Saint-Martin-Vésubie - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Saint-Martin-Vésubie — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

​((oc)Sant Martin de Lantosca)
The Church of Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption
The Church of Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption
Postal code
Tourist information office
44 ° 5 ′ 56 ″ N 7 ° 18 ′ 7 ″ E
Official site
Touristic site

Saint-Martin-Vésubie, in the old days Saint-Martin-Lantosque, is a municipality of South-East of France situated at 60 km in the north of Nice, south of Mercantour national park. The village is approximately 1000 meters altitude. The Vésubie river, the confluence of the Boréon and La Madone, takes its name south of the village.

She was nicknamed the little Switzerland of Nice at the time when the beautiful English women on vacation were taking the cool during the summer season.


The goal is to arouse your curiosity. You will be able to consult the specialized works in the media library as well as the cartography of the heritage of the Nice mountains. Logo indicating a link to the website

It is unlikely that thehomo-sapiens frequented the premises before the last ice age. It is believed that the area was frequented from the Bronze Age, with the appearance of inscriptions on the rocks of the Valley of Wonders.
Imagine, between 30,000 and 20,000 years before the Christian era, that Saint Martin Vésubie was covered with 100 to 300 meters of ice at the confluence of three important glaciers from the valley of La Madone de Fenestre, the valleys of Boréon and Salèse, and also from La Colmiane. Logo indicating a link to the website


You will observe that in the west the rock is of sedimentary origin. In the rocks of La Colmiane you will sometimes find traces of life in the limestone.

The east and the north metamorphic rocks give the water from the sources of Saint Matin an unequaled purity. This lime-free water preserves hot and boiling water machines, you will not have to treat your coffee maker ...
In these regions, deep grooves made by the moraines on the rocks bear witness to glaciation. (At Besson lakes, at Peïrastrèche by going up to the La Cougourde refuge, and more easily at La Madone de Fenestre where you can get in by car.)
The many mountain lakes formed in glacial locks harder rocks preventing glaciers from flowing.


The history of Saint Martin Vésubie is a long story impossible to describe in a few words. Consult the documents published by the Association Montagne et Patrimoine (UPSTREAM, formerly Mountain and Traditions). This association has been working there for a very long time with courage and tenacity.

You will notice all the same that the old village has a very Italian character, especially on the side of the place de la frairie.

The town was definitively French in 1860. The border with Italy was located at the three bridges.
In 1947 the territories lost in 1860 were returned. The border with Italy is now located at the various passes, the most accessible of which is the Fenestre pass.

Fauna and Flora

You will certainly visit the Mercantour park. These preserved places must not be damaged. It is too often observed that the plants are plundered, or even deteriorated for many years, by these combs intended to collect large quantities of fruit. There's no point in kicking mushrooms. We don't feed wild animals.

The lake of La Madone de Fenestre is frequented by chamois. Higher there are still some ibex. Below the four lakes, the marmots will whistle as you pass to alert their community that an intruder has just entered their territory.
Apart from these very easily observable animals, take a pair of 8x30 binoculars and a glossary with photos such as Wikijunior

To go

Unless you are dropped off by a helicopter you will necessarily arrive by road via the Col Saint Martin or by the valley of the Vesubia.

By plane

  • Nice-Côte d'Azur International Airport (IATA : NCE) Logo indicating a wikipedia link Rue Costes et Bellonte, 06206 Nice, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 820 42 33 33 Logo indicating timetables every day, 24 h/24. – Regular bus connection to Saint Martin Vésubie: twice a day after h 40, h 40 and 17 h 25 in Week 18 h 25 on Sunday, at the exit of Terminal N ° 1. In July and August additional buses are available.

On a boat

From the port of Nice, the easiest way is to take the bus or tram to Nice Ville SNCF station and wait for the bus to St Martin just in front of the station. Be careful, the bus is badly or not marked for "St Martin Vésubie", you can miss it ... Ask at the station or with other travelers.

By train

  • Nice Ville train station Logo indicating a wikipedia link
  • Nice Riquier station  – If you arrive from Menton or Villefranche sur mer
  • Saint Martin du Var station  – If you arrive by the Digne line then the bus to St Martin.

By bus

Go up to St Martin from Nice
(Approximately h for 1,5  in 2013) The coach leaves from the bus station at h 15 and to 17 h in Week, 18 h Sunday. It passes 10 min later in front of the Nice Ville SNCF station then, 25 min later at Terminal-1 airport.
An additional bus goes to La Bolline via La Colmiane and St Martin at h 15 in July-August
For details, updates, and rando-bus, consultBus to St Martin Vésubie ligne d'azur 730below.
Time to go back down
h and 13 h in Week, 16 h on Sunday, in St Martin place de la gare (Please note the place of departure must be moved): Request a ticket with a tram connection if necessary.
An additional bus goes down to 18 h 30 in St Martin place de la gare, in July and August. The bus comes from La Bolline via La Colmiane.
  • Bus to St Martin Vésubie: Details and connections, ligne d'azur 730 Logo indicating a link to the website, Logo indicating a telephone number  08 1006 1006 (local communication rate)

By car

  • By highway AT 8 : exit Worthy, take the national road towards Digne and after the iron bridge of Map of the Var climb to St Martin (Altitude: 1000 meters) by the Vésubie valley.
  • By taxi Logo indicating tariffs about 120  from the center of Nice. – Negotiate the price before entering the taxi.
  • Via Col St Martin if you arrive by Route Napoléon Logo indicating a link to the website – La Colmiane, Ski and leisure resort, alt 1 800 m.


Top of the famous rue du Ruisseau de Saint Martin Vésubie (Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, France), rue Cagnoli is known through history: the films that were shot there and historical novels such as Étoile Errante by JMG Le Clézio, Nobel Prize in literature.

The main street, rue Cagnoli, nicknamed rue du Ruisseau, is pedestrianized.

the road going up from the valley is very busy, although it has been well laid out it remains dangerous due to many bends; it is particularly dangerous during heavy rains with the risk of mudslides and falling rocks.

Parking problems are recurrent in summer. A new car park has been set up at Chemin des Collettes (July 2013).

Breakdown, towing, fuel 24/24, Garage des 2 vallées, at the exit of the village Route de La Colmiane. Phone 33 493 032 321

Taxi Mercantour garage. Route de Nice, at the bottom of the village, just after the bridge over the Vésubie. Phone 33 493 033 019

To see

Places and monuments : The chapels of the white penitents and the chapel of the black penitents, the Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption church, the Sainte-Anne door, rue du Docteur Cagnoli.

  • The Wolf Park Logo indicating a link to the website (near Lake Boréon) – Alpha Park
  • Museum of heritage and the high country of Nice Pra d'Agout Artisanal Zone
  • St Martin's Carnival Logo indicating timetables in February.
  • The bread festivalEarly August.

Photo galleries


Rue du Docteur Cagnoli

Rue du Ruisseau, from the bottom to the top.


Houses and villas

See the Place de la Frairie


In all seasons
The activities of the village are announced on the website of the Saint Martin Vésubie Tourist Office[1].
Read also the newspaper of all Vésubie[2], free monthly from January 2015.
When fishing is open
Fishing for trout in the Boréon; lake and river.
Lake Boréon
In summer
It was, and remains, a resort town. We go to St Martin for the freshness of its climate in summer. Vacationers are replacing the English beauties and second homes are replacing hotels.
Summer visitors set off in the morning, alone, with family or friends, to follow one of the many hiking trails, or have a picnic on the shores of a mountain lake. La Colmiane ski resort offers accessible summer activities for all ages.
In the evening the atmosphere is festive, shows are organized by the Town Hall or the General Council, in the open air or under shelter.
  • Pool Logo indicating a link to the website
  • To play petanque on the shaded square. Play with square balls rue du Ruisseau on public holidays.
In winter
La Colmiane ski resort, just a few kilometers away, (Altitude: 1500 - 1,800 meters) offers activities for all snow-related pleasures, for young and old. It is a well equipped and well organized family resort.
In all seasons
Participate in Reading coffee the last Friday of the month at 18 h . Subject and location are displayed at the media library and at the Place de Mairie bookstore.


Randoxygen guides [3] High Country[4] of the General Council of Alpes Maritimes offers 59 hikes in the Mercantour National Park including 12 near Saint Martin Vésubie.

Do also

Any hiker must visit this valley.
The routes described below are personalized for a departure from St Martin Vésubie.
Why Merveilles !? The words would be dull. You have to go there and let yourself be surprised.
How to get there from St Matin?
You have to consider walking for several hours with significant height differences. Two routes are possible; initially, always with a car:
  1. From the Madone de Fenestre refuge (Alt. 1 910 m) where you can get by car, then walk to the Nice refuge via the Pas du Mont Colomb, then you reach the north-west of the Vallée des Merveilles via the Baisse du Basto.
  2. We go first to Belvédère, then by the road to La Gordolasque, at the Countet bridge where you can leave the car (Alt. 1 620 m). Two sees are then possible; by the Nice refuge, path in the extension of the road; we then returned to the previous case, with access to the valley from the northwest.
We will probably prefer the path that goes to the right towards the Pas de l'Arpète (Alt. 2 510 m), east-southeast. You then have to go back down to the refuge (Alt. 2 110 m)
Recommendations :
The prehistoric site is protected and do not go far from the GR 52. To fully enjoy this walk to Mount Bego it is necessary to be accompanied by a guide, on site in front of the refuge, at h or to 11 h, duration of the visit: h .
Recommended season : From June 15 to September 15. Before June 15, the site may be snow-covered. After September 15 the refuge is disrupted by the closure at the end of the month.
In July and August the valley is saturated, the refuge too. We can bivouac with good equipment.
Outside of this season, it is necessary to have an insulated tent and good mountain duvets. The nights are cool. As long as it rains or a thunderstorm breaks out on Mont du Diable, you will be afraid.
The mountain can be dangerous Mountain weather 08 99 71 02 06; key *, then key 4. Fixed part tariff (1,35 ) then per minute (0,34 ).
The return: Obviously via one of the trails already described (**), or an extra return via Lake Autier (***), very little described, very little frequented. In the latter case you must be well equipped, with good mountain boots for the descent from the scree to the lake. You may be lucky enough to come face to face with ibex. The descent of Lake Autier is superb to the Countet bridge. The arrival is located between the path of the Nice refuge and that of the Pont de l'Arpète.

To learn

We can read

Some books may be available at the St Martin media library, it is also possible to buy them at the bookstore (next to the Town Hall).

  • Wandering star of J. M. G. Le Clézio. Historical novel. It is the story of a young girl during the displacement of the Jewish community during the Italian occupation. During the disagreement between Hitler and Mussolini, with the arrival of the Nazis in St Martin, the flight to Italy via the Fenestre pass had some unpleasant surprises. JMG Le Clézio stayed as a child with his mother and brother in the hinterland of Nice, she was able to share her memories with him.
  • More details at CRDP Logo indicating a link to the website
  • The refugee from St Martin by Jacqueline Dana. Historical novel. In 1943, in the midst of turmoil, a village in the southern Alps, Saint Martin Vésubie, occupied by the Italian Fourth Army, saw the utopian dream of a better and fraternal world.
  • Pagarine Route by Christian Maria. Novel. The Pagarine road linked Nice to Piedmont via the Fenestre pass. For centuries, it has enabled salt to be transported on mules to Cuneo and to the Mediterranean coast to bring wheat, sheets and hides back to the Mediterranean coast.
  • Learn more about the novel Logo indicating a link to the website
  • The salt road Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link – Description. The salt journey from Hyères to Nice and Piedmont. UPSTREAM.
  • Death of a shepherd F.O. GIESBERT. Nice novel. Marcel Parpaillon, an old shepherd, eighty years old and a bad feeling, ...
  • Man upside down Fred Vargas. Distracting detective novel. The werewolf of Mercantour.
Tales and legends of Mercantour
  • Devil's hole by Maurice Ricci
  • A week of storytelling in the Mercantour. Alain Grinda, François Barré.
When a storyteller meets another storyteller, when these two storytellers walk in the mountains do they really see the paths, the rocks, the larch forests, the engravings of the Wonders or other more imaginary wonders? Do they meet the real shepherds, the guardians of refuges, the pretty hikers, the wolves of Mercantour or werewolves, Masks, lions in love?
Culture and heritage
  • Publications of the Mountain and Heritage Association Logo indicating a link to the website
See as well

To work

Seasonal work is possible. Inquire at the Tourist Offices of Saint Martin Vésubie and Valdeblore[5]

To buy

The mountain cheese is of excellent quality at reasonable prices.

Mountain honey.

Try the blueberry and raspberry pies.

Perugines: small sausages to grill cut in half lengthwise.

The socca. Very thin pancake made from chickpea flour, a bit like plain pancakes. Can be enjoyed on the run or on the terrace of a bar. In the villages it is generally prepared on very large plates by street vendors during the holidays.

The County beer, a white or blond beer brewed in Saint-Martin-Vésubie.

  • Sarah and Nicolas Verdun alleys, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 6 23 427329 – Homemade ice creams and jams, a good address for gourmets.


You can eat at all prices. A complete list of restaurants, with prices, is available at the Tourist Office and can be viewed on their website. [6]

  • Restaurant La Treille is recommended by several tourist organizations for its daily cuisine with fresh products.
  • The tea room & restaurant The Lady of Hearts, is known for its market, family and quality cuisine.
  • Restaurant The old oven for Nice cuisine[7].
  • A good option if you have a means of transport (or on foot): The Champouns route de Venanson famous for its pizzas. In addition, we can stay there[8].

The bakery sandwiches are plentiful and of excellent quality. It is ideal for mountain walks.

It should be noted that water from the sources of Saint-Martin is recommended. You can fill your gourds at the fountain located at 100 meters above the media library and the school, at the corner of rue Cagnoli (Rue du Ruisseau)

Have a drink / Go out

Bars are few. The Saint-Martinois meet on the terraces of the bars near the Town Hall.

  • Drink a pot on the terrace at Alps bar opposite the bakery At Amandine.
  • At Amandine, bakery-pastry shop, on the square Possibility of drinking and eating with the family.
  • To the Mercantour Tavern at the top of Avenue Kellermann. Have a drink with friends, calm your hunger with a good pizza.

The boxes are located elsewhere (See La Colmiane).

  • Cinema screenings on Saturday evenings at 21 h (For now, place de la gare)
  • Conferences, film club, etc. at the Valléenne media library.
  • Various concerts and shows in the evening during the summer period.


You can find accommodation at all prices, in hotels, furnished accommodation, campsites, stopover lodges.

  • 1 The Champouns (Domaine les Champouns- SCI La Mithidière) Logo indicating a link to the website Route de Venanson (At the exit of the village of Saint-Martin-Vésubie), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 4 93 032372, 33 680 13 77 02 (cellphone), e-mail : room available from 16 h, to be released before 10 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs 18 . – It welcomes people looking for a haven of peace all year round. Hikers, families who wish to celebrate an event can be accommodated in classified furnished accommodation, the stopover lodge, small wooden chalets and eat at the Pizzeria. You can rent a beautiful space with a sensational view. (Private parkings). It is possible to organize birthdays, weddings, communions, baptisms for you. Bar (license IV), large screen television to share the broadcasting of sporting and other events. View of the Vésubie valley, the mountains and the village of Saint-Martin-Vésubie as well as the hilltop village of Venanson. Starting points for many hikes and mountain activities. 2 female llamas, 2 dogs and 2 cats delight children and image hunters. Warm family welcome.
  • Camping at Ferme Saint Joseph Logo indicating a link to the website Saint Joseph district, Logo indicating a telephone number  33670519014, e-mail :  – Ideal family campsite for a stay of relaxation and discovery of our natural environment between the Mediterranean Sea and the high Alpine peaks. pitches for tents, Caravans, Motorhomes and Rooms

To stay in contact

  • THE'ADSL (Internet) is available and free near the Town Hall.
  • Telephone operators Orange, SFR, Bouyges and Free are operational. (All mobile operators are available through these major operators.)
  • The post office is open every day except Saturday afternoon and Sunday to send, or receive, mail or packages.


  • Cell phones rarely work when traveling away in the mountains.
  • Babies and stroke: Seek medical advice: Babies should not be taller than 1000 meters. It is advisable to go up to St Martin in two or three stages (respiratory risks). In the event of a problem, immediately descend to low altitude. The same is true for young children. People at risk of having a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) should not climb in a single milking to an altitude of more than 1000 meters. It should be mounted in several stages over several days.
  • Mountain races: Remember to equip yourself against the cold in all seasons. Deaths have occurred in recent years following errors in the journey at the start of the night.
  • Help, emergencies. Tel 18 (Firemen) or 112 (General call)
  • Defibrillators:
  • On the facade of the town hall, under the arcades, on the right.
  • At the Saint Antoine hospital in St Martin Vésubie, near the reception desk. Tel 04 93 03 20 09 then 2
  • Place de la Frairie, under the wash house.
  • At Boréon, reception chalet, 1st floor, near the fire hose.
  • À La Madone de Fenestre (awaiting installation)


  • Dr. Jacques Dadoun Villa Costabelle 225, allée Louis Fulconi, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 493 033 341, fax : 33 493 033 975 – General medicine - Ultrasound
  • Mercantour Pharmacy, Dr L. Angeli 50, rue du Dr Cagnoli, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 493 032 002
  • Reymondet ST MARTIN, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 612 272 258 (cellphone) – Very busy !
  • Pastorino-Lea Martine 57, rue du Docteur CAGNOLI, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 633 620 121, e-mail :  – State registered nurse
  • Stinging Bees Roquebilliere, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 682 367 478 (cellphone) – Alternative solution
  • Lea , Logo indicating a telephone number  33 493 033 030
  • L. Pagnaz 3, Bd Lazare Raiberti, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 493 024 539 – Functional rehabilitation practice

Manage the day-to-day

You will find everything you need in the village; food, and clothing adapted to the mountain.

The village has two small supermarkets, two bakeries and a pastry shop. You will be astonished by the quality of the reception of the small traders who will know how to advise you usefully, they are almost all in the street of the doctor Cagnoli (street of the stream) or near.

It is possible to eat at all prices, there is no product overvaluation as in some towns on the coast.


  • The pine train Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link – With direct access to your hikes.
  • The train of Wonders Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link – Flyer of the train des Merveilles with the hikes
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