On page - Sayda

page, the city in the south of Lebanon, the center of the South region. Located on the Mediterranean coast south of Beirut, the city has a population of 266,000. In the ancient period, Sayda, an important Phoenician city, was known at that time. SidonStop.


The city was founded as early as 6800 BC, according to some claims. In the Old Testament (Torah) Sidon is referred to as such, in the form of 'the firstborn of Canaan', which may have come from Saidoune ibn Canaan, the town's possible founder. B.C. As early as the 14th and 15th centuries, Sidon made its name as a trading center with strong trade ties with Ancient Egypt. The city rose to prominence for several centuries from the 12th century BC; his wealth at this time; It was obtained from the trade in mureks, a mollusk that produces an expensive, highly prized purple dye, and over time became known as the color of royalty and was eventually used to the point of extinction. Like other Phoenician provinces, Sidon repeatedly suffered in conquest. B.C. In the 1200s, the Philistines destroyed the city (as well as its fleet of merchant ships), eclipsing Sidon as the most important Phoenician center of Tire. Although often under the control of Tire or forced to pay tribute to the Assyrians, the city regained its status as a trading post and was only destroyed by the Assyrian king Esarhaddon in 675 BC.


Like many Phoenician cities, Sidon was built on a promontory with an offshore island that protected the harbor from storms and hurricanes and provided a safe haven in times of danger. During its reign, the Temple of Echmoun was built about two kilometers northeast of the city. Inscriptions found there reveal that Phoenician Sidon was built in two parts: the maritime city and Sidon Yam; and the upper part (Sidon Sadeh, built on the lower spurs of the region's mountain range, is a place upwind of the sickening scent produced by mureks paintwork.)





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It is claimed that the golden years of the city came during the Persian Empire (now Iran) period (525-332 BC), when the city was the capital of the fifth Province covering Syria, Palestine and the island of Cyprus. Apart from Mureks, Sayda was famous for its glassmaking, which is considered the best in the world.


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