Travel warnings - Reisewarnungen

Unfortunately, not every country in the world that you can travel to is also safe for holidaymakers from foreign countries. The ministries responsible for foreign affairs in Germany, Austria and Switzerland therefore regularly publish current and serious travel advice or even Travel warnings. The latter clearly indicate that a stay in the mentioned country dangerous is!

Countries with travel warnings are marked on Wikivoyage. All countries that currently have this mark are listed in the travel warnings category. (No liability!)


If a travel warning appears shortly before the start of the trip to a country, the trip can often be canceled due to "force majeure". Trips to areas that are warned about are sometimes not insured. If something happens to you, it can be expensive.

Travelers who go to a country or area for which a travel warning applies must also be aware that the consular assistance of the embassies is not available or is only available to a limited extent. This can be very inconvenient even with mundane problems such as a lost passport, as it may not be possible to obtain an emergency passport.

Issuing authorities