Pelabuhan Ratu - Pelabuhan Ratu

Pelabuhan Ratu
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Pelabuhan Ratu is an idyllic village on the south coast of West Java with a small fishing port, located in a wide bay on the Indian Ocean, near a beach lined with coconut palms and also a piece of steep rocky coast. Fishing is still done in the traditional way with small boats, hand-laid nets and fishing hooks. The daily fish market is definitely worth seeing! The translation of the place name is "Queen's Bay", and there is also a very lively legend of a princess who drowned here a long time ago as part of a tragic story, to whom a permanent room is reserved at the Samudera Beach hotel and to whom the local population sometimes sacrifices brings to the beach. The local people mostly speak the Sundanese, which is common in West Java, but also the official and colloquial language Bahasa Indonesia.

getting there

By car from the state capital Jakarta, first on the highway, past Bogor to Ciawi, from there on the well-developed but very busy country road to Sukabumi, then on a narrow road that winds through rubber plantations and rice fields to Pelabuhan Ratu. Travel time 3 - 4 hours, depending on the time of day and traffic. In the 1980s there was a regular flight service with helicopters from Jakarta to the "Hotel Samudera Beach" near Pelabuhan Ratu for a short time, but this was discontinued. Nevertheless, well-heeled travelers can charter a helicopter from Jakarta to Pelabuhan Ratu and back at any time, the flight from the north coast, over the mountains and plantations and to the south coast is absolutely worth seeing!


In the village of Pelabuhan Ratu and to the neighboring villages: minibuses and "oplets" (old cars with box-like combination extensions made of wood), as well as "Bejaks" (bicycle rickshaws for two passengers with the driver sitting behind the passengers) for local transport , pedals and steers). Fares, although usually moderate, should in any case be negotiated before starting the journey.

Tourist Attractions

A must: the daily fish market in / on the spot. Best time: from early morning to noon, when the nightly fresh catch is landed by the boats and carried across the beach, including large sharks (!) Up to 3 meters in length, including hammerheads, and sometimes a great white shark with up to 4 meters , Giant mantas with a wingspan of up to 4 meters (!), Small species of tuna and a myriad of other types of fish, as well as king prawns, which are sold alive.

The palm-fringed wide sandy beach immediately to the west of the village (dark, due to volcanic origin, and therefore too hot to walk barefoot in full sunlight!) Has "postcard character".






Various small inexpensive pensions, as well as the large hotel "Samudera Beach", whose rooms all face the sea. Bathing in front of the hotel in the mostly very high surf is not entirely safe because of an undercurrent on and between the upstream sandbanks. However, there is a very large, clean pool right on the beach with a view of the ocean.



Web links

  • An official website is not known. Please open Wikidata add.
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