Hiking in the Alps from Brig to Zermatt - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Randonnée dans les Alpes de Brig à Zermatt — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Via Stockalper

Alpine Passes Trail

Swiss Tour Monte Rosa
Sinnbild Wanderer.svg

(Brig - Zermatt)
The village of Zermatt. We see the Matterhorn in the background.
The village of Zermatt. We see the Matterhorn in the background.

46 ° 10 ′ 38 ″ N 7 ° 48 ′ 8 ″ E

This route of Brig To Zermatt takes several paths of hiking national: Via Stockalper, Chemin des Cols Alpins and Swiss Tour Monte Rosa.


From the Rhône valley to the Matterhorn, this incredible six-day hike in the highest mountains in Switzerland reveals the most spectacular landscapes. Between lakes and glaciers, this route is certainly one of the most beautiful in Switzerland.
The destination? Zermatt, a tourist village known for its ski resorts near the Matterhorn (4 500 m).


Hike through the lonely Taferna Valley to the Simplon Pass12 kmhIncredible climb above the Saltina Gorge
Panoramic path to the Bistinepass24 kmh 20Glaciers above the Simplon, view of the Mischabel and Dom massif, the highest peak in Switzerland at 4 545 m
Walk along the mountain slopes to Saas-Fee16 kmhWithout any big difference in height, through forests and pastures, old granaries, barns and stables bathed in the sun, view over the grandiose chain of peaks over 4000 m to Saas-Fee
Balfrin mountain trail from Saas-Fee to Grächen (Swiss Tour Monte Rosa)19 kmh 10Panoramic hike with spectacular views of the ice peaks and the Saas and Matter valleys
Euporaweg from Grächen to the hut "Europahütte" (Swiss Tour Monte Rosa)14 kmh 35The Europahütte is an ideal hideaway to spend the night.
From the Europahütte to Zermatt (Swiss Tour Monte Rosa)19 kmhDescent to a tourist village at the foot of the Matterhorn, known for its ski resorts.

To go

By automobile

  • 1 Brig  – is accessible by the A9 motorway or by the cantonal road.

By train

By train, line Geneva / Lausanne - Brig.

Access to Zermatt

  • 2 Zermatt  – Only accessible by public transport. The ideal is to take the train (usually every 20 minutes) from Tasch, to cover the last 5 km.


  • Zermatt. The city is forbidden to cars

To see


  • Departure of Brig
  • 1 Simplon Pass  – Via the Via Stockalper, through Alpe Grun and Tafema.
  • 2 Bistinepass
  • 3 Saas-Fee  – Don't forget the Allalin-Express metro, for the panoramic restaurant. Parking at the entrance to the city, because cars are prohibited to traffic.
  • 4 Grächen  – Typical village with its traditional chalets.
  • 5 Europahütte  – Above Randa
  • Arrival in Zermatt

To buy


Have a drink / Go out



  • Lots of valleys and alpine peaks, a must see!
  • Visiting Zermatt is worth the trip.
  • The panoramic train Glacier Express connects Zermatt to St. Moritz in h . The traveler has plenty of time to observe the mountain landscape.
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Complete list of other articles in the region: Valais