Şəki region - Regione di Şəki

Şəki region
Northern view of the Şəki region
Şəki Region - Location
Institutional website

Şəki region (Şəki rayonu) is a region ofAzerbaijan.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Ruins of ancient Qəbələ

Urban centers

  • Şəki (former Nukha or Nuxa) - Capital of the Şəki district, it has one of the largest densities of cultural resources and monuments spanning 2,700 years of Azerbaijani history.
  • Balakən - Typical dishes of Balakən cuisine include: maxara, cüttü, chicken chigirtma and Balakən halva (typical sweets).
  • Danaçı - Located on the bank of the Alazan River, there are beautiful gardens, green woods and coves.
  • Göyçay - Rebuilt after the devastating earthquake of 1859 a Şamaxı.
  • Kiş - It is located about 5 km north of Şəki.
  • Oğuz (former Vartashen) - Chief town of the homonymous rajon.
  • Qax - Capital of the homonymous rajon, near the border with the Russia.
  • Qəbələ (former Kutkashen) - It took the name of the archaeological site from which it is about 20 km southwest.
  • Yengiyan - Belonging to the Zaqatala district.
  • Zaqatala - The city is populated by different ethnic groups, each with their own language which is not linguistically related to others in the whole region.
  • İsmayıllı - Capital of the homonymous rajon.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Şəki region
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Şəki region
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