The Gate of Ionele Cave - Peștera Poarta lui Ionele

Coordinates: 46 ° 28′01 ″ N22 ° 50′17 ″ E / 46.46694 ° N 22.83806 ° E / 46.46694; 22.83806

The waterfalls at Ionele's Gate

Poarta lui Ionele Cave is a landscaped cave located in Cheile Ordâncușii, Gârda de sus commune. It is located on the right slope of the Ordancușa Valley, at an altitude of 800 m, in Triassic limestone. It can be reached through Valea Arieșului, from Gârda de Sus commune, following the 2.5 km road that starts from the center of the commune towards Scarisoara cave on the Ordâncușa Valley.

It is a cave that captivates the visitor through the imposing portal over 12 meters high.

   The Gate of Ionele Cave (from DN75, turn right on DJ750 at Gârda de Sus and continue 2.5 km). V-D 09-18. 10 lei for adults, 7 lei for children.