Rhodes - Rodas

Therhodes island (in Greek Ρóδος,Ródos) is the largest Greek island in the Dodecanese archipelago. The capital of the island is also called Rhodes.


In the center of the current city of Rhodes is the old town, dedicated entirely to tourism next to the port of Mandraki. It is made up of the medieval city, with its cobbled streets, fortresses and renovated old buildings, and a few mosques. It is worth mentioning the walls and fortresses, the Palace of the Grand Masters of the Order (destroyed by an explosion in 1856 and rebuilt by the Italians in 1940), the Hospital (today the Archaeological Museum), various fountains, the Market, the Archbishop's Palace. , the Church of the Annunciation and others, the Post Office building, the Town Hall, the Theater, the seat of the Government and the Institute of Marine Biology. The old city is full of shops where six thousand people work and all kinds of souvenirs are sold, with the shopping center on Sokratos street.


The Acropolis of Rhodes is located in the highest part of the city. The monuments were built in stepped terraces, with important retaining walls, their buildings are:

  • Temple of Athena Polias and Zeus. Four underground "structures" cut into the rock, with entrance steps, passages, a large opening in the central ceiling, along with water cisterns, foliage, and interior niches for statuettes. These "caves" were used for worship and recreation purposes.
  • Temple of Apollo Pythius. Small marble theater with capacity for approximately 800 spectators.
  • Stoa. The impressive facade was visible even from the port. Today only a foundation wall remains.
  • Artemision. The place of worship of the cult of Artemis is located on the northeast side of the hill, amid the ruins of other structures of similar function.
  • Rhodes Stadium. 210 meters north-south stadium, restored by the Italians.

Although the old town of Rhodes itself is one of the best preserved and most extensive medieval cities in Europe. Leaving the bus station, and over the outer wall and the moat, it is like going back in time and reliving all the dreams of being a knight and attacking exotic castles in faraway lands. It is also the location of many monuments and several museums, be sure to get a good map.


  • Europa Hotel, 94, 28th October St. (Psaropoula, 1.5 km from the port). Price: $ 100.
  • Rhodes4vacation, Tlipolemou. Price: $ 100.
  • Rodos Youth Hostel, Ergiou 12 Rhodes Old Town. Price: $ 10.
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