Croatian phrasebook - Rozmówki chorwackie

Hi. Side.

How are you? Kako ste?

Well thank you. Good alone, hvala.

What is your name? Kako se zovete?

My name is... . Zovem se ....

Nice to meet you. Drago eats me.

Please. Molim.

Thank you. Hvala.

You're welcome. Nema na čemu.

Yes. Da.

Not. Ne.

Excuse me. Oprostite.

Goodbye. To viđenja.

I don't speak [good] Croatian. Ne govorim (dobro) hrvatski.

Do you speak English? Govorite li engleski?

Is there anyone who speaks English? Govori li ovdje netko engleski?

Help! Stimulate!

Good day. Good tomorrow.

Good evening. Okay večer.

Good night. No wax.

I do not understand. I will never forget.

Where is the toilet? When will I find a toilet?

Please leave me. Ostavite me na miru!

Please don't touch me.Prestani me dirati!

I'll call the police. Zvat ću policiju.

Police! Police!

Be! Thief! Stanite! Lopov!

I need your help. Trebam vašu help.

Izgubio / izgubila sam se.

I lost my bag / purse.Izgubio / izhe lost the bag itself.

I lost my wallet.Izgubio / izgubila sam novčanik.

I feel bad. Bolestan / painful alone.

I'm injured. Povrijedio / povrijedila sam se.

I need a doctor. I need a doctor.

Can I use your telephone? Mogu li se poslužiti telefonom?

1 Jedan

2 dva / dvije

3 tri

4 četiri

5 pet

6 šest

7 sedam

8 people

9 devet

10 deset

11 eleven o'clock

12 dvanaest

13 trinaest

14 četrnaest

15 petnaest

16 šesnaest

17 sedamnaest

18 amnaest

19 devetnaest

20 dvadeset

21 dvadeset jedan

22 dvadeset dva / dvije

23 dvadeset tri

30 trideset

40 četrdeset


60 šezdeset

70 sedamdeset

80 osamdeset

90 devedeset

100 thin

200 dvjest

300 tristos

1000 tisuu

2000 dvije tisuće

1,000,000 million

number (e.g. of the bus) broj

half a field

less mania

more više

now seat

later cassation

before the holiday

morning tomorrow

afternoon afternoon


at night oh

One o'clock in the night. jedan sat the day before

One o'clock in the afternoon. Jedan sat will send them under

south south

supposedly midnight

today pineapple



this weekovaj tjedan

How much is the ticket to ...? Koliko košta card for ...?

One ticket to ... Molim vas, one card for ...

Where does this train / bus go? Kamo ide ovaj vlak / bus?

Where is the train / bus to ...? Gdje se nalazi vlak / bus for ..?

Does this train / bus stop at ...? Zaustavlja li se ovaj vlak / bus u ...?

When does the train / bus to ... leave? Kada polazi vlak / bus for ...?

When will this train / bus arrive at ...? Kada stiže ovaj vlak / bus u ...?

Where is ...? Kojim putem mogu stići do ...?

... train station? ... željezničkog kolodvora?

... the bus station? ... Autobusnog kolodvora?

... airport? ... zračne luke?

... a youth hostel? ... a hostel?

... hotel? ... hotel?

... embassy? ... conzulata?

Can you show me on the map?

Taxi! Taxi!

Please take me to ... Molim Vas odvezite me do ...

How much does it cost to travel to ...? Koliko košta vožnja do ...?

Please take me there. Molim vas, odvezite me tamo.

Are there rooms available? Imate li slobodnih soba?

How much is a single / double room? Koliko košta soba for one person / dvije person?

Is there ...? Ima li soba ...?

... bathroom? ... kupaonicu?

... telephone? ... telephone?

OK, I take it. U reduce, get them.

I will stay here for ... a night. I stay here ... oh (and).

What time is breakfast / dinner? Kada servirate doručak / večeru?

Can you wake me up at ...? Možete li me probuditi u ...?

I want to check out. Želim se odjaviti.

Do you accept ...? Mogu li platiti ...?

Where can I change money Gdje mogu razmijeniti novac?

Where can I find an ATM?

A table for one / two, please. Molim Vas, table for one person / dvije person.

Can I have the menu, please? Mogu li pogledati jelovnik?

Is there a local specialty Poslužujete li mjesni specijalitet?

I am a vegetarian. Me myself vegetarijanac / vegetarijanka.

I would like ... Želim ...








Salad salad






A glass, please ... Mogu li dobiti čašu ...?

A cup, please ... Mogu li dobiti šalicu ...?

A bottle, please ... Mogu li dobiti bocu ...?




water (carbonated) (gazirane) vode


red wine / white wine / bijelog vina

Sorry (to the waiter / waitress). Simple!

It was delicious, it was sweet.

Invoice, please. Račun, molim.

Do you have it in my size Imate li ovo u mojoj veličini?

How much does it cost?



I am not interested.

Okay, I'll take it. U redu, uzet ću.

I need ... Trebam ...

... toothpaste .... paste for the zube.

... toothbrushes .... četkicu za zube.

... tampons .... tampones.

... soaps .... sapun.

... shampoo .... šampon.

... painkiller .... liqueur for a bolove.

... cold remedies .... liqueur for prehlad.

... razors .... britvicu.

... batteries .... batteries.

... umbrellas .... kišobran.

... postcards .... razglednicu.

... stamps .... poštanske marke.

... pen ... pencal.

... newspapers in english .... novine in engleskom jeziku.

This website uses content from the website: Croatian phrasebook published on Wikitravel; authors: w editing history; Copyright: under license CC-BY-SA 1.0