%) and becomes contiguous with the Hin Namno nature reserve in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. The Park presents a landscape of karstic plateaus and tropical forests, very diverse from a geological point of view and offers spectacular phenomena, including numerous caves and underground rivers. It is home to a high level of biodiversity and many endemic species. The extension ensures a more intact ecosystem providing additional protection to watersheds whose importance is vital for the integrity of karst landscapes.Trong động Thiên Đường 2.jpg
Trang An Landscape Complex Mixed(v) (vii) (viii)Located on the southern shore of the Red River Delta, Trang An is a spectacular landscape of karst peaks crisscrossed by valleys, some submerged, and framed by steep, almost vertical cliffs. Exploration of some of the higher elevation caves that dot this landscape has uncovered archaeological evidence of human activity dating back some 30,000 years. They illustrate the occupation of this massif by hunter-gatherers and their adaptation to climate and environmental changes. The property also includes Hoa Lu, the ancient capital of Viet Nam in the 10th and 11th centuries, as well as temples, pagodas and landscapes of rice fields, villages and sacred places. 
Criteria legend
(i)Represent a masterpiece of human creative genius.
(ii)To testify to a considerable exchange of influences during a given period or in a specific cultural area, on the development of architecture or technology, monumental arts, city planning or the creation of landscapes.
(iii)To bring a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or a living or disappeared civilization.
(iv)To be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates one or more significant periods in human history.
(v)To be a prominent example of traditional human settlement, traditional use of land or sea.
(vi)To be directly or materially associated with events or living traditions, ideas, beliefs or artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance.
(vii)Represent natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance.
(viii)To be eminently representative examples of the great stages in the history of the Earth.
(ix)To be eminently representative examples of ecological and biological processes underway in the evolution and development of ecosystems.
(x)Contain the most representative natural habitats and the most important for conservation in situ of biological diversity.
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