Suski poviat - Powiat suski

Suski poviat
Panorama of Sucha BeskidzkaPanorama of Sucha Beskidzka
POL county suski flag.svg
POL Suski County COA.svg
Capital citySucha Beskidzka
Surface685.75 km²
Population85 000
Car codeKSU

Suski poviat - district in the south Poland, in in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship. The city is the seat of the poviat authorities Sucha Beskidzka. The other cities in the Suski poviat are Jordanow and Maków Podhalański.

An administrative division

The poviat consists of:

  • municipalities: Jordanów, Sucha Beskidzka
  • urban-rural communes: Maków Podhalański
  • rural communes: Budzów, Bystra-Sidzina, Jordanów, Stryszawa, Zawoja, Zembrzyce


The Suski Poviat is located in the Beskids, at the south-west end of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship and borders on the west with the Żywiec Poviat in the Silesian Voivodeship, from the north and east with three other poviats included in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship: Wadowice, Myślenice and Nowy Targ, and from the south with the Namiestovo period in Slovakia.

It is a typically mountainous area, and the region's natural wealth consists of forests, covering almost 50% of its area. The Suski Poviat includes 9 communes that make up: two cities (Sucha Beskidzka, Jordanów), one urban-rural commune (Maków Podhalański) and six rural communes (Budzów, Bystra-Sidzina, Jordanów, Stryszawa, Zawoja, Zembrzyce). The poviat consists of a total of 37 towns.

The southern part of the poviat, located the highest, is located in the Beskid Żywiecki, which is divided here into three smaller geographical units: the Babia Góra Range with the highest peak of the entire Western Beskids, Babia Góra (1725 m), the Police Range (Polica, 1369 m) and the Pasmo Jałowieckie, also known as Przedbabiogórskie (Jałowiec, 1111 m). A characteristic element of the landscape of the northern part of the poviat are the hills belonging to the lower mountain groups - the Leskowiec Range (918 m) and Łamana Rock (929 m) in the Little Beskids (in the north-west) and the Koskowa Góra Range (866 m) in the Makowski Beskids (in the northern east).

Almost the entire area of ​​the poviat lies in the basin of the upper Skawa River, which is the main river of the region. There are three towns on the Skawa river: Sucha Beskidzka, Maków Podhalański and Jordanów. The most important tributaries of the Skawa in this area include: Pożoga, Toporzyski Potok, Bystrzanka, Cadynka, Skawica, Grzechynia, Stryszawka and Tarnawka (left-bank), and Malejów, Osielec, Wieprzec, Żarnowianka and Paleczka (right-bank).

The upper Skawa basin covers areas of a very varied nature. The climate in the Babia Góra Range is sharper, rocky mountain soils dominate, turning in the valleys of streams into clay-rocky soils. Due to the terrain, significant parts of this area are still difficult to access today. In contrast, in the Beskids Mały and Makowski the climate is milder, and the flat bottoms of the river valleys are covered with more fertile brown soils. Due to the lower altitude and gentler forms of the slopes, these mountains are neither, nor in the past, a particularly difficult to overcome communication and settlement barrier.

The natural, landscape and cultural richness of the Sucha County makes it an attractive area for tourism and leisure. This is achieved, among others, by a very well-developed network of tourist routes and more and more numerous bicycle routes, as well as a constantly growing accommodation base.

In order to protect the unique landscape and natural values ​​of Babia Góra, the Babia Góra National Park was established in 1954 on the southern edge of the present poviat, and in 1976 it was included in the international network of UNESCO biosphere reserves.

In the Sucha poviat there is also the south-eastern part of the Little Beskid Landscape Park, established in 1998. In the future, it is planned to create a reserve "Leskowiec" here in order to protect a fragment of the natural beech forest growing on the ridge between Leskowiec and the John Paul II group.


Transport map of the county

By car

By bus

By train

By plane


Location of the Suski poviat on the map of the Małopolskie voivodship

Historically, this area has been influenced by various administrative centers. Krakow has been the main regional center for centuries. On the other hand, at the subregional level, various parts of today's Sucha County were subordinated to various centers, incl. Oświęcim, Zator (Duchy of Oświęcim and Zator), Lanckorona (Starosty Lanckoroń), Żywiec, Wadowice, Myślenice and Nowy Targ. Only in the interwar period, in the years 1924-1931, there was a unit of a similar range - the Maków district with the seat of the starosty in Maków. However, this structure was too weak in economic terms and was dissolved after a few years.

The Suski County was established on January 1, 1956 in the Krakow Province, i.e. 15 months after the introduction of clusters to replace the existing municipalities (September 29, 1954) as the basic administrative units of the Polish People's Republic. The Suski poviat was made up of 3 cities and 26 clusters, which were excluded from the three neighboring poviats in the same voivodship.

With the administrative reform of 1999, the Suski poviat was restored in the new Małopolska voivodeship, compared to the area from 1975 reduced by the Spytkowice commune, which was located in the Nowy Targ poviat in that voivodeship. The Suski poviat belongs to the Euroregion Beskidy.

Monuments and tourism

The Suski Poviat is an area with great tourist potential, especially when it comes to hiking, mountaineering and winter sports. There are numerous thematic and tourist routes in the poviat, including the Main Beskid Trail. Agritourism is also developing in the poviat.

Historical monuments

Church of st. Peter and Paul in Lachowice
The parish church of the Holy Trinity in Jordanów

The most important monuments of the Sucha County are:

  • A castle and park complex in Sucha Beskidzka
  • The "Rzym" inn and the church and monastery complex in Sucha Beskidzka
  • Wooden church in Lachowice
  • Church of the Holy Apostles Simon and Jude Tadeusz in Łętownia
  • The eighteenth-century church in Bieńkówka
  • Sanctuary and Villa "Paczosówka" in Maków Podhalański
  • Church of st. Nicholas in Sidzina
  • The parish church in Osielec
  • Wooden church in Zawoja
  • Manor and palace complex in Wysoka (near Jordanów)
  • The manor house in Jordanów-Chrobaczem
  • The parish church of the Holy Trinity in Jordanów
  • The parish church and the manor house in Zembrzyce


Chałupy in the open-air museum in Zubrzyca Grn.
  • open-air museum in Sidzina (branch of the Orawa Ethnographic Park in Zubrzyca Górna)
  • open-air museum in Zawoja Markowa Józef Żak
  • Mountain Center "Korona Ziemi" in Zawoja
  • The Regional Chamber in Sucha Beskidzka in the "Gardener's House" - ethnographic collection of the Society of Suska Land Lovers
  • Regional Chamber of the Society of Friends of the Makowska Land in Maków Podhalański
  • Historical Museum of Maków Podhalański (MHMP)
  • Educational Center of Babia Góra National Park in Zawoja Barańowa
  • Mountain Tourism Museum of PTTK in Zawoja - Markowe Szczawiny
  • Beskidzkie Center of Folk Toys - Creative Workshops in Stryszawa

Tourist routes

The main tourist routes of the district include:

  • Main Beskid Trail
  • Little Beskid Trail
  • The Żywiec path
  • Małopolska Fruit Trail
  • The Wooden Architecture Trail of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship


The main cultural and sporting events of the Suski poviat include:

  • Suska Land Days - May
  • Maków Podhalański Days - June
  • Jordanow Days - August
  • Toy Festival in Stryszawa - June
  • Suskie Meetings with Folklore - July
  • Beskid Culture Week in Maków Podhalański - August
  • Music Days at the Castle in Sucha Beskidzka - September
  • Babiogórska Autumn in Zawoja - September-October
  • The International Run on the Makowska Land
  • Mountain Bike Racing in Sucha Beskidzka
  • Sled Dog Racing in Zawoja




In the Suski poviat, there is a very large and well-organized accommodation base. There are as many as 108 accommodation facilities in the poviat, which offer nearly 4.2 thousand. places. A full list of them can be found on the official website of the poviat (


When staying in the mountains or forests, located in the Sucha County, you should take great care for safety, due to the possible quick changes in the weather. In case of problems in the mountains, please contact the Babia Góra Section of GOPR (No. 601 100 300). In the event of severe road problems, you should call the appropriate services (police, road ambulance).