Diving in Sudan - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Plonger au Soudan — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

The diving is one of the tourist activities of Sudan.


sudan has some advantages for diving:

  • coral reefs in very preserved, because the number of divers is out of proportion with Egypt. Sudan is the Egypt of fifty years ago
  • some totally unexplored reefs. Indeed, the funds in this zone were mapped in 1820 (rather roughly, taking into account the means of the time) then in 1870. However the maps of 1870 were completely burnt. The depths of Sudan (and further south Eritrea) are arguably among the least mapped on the planet - and therefore the best preserved
  • an important reserve of hammerhead sharks, a fascinating prehistoric animal that could disappear before 2050; manta rays are also observed in number

Dive sites


  • Red Sea Resort  – The Red Sea Resort is the only option to do just a few dives, for a day or two, if diving is not the primary goal of your trip to Sudan. A dive to Sanganeb or Shuab, from three divers, costs approximately 80 , for one hour (plus travel time). Taxi from Port Sudan to Red Sea Resort costs approximately 35 , with a small supplement for the wait (beyond three hours).
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Complete list of other articles in the region: Scuba diving