Sargans - Sargans

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Sargans is a Swiss City in the canton St. Gallen.


The city is strategically located at the foot of the Gonzen, where the Seeztal, which leads from Walensee, flows into the Rhine Valley, and is also known as the “double gate to the Alps”.

The Romans already mined iron ore at Gonzen, and the ruins of a Roman manor from the 1st-3rd centuries AD were also found. Century found.

The village of Sargans was first mentioned in 765 as "Senegaune". There is evidence of a church from the 9th century, and from 1100 the first tower of Sargans Castle was built. The castle was the center of the County of Sargans until 1798 and gave its name to the noble family of the Counts of Werdenberg-Sargans. This family founded the city of Sargans around 1260, which also received city rights. In 1811 a city fire raged, to which all buildings in the old town within the wall except for the church and the chaplaincy fell victim. Since the town was rebuilt in a short time and all buildings were rebuilt promptly, it makes a uniform impression.

getting there

By plane

By train

The Sargans train station is a railway junction, as the Rhine Valley route and the left Zurich Lake route unite here to lead to Chur. All trains stop at the station. In long-distance traffic these are; the IC and IR of (Basel) -Zürich-Chur, the EC (EN) Zurich-Feldkirch-Vienna, the RE St. Gallen-Buchs-Chur. The various bus routes to the surrounding area stop in front of the station building. As part of the Local transport project S-Bahn-Liechtenstein An expansion of the Feldkirch - Buchs SG railway line to double lanes and the establishment of a cross-border S-Bahn service is planned, which provides for an extension of the route coming from Feldkirch via Schaan-Vaduz and Buchs SG to Sargans.

In the street

The Sargans autobahn exit is located on the A3, which shortly thereafter merges into the Sarganserland junction in the A13 on the level near Sargans. The journey from St.Margreten (motorway connection from Germany via Bregenz) was made via the A13 which continues to Chur. However, at the Sarganserland junction, you briefly change to the A3.


Map of Sargans

The old town can easily be explored on foot. Most of the sights are actually within walking distance, but the castle is elevated and can therefore only be reached with a bit of sweat.

Tourist Attractions

  • The Old town as a whole is worth seeing. Through it introduces since 2007 Culture trail, which explains the most important buildings with display boards in German and English.
  • Sargans Castle. Sargans Castle is visible from afar on a rocky promontory above the city. The Sarganserland local history museum is located in Bergfrid.
  • Church of St. Oswald and Casian. The Catholic Church of St. Oswald and Casian was rebuilt in 1709. The Gothic lower part of the previous church was used for the tower. It and the chaplaincy standing next to it were the only buildings that survived the fire of 1811.
  • Chapel of St. Sebastian. The chapel of St. Sebastian on Splee is located below the castle on the same rocky promontory. It was built in 1502.
  • town hall
  • Broderhaus
  • Archaeological site of Roman manor
  • Gonzen mine
  • Sarganserland local history museum. Historical development of the region. There are found objects from the region, as well as the economic development. Also includes a natural history section that deals with the typical fauna and flora of the region.
  • Lady Chapel, in Wiler Vild.







Practical advice



Web links

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