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Steeples Route
PKW aus Zusatzzeichen 1048-10.svg

Touristic site

The Steeples Route is a tourist route in the regional county municipality of Becancour, in the tourist region of Center-du-Quebec to Quebec. Created in 2004, the Route des Clochers is a cultural circuit that brings together nine churches and an Abenaki chapel (Saint-Grégoire, Sainte-Angèle-de-Laval, Précieux-Sang, Sainte-Gertrude, Saint-Sylvère, Gentilly, Sainte-Sophie -de-Lévrard, Saint-Pierre-les Becquets, Fortierville and Wôlinak). Guides are present in each of the ten places of worship to interpret the religious heritage, architecture and local history.



The History of the Bell Tower was created in 2004.


The bell tower crosses six municipalities: Saint-Pierre-les-Becquets, Saint-Sylvere, Sainte-Sophie-de-Lévrard, Fortierville, Sainte-Gertrude, as well as five sectors of Becancour.

To go


To see

Nine churches and a chapel:

  • Saint-Sylvère Church Saint-Sylvere – Built in 1915-1916 by Louis Caron
  • Hagia Sophia Church Saint-Sophie-de-Lévrard – Built in 1901-1904 by Louis Caron
  • Saint-Philomène Church Fortierville – Built in 1884-1886 by Alfred Giroux
  • Saint-Édouard Church Bécancour, Gentilly sector – Built in 1842-1849 by Thomas Baillairgé
  • Church of St. Peter the Apostle Saint-Pierre-les-Becquets – Built in 1834-1839 by Thomas Baillairgé
  • Church of Saint-Grégoire-le-Grand Bécancour, Saint-Grégoire sector – Built in 1850-1852 by Victor Bourgeau
  • Precious Blood Church Bécancour, Précieux-Sang sector – Built in 1903 by Louis Caron
  • Saint-Angèle Church Bécancour, Sainte-Angèle-de-Laval sector – Built in 1870 by Thomas Millet
  • Saint-Gertrude Church Sainte-Gertrude – Built in 1848-1853 by Damase Saint-Arnaud
  • Wôlinak Chapel Bécancour, Amerindian reserve


To buy


Have a drink / Go out



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Complete list of other articles in the region: Center-du-Quebec