Poschiavo - Poschiavo

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Poschiavo is the main town in Poschiavo and the largest settlement in the valley.


getting there

By plane

By train

All trains on the Bernina line stop in Poschiavo Pontresina in the Engadine and Tirano in Italy. There is a train every hour in each direction. The trains also run in winter, even if short interruptions for clearing snow must be expected.

By bus

In the street

The Bernina Pass road connects the Engadine with the Poschiavo and continues from Poschiavo to Tirano in Lombardy. While traveling by road from Italy is possible all year round, the Bernina Pass is often closed to cars in winter. Then it is advisable to switch to the train.

By bicycle

On foot


Map of Poschiavo

Tourist Attractions

  • 1  Poschiavo Valley Museum (Museo valliagiano poschiavino), Via da Spultri in Poschiavo. Tel.: 41818341020, Email: . The museum presents the history of culture, art, everyday life and agriculture in the region. The patrician house was built in 1655 as the Palazzo de Bassus-Mengotti.Open: the website shows the current opening dates every year; Group tours by appointment.Price: Adults: 10 CHF; Seniors and the severely disabled 8 CHF; Students: 4 CHF; Children: free entry.
  • Palazzi o Quartiere spagnolo (Palazzi or Spanish Quarter) (North side of Via di Palaz). The Poschiavo people who emigrated to Spain and returned in the second half of the 19th century built palazzi with influences from their former adopted home.
  • 2  Oratory of Sant'Anna Charnel House (Oratorio Sant'Anna Ossario), Via dal Cunvent, Poschiavo. Tel.: 4181 839 00 60, Email: . Complex built in 1732 with beautiful, baroque frescoes and sculptures in the interior. In 1903 the loggia attached to the front was converted into an ossuary. The bones lying there were found under the collegiate church of San Vittore, which is opposite the complex.Open: 07/03/2019 to 09/25/2019 - Wed 14:00.Price: Free.
  • Casa Tome, Via di Puntunai 180, 7742 Poschiavo. Medieval, well-preserved farmhouse in the village center of Poschiavio, built around 1357. Today a museum of typical regional peasant life.Open: June 16 - October 20, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday: 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., guided tours for groups on request.
  • 3  San Vittore Mauro Church (Chiesa the San Vittore Mauro), Piazza Comunale, 7742 Poschiavo. Tel.: 41 81 844 02 07. Late Gothic church (Roman Catholic) built in the early Middle Ages in the center of Poschiavo.Price: Free.
  • Santa Maria Assunta Church (Chiesa Santa Maria Assunta), Via Santa Maria, Poschiavo. The Catholic Church was mentioned in a document as early as the 13th century, but in its current baroque appearance it was designed at the end of the 17th / beginning of the 18th century.Price: Free.
  • Old Augustinian convent (Veccio Monastero), Via dal Cunvent 45, 7742 Poschiavo. Tel.: 4181 839 00 50, Email: . The chapel and the grounds of the old Augustinian monastery from the 17th century are used today as a center for spirituality, ecumenism and culture.Open: Office hours: morning 10 a.m. - 11 a.m., afternoon 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Casa Console - Art Museum Collection Ernesto Conrad (Casa Console - Fondazione Ernesto Conrad), Via da Mez 32 (Piazza Comunale), 7742 Poschiavo. Tel.: 4181 844 00 40 T., Email: . The former farmhouse dates back to the 12th century and was renovated in 1856 by the cafetier and later consul Antonio Semadini from Poschiavo and converted into a stately home. The building has historical wall paintings, works of art in the romantic style of the 19th century are on display, including some works by Carl Spitzweg. In addition to exhibitions, there are also artistic events.Open: Tuesday to Sunday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. from mid-December to October.Price: single entry CHF 10.00; Group entry CHF 8.00.
  • Casa Torre (Defense tower, historical community archive), Via de Mez, Piazza Comunale, 7742 Poschiavo. Today the Casa Torre houses the city archive, which contains documents and files on the history of Poschavio and the Valtellina. The defense tower belonging to the town hall played a special role in the witch trials of the Poschiavo, which took place from the 15th century to 1753. The archive also contains documents supporting the witch trials.


There is one in Poschiavo 1 Indoor swimming pool with a 25 m pool, which is open to guests for a few hours every day except Friday. Admission costs CHF 7.- for adults and CHF 4.- for children up to 16 years of age.






Practical advice



Web links

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