Praia Grande (São Paulo) - Praia Grande (São Paulo)

Praia Grande is a municipality in the Baixada Santista metro area, in the São Paulo state, being conurbated with Santos, São Vicente, Mongaguá, and Itanhaém.


Get in

There are direct buses from São Paulo. Check You can also go from Sao Paulo to São Vicente and take a regional bus from there to Praia Grande.

There are also regional busses from the area around like from Santos.

Get around

Praia Grande can be explored nicely on foot.

To get a local bus connection use the app of Google Maps or Moovit. For Moovit you need to choose the metropolitan area "Santos e Regiao". The fare is around R$4 inside the city and can be paid in the bus. In the regional buses you need to say (or show) to which town you want to go to. Then the fare will be calculated.

For taxis simply use Uber.




  • Avenida Presidente Costa e Silva, Forte. Praia Grande's main shopping street, also a nice place to sit in a snackbar or ice-cream shop.
  • Avenida Presidente Kennedy. Not a touristic spot by any sense, but offers several supermarkets and all kinds of services.
  • Litoral Plaza Shopping, Av. Ayrton Senna da Silva, 1511 (After crossing the bridge from São Vicente). Shopping mall with about 220 shops, located near the entrance of the city.




For hostels simply look on and sort by price.


Go next

Routes through Praia Grande
PeruíbeMongaguá S BR-101.png N São VicenteSantos
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