Grajewo poviat - Powiat grajewski

Grajewo poviat - poviat in Poland, in Podlaskie Voivodeship, created in 1999 as part of an administrative reform. His seat is Grajewo.

An administrative division

Coat of arms of the Grajewo poviat

The poviat consists of:

   urban communes: Grajewo urban-rural communes: Rajgród, Szczuczyn rural communes: Grajewo, Radziłów, Wąsosz towns: Grajewo, Rajgród, Szczuczyn

Worth seeing

in Grajewo

MonumentsSelected monumentsThe Church of the Holy Trinity

   Church of the Holy Trinity - the oldest church in the city, built in the years 1879-1882 in the neo-Gothic style Church belfry from 1837. Parish cemetery - the main town cemetery founded in 1810 Wilczewscy tomb chapel - classicistic chapel in the parish cemetery built in 1839 Wooden houses from the 19th century. Inn from the mid-19th century. Railway station from 1873. Two roadside shrines from the middle of the 19th century. 19th century. The building of the Public Junior High School No. 1 from 1931. Officers' casino Water tower from 1896.

outside Grajewo