Beijing - Pequim

Beijing is the capital of the most populous country in the world: the China.

Beijing, whose name in Mandarin means "capital of the north," was for centuries the largest city in the world; today it has about 10.3 million inhabitants. Located in the north of the country, Beijing is famous for Prohibited city, the palace of Chinese emperors since the 15th century. It was capital of Chinese Empire from 1421 to 1911.

In 1912 the capital was transferred to Ink and the city took the name of beeping (Peace of the North); it was occupied by the Japanese between 1937 and 1945. It became the capital of the republic in 1949 with its current name.



It is known of the existence of cities in the Beijing area in the year 1026 BC., and the capital of Yan State, one of the powers of the Warring States Period it was erected in Ji, near present-day Beijing, although its exact location is unknown. was abandoned in the century SAW..

During the Tang and Song dynasties, there were only small villages in the area. The last Jin dynasty ceded much of its northern border area, including Beijing, to the Liao dynasty in the 10th century. The Liao dynasty founded a second capital in a city it called Nanjing ("capital of the South"). The Jin dynasty conquered Liao and northern China, founding Zhongdu (中都), the "central capital". The Temple of Heaven, one of the symbols of the Chinese capital.

The Mongols, with Genghis Khan, razed Zhongdu in 1215 and rebuilt it as the Great Capital (大都), north of the capital Jin, this being the beginning of contemporary Beijing. Explorer Marco Polo calls the Cambaluc zone. It seems to be Kublai Khan, who wanted to be emperor of China, who established his capital in the northern part because it was closer to its Mongolian origin, which highlighted the importance of the city despite being already on the northern edge of China.

In 1403, the third Ming emperor, Zhu Di (朱棣), who had ascended the throne after killing his nephew and a long civil war, moved the capital, which was in the south, establishing it in the north and calling it "beijing", that is, capital of the North. The Forbidden City was built between 1406 and 1420, followed by the Temple of Heaven (1420), and other projects. The Tiananmen Square (Tian'anmen) was burnt down twice during the dynasty Ming and finally rebuilt in 1651.

After the establishment of the Republic of China in 1911, the capital was re-established in Nanjing (Nanjing) and "Beijing" was renamed "Beiping". During the Second Sino-Japanese War, it was occupied by Japan on July 29, 1937. During the occupation, Beijing was the executive committee capital of North China, a puppet state that ruled over occupied northern China. The occupation lasted until Japan surrendered on August 15, 1945.

On January 31, 1949, during the Chinese Civil War, Communist forces entered Beijing without violent clashes. On October 1, the Chinese Communist Party led by Mao Tse Tung, announced in Tiananmen Square the creation of the People's Republic of China.

After the economic reforms of Deng Xiaoping, the urban area has grown enormously. The Guomao area has become a major commercial area, as have Wangfujing and Xidan, while Zhongguancun has become the center of the Chinese electronics industry.

As the nation's capital, Beijing has also suffered political turmoil in recent years. The Tiananmen Square Protests took place in May and June 1989 in Tiananmen Square, which ended in brutal repression by the army, under the direct order of the communist leaders: thousands of students died, which is still controversial. and international challenge to political freedoms in the most populous nation on Earth. The square was also a place of appeals by Falun Gong practitioners (a Qigong practice) to end their persecution.

In recent years, Beijing has always had serious problems, such as traffic congestion (although most Pekinese use bicycles as a means of transport), air contamination, destruction of historical heritage and the massive influx of immigrants from other countries. parts of the country.

Beijing, which lost the 2000 Olympic City election, was elected to host the Olympic Games of 2008.

To arrive

By airplane

Of boat

By train/train

By bus/bus

By car


By train/train

By bus/bus

Of boat

By car


Beijing offers countless attractions for tourists, who should choose what to do according to their time availability. For those with limited time, be sure to visit the Prohibited city and the Tiananmen Square (Tian'amen), where you can visit the Mausoleum of Mao Tse-Tung (arrive early as, in addition to the long line, the visiting hours close at 11am). At Walls of China are close to Beijing. There are 3 main places to visit. Badaling, being the closest to the city, is the most visited (and also the busiest). Mutianyu is also well visited. For those who prefer to see the part of the Walls that has not been restored, Simatai is the best option. There, being less visited, it is ideal for taking excellent photos without asking thousands of tourists for permission.

Visiting the Great Wall, or The Great Wall, by Badaling means climbing hundreds of steps. In summer the view is beautiful, but it can be a rise with the temperature around 35 degrees Celsius or more. It is essential to take plenty of water. A good tip is to start slowly on the first steps, which are more difficult, as they are higher and the stairs are steeper. The last steps, almost at the top of the first tower, are a lot easier, but most people only find that up there. If you go in the summer, take your pictures, the ones where you want to appear smiling and beautiful, even before the climb, because hundreds of steps later nobody looks good in the photo, despite the immense satisfaction that comes with walking along the path. Without a doubt, the journey is worth it, for the thrill of being there, for the idea of ​​overcoming difficulties (it's even difficult for most) and for the atmosphere of relaxation and complicity among those who climb. It is common to hear people who have never seen each other before say words of encouragement to those who are losing strength. Without a doubt a unique experience.







Going shopping at popular malls in Beijing requires oriental patience, as you have to bargain all the time. For those with less patience and more money in their pockets, it is recommended to go shopping in malls or Friendship Stores, where prices are pre-set.

With the

There are several dining options in Beijing, where you can taste food from all over the world. It is essential to try the famous Peking Duck, served in several restaurants in the city, as well as the Hot Pot, a kind of Chinese fondue. For the more adventurous, you can find insect skewers (scorpions, grasshoppers, cicadas, centipedes, etc.) and exotic meats (snakes and dogs). For those who prefer not to take chances, several American restaurant chains are present in the city.




drink and go out

Beer it is sold in most places, and the most common Chinese brand is Tsingtao (青岛 Qīngdǎo), which costs around ¥10-20 in restaurants or ¥2-6 in supermarkets and smaller stores. The typical beer in Beijing is Yanjing (燕京 Yànjīng). If you want to try a stronger drink, ask Baijiu (白酒 baijiǔ), a very strong distillate made from grain.

For a night out, the most common options are Sanlitun (full of bars and clubs), houhai (around a lake, full of bars, several with live music) and Wudaokou (university region, with many bars for foreigners).





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  • As tempting as they are, it is not advisable to eat the skewers sold at fairs, as many who eat them end up hospitalized for diarrhea.



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