Port Maria - Port Maria

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Port Maria
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Port Maria is a city in Jamaica.


The old port city was founded by the Spanish as Puerto Santa Maria. The first written sources of this place go back to the year 1516. The small plain is bordered by two rivers. In the west it is the Port Maria River, in the east the Pagee River. The historic town center is limited to three streets by the sea. Behind it was the Frontier Plantation from the second half of the 16th century. This was a relatively large sugar cane plantation of around 590 hectares. The manor house is of certain architectural and historical importance. The former quarters of the accountant and the plantation supervisor are in the immediate vicinity. The buildings have been used by the Ministry of Agriculture since 1979. Additional office buildings and workshops in the immediate vicinity disrupt the overall impression of the historic complex considerably.

In the middle of the 16th century there were numerous slave revolts. At least two of the major riots were instigated in Port Maria. 1760 became one of the Coromantee slaves Tacky cited. In the course of this, 60 whites and 300 to 400 slaves were killed. The second uprising took place in 1765.

The administrative center for the county of Saint Mary is located in Port Maria. The place inspires with an impressive panorama. The main road leads down from the hills to the small harbor on either side. The island lies in the bay Cabrita Island, which divides the harbor into two parts with its reefs. In the center you can turn into the quieter part of the village at a crossroads or leave the village straight away.

The district is about 2½ km south of the center Trinity with the state hospital. Around 3 km northwest at the end of the Little Bay Bay one reaches the village Galina with a small lighthouse.

Sir Noel Coward

The English playwright, writer and painter Noel Coward came to Jamaica for the first time in 1944 for two weeks' vacation. It was immediately a dream island for him. Four years later he came back, this time for six weeks, during which he did the Goldeneye Rented property from compatriot Ian Fleming. Halfway to Port Maria, he found a piece of land with a "For Sale" sign. He bought 3 hectares of land there, which he "Coward's Folly“Named and commissioned plans to build a house there. When he returned after a year, he found a two-storey villa and two guest cottages there, and the garden was almost finished. The villa was named "Blue Harbor“.Noel Coward left England entirely and lived in Jamaica in the following period. He hired a cook, a maid, several gardeners and a chauffeur and invited all of his friends. He quickly hosted a large group of artists, actors and other dignitaries: Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontane, Claudette Colbert, Marlene Dietrich, Errol Flynn, Alec Guiness, John Gielgud, Katherine Hepburn, Vivien Leigh, Mary Martin, David Niven, Patricia Neal and Laurence Olivier were just a few of them. Some friends came for one night and others stayed for weeks, but Noel Coward soon felt the need for more privacy and privacy. With wise foresight, he had already acquired another property for a long time: "Lookout“, 300 meters above Blue Harbor. This property was once owned by the pirate and later Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica, Henry Morgan. In 1956 Noel Coward moved and named the new house “Firefly“Because of the many fireflies that were there. In the following years he celebrated successes on American television and on stage in Las Vegas together with Sammy Davis Jr. and Frank Sinatra. In 1965 even the English Queen Mother came to Blue Harbor and Winston Churchill was his guest several times. He died on March 26, 1973 at the age of 74 on Firefly, where he was buried. Today the property is dated Jamaica Heritage Trust managed. The house can be viewed Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., guided tours of the property cost US $ 10. There is a bench in the garden with Noel Coward (in bronze) sitting on it with a view of Port Maria. In the house his clothes are still hanging in the closet, the old typewriter is on his desk and there are photos of him with the Queen Mother, Errol Flynn and Sean Connery on the walls. There is a small bar and a souvenir shop. Firefly House, Main Road, Galina, Tel. 997-7201, 994-0920.

getting there

In the street

Port Maria is on the North Coast Highway. It's 20 miles from Ocho Rios. It is 72 km to Port Antonio.

Tourist Attractions

The one that burned out in 1980 dates from 1821 Courthouse. Parts of the building have already been restored.

The St. Mary Parish Church, Built in 1861, lies across the street from the courthouse along with its cemetery.

Victoria Park was opened in 1977 in Claude Stuart Park renamed. Claude Stuart was a former Member of Parliament and Minister of Health. In this park you can find a memorial stone for the fallen of the two world wars. There are also memorial plaques for the slave leader "Tacky”Who led the uprisings of 1760. Another inscription commemorates Sir Charles Price, who was a member of the government several times between 1746 and 1763.

The Presbyteric Church by the sea was built in 1821.

Fort Haldane was built during the Seven Years War in 1759 to protect the coast. It was named after General George Haldane, the island governor at the time. In 1872 the fort was sold to the merchant John William Gray. This decreed that 500 from the purchase price would be used to build a welfare center for the poor in the district. The powder magazine and the kitchen construction are still preserved from the fortifications. Two of the cannons have been completely preserved, three are damaged.


  • Bedward's supermarket, Trinity. Tel.: 994-2822, 994-2425. Butcher shop, groceries.
  • C-way, 24 Stennett Street. Tel.: 994-9416. Food.
  • Edwards Liquor Store, 6 Stennett Street. Tel.: 994-9463. Beverages.
  • Foo Hing Supermarket, Main Road. Tel.: 994-2294, 994-2260. Food.
  • Hi-Lo supermarket, 7-11 Stennett Street. Tel.: 994-9878.
  • Northern Bakery, 35 Main Street. Tel.: 994-2453. Bakery.
  • Pioneer supermarket, 28 Stennet Street. Tel.: 994-2798. Cosmetics, food.
  • Port Maria Book & Record Center, Mannings Plaza. Tel.: 994-2263, Fax: 994-2280. Books, CDs.
  • Port Maria Wholesale, 27 Stennett Street. Tel.: 994-2686. Food.
  • Sinclair's Bargain Center, 53 Warner Street. Tel.: 994-2204, 994-9132. General goods.
  • Touch of elegance, Horace Clarke Arcade. Tel.: 994-9850. Boutique.
  • Wholesale Photo, 28 Stennet Street. Tel.: 994-2583. 1 hour film development.


  • Almond Tree Club Restaurant, 56 Warners Street. Tel.: 994-2379. Jamaican.
  • Chicken Hut, 12 Stennett Street. Tel.: 994-2371.
  • Essie's restaurant, 10 Main Street. Tel.: 994-9598.
  • Juici patties, 21 Stennett Street. Tel.: 994-2683, Fax: 725-0881. Quick meals.
  • Just in case, 30 Warner Street. Tel.: 994-9807. Tavern.
  • Little Bay Inn, Main Road, Little Bay. Tel.: 994-2721. Price: Prices: Beer 90 YES $.
  • Mignott Restaurant, 23 Stennett Street. Tel.: 994-2060.
  • Park restaurant, 11 Stennett Street. Tel.: 994-2795.
  • Santa Maria, Hotel Casa Maria. Tel.: 725-0156.


  • Blue Harbor Guest House, Port Maria - Ocho Rios Main Road, Galina. Tel.: 940-0323. 4 villas, salt water pool. This is Noel Coward's former home.Price: Prices: Single / Double 85 US $ per person.
  • Hotel Casa Maria, Ocho Rios - Port Maria Main Road, Castle Gardens. Tel.: 725-0156, Fax: 725-0157. 20 rooms, restaurant, bar, pool, conference room, beach.Price: Prices: single 50-87 US $, double 62-99 US $.
  • B & B ORACABESSa, Main Street Oracabessa. Tel.: 4072345. 6 rooms. Old colonial villa with sea views, beautiful veranda and beach access, 2 shared bathrooms.Price: 1 double room with private bathroom, WiFi, breakfast (not included - $ 6.50) from a German bakery, hot water, double room with private bathroom $ 40, double room with shared bathroom $ 30.



  • Port Maria Public Hospital, Trinity. Tel.: 994-2228, 994-2277.


  • Optical Solutions, 41-F Main Street. Tel.: 994-2416, 725-0812.


  • Port Maria Dental Clinic, Stennett Street. Tel.: 994-2787.


  • Clare's Supermed Pharmacy, 12 Stennett Street. Tel.: 994-2386.
  • New Krissann Pharmacy, Manning Plaza. Tel.: 725-0418, 725-0905.
  • Port Maria Pharmacy, 7-11 Stennett Street. Tel.: 994-9290, Fax: 994-2340.
  • Parkway Pharmacy, Pioneer Plaza, Stennett Street. Tel.: 994-2037.

Practical advice


  • National Commercial Bank, 8 Main Street. Tel.: 994-2219, 994-2551, Fax: 994-2380.
  • RBTT bank, 51 Warner Street. ATM.
  • Scotiabank, 57 Warner Street. Tel.: 994-2265, 994-2322.


  • Police department, Main Street. Tel.: 994-2640, 725-0304.


  • Brimmer Hall Plantation, Free Hill. Tel.: 994-2309, Fax: 974-2309. Brimmer Hall is about 5 km southeast of Oracabessa. The simple plantation house consists only of the ground floor. It was built in the 18th century. Originally, four plantations totaling over 1,000 hectares were managed from there, all of which were owned by Zachary Bayley. The original furnishings are still in the plantation house. The former stables have been rebuilt. There are now 9 shops there. There are guided tours of the plantation and the manor house.Price: Admission: US $ 18, children US $ 9.
  • Galina lighthouse. About 7 km north of Port Maria at Galina Point is this 12 meter high lighthouse. Its light is visible from a distance of 19 km at night. The construction date is not known, but there has been a beacon there since 1912. The white concrete tower is powered by solar power, it is locked, but the site is freely accessible.


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