Saint-Claude (Guadeloupe) - Saint-Claude (Guadeloupe)

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Saint-Claude (creole: Sinkhole) is a community in Guadeloupe. It is the only municipality in the archipelago that has no coast.


The place, founded in 1766 by settlers from Alsace, is located 530 meters above sea level in the shadow of the volcano La Soufrière, 6 km from Basse-Terre away. It has been named after the Carmelite priest Révérend Pére Joseph de Saint-Claude since 1858. A river that flows through the town originally had this name, today it is the Rivière Noire.

In 1810, the Capitaine Général Ernouf founded the Camp Jacob military camp in the highest part of the village. The military also built the road to Camp Jacob and Matouba between 1844 and 1845. The hospital was closed, the remains are under monument protection and are to be restored. Because of the good altitude climate, many rich people from Basse-Terre live there today.

During this period, the foundation stone for the rectory and the cemetery could be laid through a monetary donation. In 1853 the hospital was built between Camp Jacob and the church.

On the southern outskirts in the area of ​​the districts Ducharmoy and Pelletier was the sugar factory of Saint-Claude. Like many others, it was closed. Indian immigrants founded the districts of Matouba, Grand Matouba and Papaya in three sections. Because of the good climate at this altitude, there are a number of medical facilities and rehabilitation clinics in Saint-Claude.

getting there

In the street

Saint-Claude can be reached from the town of Basse-Terre on national road 3.

Tourist Attractions

  • L`habitation Joséphine. Graveyard.
  • La Bonifierie, Habitation l`Esperance, Route de Choisy. Tel.: (0)590 800605, (0)590 504081, Fax: (0)590 803163. This coffee plantation, founded in 1760, is open to visitors. There is a boutique, a snack bar, parking spaces and toilets.Open: Tue - Sun 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • La Cascade Vauchelet, 500 m northeast on the Rivière Noire. Waterfall.
  • Le Saut de Matouba. Waterfall, the hiking trail there is of medium difficulty and can be mastered in 50 minutes.
  • La Chute du Galion. Waterfall on the south side of the Soufriere volcano. The path through the rainforest is very humid and takes about 1½ hours. The last 10 minutes to the 40 meter high waterfall is steep uphill. In order to master the ascent, ropes are attached to the rock, which are also necessary for the descent. If it rains a lot, it may not be possible to cross the waterfall by the pool on the way back.
  • La Maison du Volcan. Center for information and documentation of volcanology, 1 km from the Savane-à-Mulets. There is an artificially dammed pool with warm water for bathing.Open: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Le Parc National de Guadeloupe, Habitation Beausoleil, Montéran. Tel.: (0)590 808600, Fax: (0)590 800546.


Adventure playground

  • Mangofil, Accrobranches, La Bonifiere. Tel.: (0)590 803163, (0)590 811043. The facility was built in 2002. It is an amalgamation of 50 “tree houses”, a connection in the trees by rope and monkey bridges. There are introductory courses for children and adults. A monolith, 10 m high, has recently been added to the park as a climbing wall with 250 brackets. Ti’Café restaurant.Open: Tue - Sun 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.Price: Admission 15-22 €.


  • Vert Intense, Route de la Soufriere, Morne Houel. Tel.: (0)590 993473, Mobile: (0)690 554047, Fax: (0)590 993473.

Mountain biking

  • Vert Intense, Route de la Soufriere, Morne Houel. Tel.: (0)590 993473, Mobile: (0)690 554047, Fax: (0)590 993473.
  • La Manade, Saint Phy. Tel.: (0)590 815221, Fax: (0)590 819073. Open: Tue - Sun 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.


  • The course "Au Fil de l'Eau". A signposted hiking trail. Rr leads to the cascades of Vauchelet, the waterfall of Matouba, to the Rivière Rouge, (very ferrous, very cold water) and to the hot springs of Matouba.
  • Vert Intense, Route de la Soufriere, Morne Houel. Tel.: (0)590 993473, Mobile: (0)690 554047, Fax: (0)590 993473.


  • L'Oiseau du Paradis, Route de la Soufriere, Morne Houel. Tel.: (0)590 995988. French.Open: 11.30 a.m. - 3.30 p.m.
  • Le Lamasure, Hotel Saint Georges, Rue Gratien Parize. Tel.: (0)590 803980. Creole, expensive.
  • Le Restaurant de l’Afpa, Camp Jacob. Tel.: (0)590 908002. Creole.
  • Le Saint, Rue du Docteur Bertraud. Tel.: (0)590 801989. Bar.
  • Le Tamarinier, Place de la Maire, Bourg. Tel.: (0)590 800667. Creole.
  • mango, Cite Bonneterre. Tel.: (0)590 803434.
  • Paladien Antilles, Section Gallard. Tel.: (0)590 807539.
  • Saint Georges, Rue Gratien Parize. Tel.: (0)590 801010.


  • Hotel Saint Georges ***, Rue Gratien Parize. Tel.: (0)590 801010, Fax: (0)590 803050. 40 rooms, 2 restaurants, bar, pool, squash court, billiards, fitness center, conference room.



  • Center de Soins Spécialisés aux Toxicomanes (CSST), 10 rue Baudot. Tel.: (0)590 809380, Fax: (0)590 809370.
  • Center Hospitalier (CHGI), Rue Daniel Beauperthuy. Tel.: (0)590 805454.
  • Center Medical René Lacrosse Gai Foyer Choisy, Route Choisy. Tel.: (0)590 800252, Fax: (0)590 801676.
  • Center Hospitalier Spécialisé Psychiatry (CHSP), Rue Louis Dubreuil, Saint-Claude. Tel.: (0)590 800504. Psychiatry.


  • Pharmacie Chevry Nol, Premier plateau. Tel.: (0)590 801282.
  • Pharmacie Petit, 36, Route de Bologne. Tel.: (0)590 800980.

Practical advice

  • City administration, Mairie, Rue Elie Lacroix. Tel.: (0)590 800016, Fax: (0)590 801454.


Web links - Official website of Saint-Claude

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