Pleven - Pleven

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Pleven (Плевен) is a city in Bulgaria and has approx. 110,000 inhabitants.


getting there

By plane

By train

By bus

In the street

By boat


Map of Pleven

Tourist Attractions

The 1  historical Museum, Saimov ulitsa 3. in the city center hosts many exhibitions, including one about the famous Bulgarian soprano Ghena Dimitrova.

By far the most popular attraction is this Pleven panoramadepicting the events of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, in particular the five-month siege of Plevna (Pleven Epopee), which made the city internationally known and contributed to the liberation of Bulgaria after five centuries of Ottoman rule.

In summer, the many fountains and a water cascade on the central pedestrian zone are a popular place to relax among the locals.

The parks are famous Kaylaka (where the ruins of the Storgosia Fortress are) and Skobelev. The latter houses the Pleven Panorama and was the place where most of the battles took place. Kaylaka Park is very popular with the locals. There is a zoo, a pond where you can rent a boat and row, tennis courts, bike paths, perfect places for picnics or to play. There are a few hiking trails nearby, all the way up to some cliffs and caves. From the city you can either walk or take trolleybuses 3 and 7 to the final stop.

A very interesting and somewhat underrated attraction is the Svetlin Rusev Donative Exhibition (Bulgarian: Изложба-дарение "Светлин Русев", Izlozhba-darenie "Svetlin Rusev"), which includes the personal collection of the famous Bulgarian artist. It includes works by Pablo Picasso, Francisco Goya, Honoré Daumier, Marc Chagall, Maurice Denis, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Salvador Dalí and Renato Guttuso, among others. Admission is free!

Outside the village of Gigen, near Pleven, are the ruins of the Roman city Oescus.








Practical advice



Web links - Pleven official website

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