Biosphere reserves in Uganda - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Réserves de biosphère en Ouganda — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

This article lists the sites listed as UNESCO biosphere reserve in Uganda.


Uganda has two terrestrial biosphere reserves, one of which is transboundary.



1 Queen elizabeth national park (Queen elizabeth national park) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element19791 978 km2Crater lake in Queen Elizabeth National Park.jpg


2 Mount elgon national park (Mount Elgon National Park) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element20051 279 km2 riding on theUganda (1 110 km2) and the Kenya (169 km2)Mount Elgon Forest.jpg
Logo representing 1 star half gold and gray and 2 gray stars
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Complete list of other articles in the theme: UNESCO Biosphere Reserve