Angel jump - Salto Ángel


The Angel jump (Kerepakupai Vená in Pemón, which means "jump from the deepest place") it is the highest waterfall in the world, with a height of 979 m (807 m of uninterrupted fall).

A view of Angel Falls

It is known as Parekupa-meru by the local Pemón Indians, but he earned the name Angel after American pilot Jimmy Angel crashed while landing at the Auyan Tepuy while searching the area for gold in 1937. Instead, he came across the spectacular waterfall. After 11 days of hiking, he reached Kamarata and made his find public. His plane was later recovered and can be seen in front of the airport in Ciudad Bolívar. After his death in 1956, his ashes were sprinkled on Angel Falls. The area is full of grasslands, with some dense jungle along the course of the rivers and at the base of the numerous tepuis or flat-topped mountains. Angel Falls is located on the side of the largest tepuis in Venezuela known as Auyan-tepui. Angel Falls is deep within the National Park. The falls are about 5 hours away in a canoe upstream from the town of Canaima. Most of the park's attractions can only be visited with a guided tour of Canaima. These can be booked from outside of Venezuela, from Caracas, or from Bolivar City, but the prices are much more competitive in Bolivar City. Most of the tours that take you to the foot of the falls are two nights (one in Canaima, one to the falls) and three days, and all of the following three elements are combined (and also include food and transportation). Alternatively, you can hire shorter excursions just to go up to Angel Falls and vice versa. A typical tour will include the flight to Canaima, and after three days of meals and accommodation (very basic) at the different campsites along the river towards the falls. The trip involves several hours in a canoe and a couple of hours of hiking through gallery forest to the main viewpoint below the falls. Most tour guides speak Spanish with limited English.Two day excursions run to the foot of the falls by motorized canoe (curiara). On the first day, a five- or six-hour boat ride will take you to base camp. From there it is an hour's walk to the foot of the waterfall. Here you can take pictures and swim. We will spend the night in hammocks and the next day another five hours will take you back to Canaima. Although plane flights are arranged separately, all tours are run by a cooperative that organizes excursions as boats fill up. Angel Falls is one of the few places in Venezuela where a traveler does not have to wait to be part of a group of tourists.A half day excursion takes you to Anatoly Island, very close to the town of Canaima, where some other waterfalls are visited as Salto Sapo. Some of them have a curtain of water that one can walk behind. Just west of Canaima is a beautiful lagoon with water stained a tea color by the vegetation of the area, and with a beautiful view of the waterfalls and mountain tepui.


View of Roraima

The journey to the fall itself has many attractions. Boat trips and jungle walks offer a unique view of Venezuela's flora, fauna, and terrain. If the water flow is gentle enough, you can swim in the small pool that forms below the falls.Apart from trips to Angel Falls, Canaima National Park offers some challenging hiking, including trips to the 700 square kilometers of the Auyantepui, which can be organized in Bolivar City. The hike to the top of the small village of Uruyen takes three days on hard slopes, and the final climb of a cleft in the massive rock wall is a tough fight, but the payoff is immense - the scenery is surreal, with groups of -Eating pitcher plants insects cling to bare rock, and unlike Mount Roraima, you hardly meet another soul. Trips usually spend a couple of days at the top, and take 2 days to return to either Uruyen or Kavac. The weather can be damp and cold in the tepui - bring a warm fleece and some raincoats! The resort town of Kavac has a bar, a small handicraft shop, and traditional huts with comfortable beds or hammocks. Stay one morning before your flight and someone will offer to show you to the "caves", really a narrow canyon that leads to a waterfall and a refreshing pool.


  • 1  Canaima Camp, Canaima (Kanaimö Indigenous Community). 58 414 2877554. 120 rooms built like houses, divided into double, triple and quadruple rooms, which remain an excellent architectural approach that respects the natural landscape and has all the necessary amenities and amenities for guests, daily maid service, hot water, electricity and private baths. At a point on the Laguna de Canaima is the restaurant, where you can enjoy an exquisite and varied cuisine.Check-in time: 9AM.Departure time: noon.Price: $ 120.
  • Camp Venetur, Canaima National Park, Western Sector, Canaima Lagoon. 58 289 54027-47; 58 289 5402746. Invalid phone format, : . 105 rooms, Restaurant and Soda Fountain, Rooms for meetings or parties, Recreational activities ranging from mountain bike rental to explore the Kanaimö Indigenous Community, accompanied by a guide, enjoy the beach located on the shore of the Canaima lagoon, and excursions to El Sapo Falls, and Angel Falls.Check-in time: 9AM.Departure time: noon.Price: $ 120.
  • Jungle Rudy's Ucaima Camp, Canaima National Park, Western Sector, Canaima Lagoon. 58 414 8615263; 58 286 9521529 Invalid phone format, : . Located two kilometers from the famous Canaima lagoon, with a privileged location on the banks of the Carrao River, is this small tourist comfort camp in the jungle, founded by Rudolf Truffino, better known as Jungle Rudy (1956). It has 5 cabins and 15 rooms (5 doubles, 3 doubles, 5 triples and 2 quadruple with a maximum capacity of 39 people), with their respective private bathroom and hammocks on their balconies; pleasant natural environment. The camp offers its excursion services through the different areas of Canaima, where the visit to Angel Falls has a refuge that consists of 2 cabins with 6 comfortable rooms (2 doubles, 2 triples and 2 quintuplets with bunk beds with a maximum capacity of 20 people), public bathrooms, a Living-Dining Room with excellent views of the Angel Falls and the Auyantepui, as well as a gastronomic service based on grills.Check-in time: 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.Departure time: before 09:00 h.
    Unknown subtype value (s): 3

To camp

Camping is not allowed, especially if the place is not supervised or act, and this is strictly enforced in the region around Angel Falls. This to maintain the safety of tourists and the environmental maintenance of the place.

Keep safe

Generally, it is advisable for tourists to bring the following materials:

  • Flashlight
  • Insect repellent
  • Waterproof
  • Sunscreen
  • Swimsuit (if desired)
  • Hat or Cap
  • Light Clothing (Shorts, Flannels)
  • 2 Pairs of Sports Shoes (especially if they are water shoes)

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