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Sancti Spiritus
Mural of the old bridge over the Yayabo
Mural of the old bridge over the Yayabo
Postal code
21 ° 56 ′ 2 ″ N 79 ° 26 ′ 38 ″ W
Official site

Sancti Spiritus founded by Diégo Vélazquez in 1514 is located in the central region of the island. It has become the capital of the homonymous province. The province is bordered to the north by the Atlantic Ocean and to the south by the Caribbean Sea, and this region of the country is characterized by the cultivation of sugar cane, tobacco, livestock and fishing.


The town of Sancti Spiritus is a town that must be visited to know a part of the history cuban because of the well-preserved colonial buildings and its culture, not to mention its simple, friendly, cheerful and hospitable inhabitants.

To go

  • 1 Sancti Spirítus inter-provincial Ómnibus station (Sancti Spirítus Interprovincial Bus Terminal) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Carretera Central km 388 Esq. B, Maso, Logo indicating a telephone number  53 41 334983, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs 23 CUC since Havana. – Most certainly the best way to get to Sancti Spíritus, you will normally arrive at the city bus terminal (Sancti Spíritus Interprovincial Bus Terminal in Spanish). It is possible to take Via Azul buses through most of the major cities in the provinces of the country.


There are very few taxis, or even none, your means of transport will surely be a horse-drawn cart or bicycle taxis (bicitaxi in Spanish). It is also possible to take the bus.

To see

  • Yayabo Bridge (the oldest bridge in Cuba)
  • The Town Center
  • The Museo de Arte Colonial
  • Plaza Mayor
  • La Casa de la Trova Miguel Copanioni
  • La Casa de Promociones Musicales
  • The Teatro Principal
  • Lake Zaza, a paradise for pike and shad fishing.


To buy


Have a drink / Go out




Ideal place for fishermen who will find all the pleasures of fishing on Lake Zaza with fishing guides and equipment rental.

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Complete list of other articles in the region: Central Cuba