Sailing - Sailing

Sailing can be done with ships or small craft. We have a few articles touching on the subject:

If you are trying to build or buy a sailing ship of your own, we cannot provide much help, but you might to join a cruise. Some of the cruise ship companies have sailing ships. See Cruise ships. Some cruises are on small ships without the normal cruise fare, see below.

Sail Training International and related organisations give youth (and some adults) the chance to sail tall ships, remaining ships of the age or sail, or newer purpose built ones. Some of the ships in the Tall Ships' Races are school ships, usually for the navy, but many also allow outsiders to join some of the trips.

Smaller sailing ships may also be operated commercially, offering possibilities to join shorter cruises, sometimes having customers do most of the sailing. Some of these can be found in the destination articles.

Some expensive destinations also have niche markets for sailing vessel expeditions, as a small vessel can reach places were you cannot go by ship. Several operators offer sailboat expeditions e.g. to Antarctica.

If you want a vessel you can afford to buy or charter by yourself, then Cruising on small craft is the article for you, although it covers also motorboats, and doesn't teach you to sail.

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