Santa Severina - Santa Severina

Santa Severina
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Santa Severina is a Italian Parish in the Crotone Province in Calabria with approx. 2,030 inhabitants (as of 2018) and is a member of the association I borghi più belli d’Italia (official website) The most beautiful places in Italy.


Location and dates

Santa Severina is 30 km northwest of Crotone on the right bank of the Neto River. The neighboring communities are Belvedere di Spinello, Caccuri, Castelsilano, Rocca di Neto, Roccabernarda, San Mauro Marchesato and Scandale.


The place got its current name in the 9th century. In 840 the city was taken over by the Saracens occupied and freed again in 866 by Nikephoros Phocas. In 1074 the city was owned by the Normans Robert Guiscard conquered. The Greek quarter of Grecia was destroyed by an earthquake on February 20, 1783 and was never rebuilt.

getting there

Map of Santa Severina

By plane

By train

By bus

In the street

Santa Severina is from Crotone about the SS107bis to reach, distance approx. 30 km


Tourist Attractions

  • The historic town center, which is one of the best preserved in the region, is worth seeing.
  • 1  Concattedrale di Sant'Anastasia, Piazza Campo, 88832 Santa Severina KR,. The Cathedral of Santa Anastasia was built from 1274 to 1295. The middle portal is still original, the other two were renewed in 1705. From the cathedral you can get to the Byzantine 8th century baptistery restored in 1927. Four extensions were later added to the round floor plan.
  • 2  Castello di Santa Severina (Carafa Castle), Piazza Campo. The oldest parts of the Norman castle date from the 11th century. The Normans were followed as builders by the French Anjou and the Spanish Aragonese. In the 16th century the castle was brought into its present state by Count Andrea Carafa.
  • 3  Chiesa del Pozzoleo (Santa Filomena), Via della Libertà, 4,. At the entrance to the village is the 11th century church of Santa Flilomena.
  • 4  Chiesa di Sant'Anna, Corso de Risio.







Practical advice



Web links

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