Ravenna - Ravenna

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Ravenna is a city in the region Emilia-Romagna, Italy.


Choral mosaics in San Vitale in Ravenna, scene: Emperor Justinian and Bishop Maximilianus and his court, detail: bust of Justinian

getting there

By plane

  1. "Federico Fellini" airport in Rimini (60 km away)
  2. Airport "Guglielmo Marconi" in Bologna (85 km away).

By train

By bus

In the street

By boat


Map of Ravenna

Tourist Attractions


Within its ancient walls, Ravenna has the richest legacy of mosaics from the 5th and 6th centuries. For this reason, the earlier Christian and Byzantine religious buildings have been recognized as World Heritage by UNESCO; the 1 Galla Placidia Mausoleum, the 2 Neonian Battisterium, 3 Arian Battisterium4 Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo5 Chapel of Sant'AndreaArchbishop's Chapel6 Mausoleum of Theodoric7 Basilica of San Vitale and located out of town 8 Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe

Basilica di Sant'Apollinare
Exterior view
San Vitale Church
Exterior view

Castles, chateaux and palaces



  • Garibaldi monument
Garibaldi monument surrounded by palm trees


Streets and squares









  • Ristorante Alexander, Via Bassa del Pignataro, 8, 48121 Ravenna. Tel.: 39 0544 212967. Open: Tue - Sun 12.30 p.m. - 2.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. - 10.30 p.m., Mon closed.




The following accommodation options belong to the lower price range (Bed & Breakfast) and are well located in the center of the city, from where all the main monuments can be easily reached on foot:

  • B&B Casa Masoli. A very nice pension that is definitely to be recommended. The author herself was already a guest and especially liked the very family atmosphere and the quiet in the house.Feature: pension.
  • B&B Lord Byron. Would have been the author's second choice if she hadn't already been accommodated at Casa Masoli. The location is also advantageous here, and the website also makes a good impression.Feature: pension.

The one on the edge of the city center youth hostel you shouldn't set too high standards. In terms of price, it is reasonably ok, but no comfort and quite impersonal.



  • Grand Hotel Mattei ****, Via Enrico Mattei, 25, 48122 Ravenna. Tel.: 39 0544 455902.



Ravenna is a relatively hygienic city by Italian standards, in which there should be no health problems. However, it is not advisable to drink tap water! In general, you should always carry a bottle of water with you on long walks through the city, as the body can quickly become dehydrated in the sometimes quite high summer temperatures.

Practical advice

With a good command of English, you can usually find your way around the tourist areas of the city quite well. However, it can never hurt to speak a few words of Italian or to have an Italian-German dictionary with you, as Italians generally have a hard time with English (this should not be taken as an insult, but the author does Lived in Italy for a long time herself and in that case knows what she is talking about). In an emergency, you can also try to get by with Spanish or French, which are closely related to Italian.



Web links

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