Roustavi - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Roustavi — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Roustavi steelworks administration building
Roustavi steelworks administration building
Postal code
41 ° 32 ′ 0 ″ N 45 ° 0 ′ 0 ″ E
Official site

Roustavi is a city of Kartli.


Roustavi (რუსთავი) is a post-Soviet city of 130,000 inhabitants. With a new square, a theater undergoing renovation, things are moving in this old industrial city. Only 25 min of Tbilisi, filled with buildings of Soviet architecture, surrounded by abandoned factories, abandoned Soviet-era parks and dusty hills.

To go

There are many marchroutkas going to Roustavi. On February 1, 2012, the marchrutka trip between Tbilisi and Roustavi costs 1.30 to 1.50 GEL. From Tbilisi, the marshrutkas wait at the station square metro station (Sadguris moedani) and also at the Politeknikouri metro station. They will have რუსთავი (Rustavi) displayed on their windshield.

On the station square, the marchroutkas going to Roustavi are parked behind the group of shops directly in front of the entrance / exit of the metro. In Politeknikuri, the marchroutkas for Roustavi are waiting just outside the northeast exit of the metro.

On their way to Roustavi, these marchroutkas will invariably take the main artery of the river (Quai Président Heydar Aliyev / Rue Gorgasalis). If you see one passing by, wave it, it will stop if there is room. The marshrutkas enter the city through the main street of Roustavi (Rue Megobroba). You will know when you are in Roustavi when you see hundreds of 9 story apartment buildings literally everywhere. Just scream Gaatchérét the driver will let you off. All places are good to stop.

Marchroutkas between Rustavi and Tbilisi start their routes early in the morning and end at midnight (at least the one from the station square and Politeknikuri).

Mistake not to be made, despite the plans and maps indicating the station, it is abandoned and no longer used. The nearest station is the Gardabani border station before the Azeri border. However, you will not be able to board the train if you do not have a ticket, which can only be purchased at Tbilisi Central Station. If you want to continue your journey toAzerbaijan, the easiest way is to go to the border post of Ruisbolo to enter Azerbaijan, then to go to the border station of Böyük K oùsik where you can buy your train ticket.


Roustavi can be easily visited on foot. Nevertheless, Roustavi has many Marchrutka roads covering the city up and down. A walk in Marchroutka is at the flat rate of 50 tetri. Marchroutkas n ° 1 and n ° 14 run on the main road that connects Old Roustavi and New Roustavi. Make sure he has the sign on the windshield that says "pirdapir" (პირდაპირ) otherwise you risk making the grand tour of the city.

To see

The town square is very nice, there is a river and a lot of dilapidated apartment buildings reminiscent of the past. Nothing like a good lick of paint. The theater is beautiful.


To buy


Have a drink / Go out



Signage and storefronts are infrequently indicated in the Latin alphabet, which can make it difficult when trying to find your way. The locals speak very little English for the most part, so fluency in Georgian or, failing that, Russian can be useful.


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Complete list of other articles from the region: Kartli